visual page

[ˈvɪʒuəl pedʒ][ˈviʒuəl peidʒ]


  • If there is some visual defect on the page it 's pretty easy to figure out what piece of code ( component ) is causing the problem .

    如果 页面上存在 外观缺陷,很容易发现是哪段代码(组件)导致的问题。

  • The last two features highlighted in this article will be appreciated by developers who prefer to work directly with JSP source code not with the visual representation of the page .

    这篇文章在最后强调的两个特性是喜欢直接利用JSP源代码,而不使用 页面的可 视图的开发人员特别重视的。

  • To lay great emphasis on the principle to visual design applied to web page space and color is the key factor to web page and also comes up with the united problem on visual design .

    强调了 网页设计中灵活运用 视觉设计原理的重要性,分析了“空间”和“色彩”是网页 视觉设计的关键要素的原因,提出了 网页视觉设计中的统一性问题。

  • A visual creating technology of EC web page based on Web page element component

    一种基于网页元素构件的电子商务 网页 可视化创建技术

  • The function and representation of visual flow in web page designing was firstly discussed ;

    首先分析了 视觉流程在 网页设计中的作用、 视觉流程在网页 界面中的表现方式;

  • The experiments show that the topology-based method can detect phishing websites effectively with high accuracy and high recall rate . Secondly from the visual similarity perspective : a suspicious web page often looks like a legal normal page .

    最终,根据分类器的输出来判断钓鱼网站。实验证明,基于网站拓扑结构的钓鱼 网页检测方法在提高精度和召回率方面是有效的。第二,从网站 视觉相似性的出发。

  • The most effective ways of organizing content and using type and color sources of visual images the ins and outs of page layout and much more all can be found .

    这些作品的内容使用类型和颜色, 视觉图像,和 页面布局可以给我们提供很多的方式和灵感。

  • Application Research of Visual Layout in Interface Design of Exchange Web Page

    视觉编排在交易型 网页界面设计中的应用研究

  • As an important design element color impacts Web page design widely and extensively though it was not commonly recognized as a crucial visual element like lines and words in Web page design .

    色彩作为一种重要的设计语言,对于 网页设计的影响是深刻而广泛的。

  • When you create a new mobile web page in visual studio the page contains one empty form .

    创建新的移动web 窗体页时,该 包含一个空窗体。

  • This is a lively visual language of the page .

    这是一种活泼性的 版面 视觉语言。

  • Beyond Vision Selective Visual Attention and the Distribution of Hot Visual Areas on the Web Page

    选择性视觉注意与 网页 视觉热区分布的研究

  • Problems are discussed about the management of multitask the design of virtual test-bed and the design of visual supervising page .

    重点讨论了多任务管理, 可视化监控 页面设计等问题。

  • Gets a visual style element that represents a page backward indicator of a pager control in the hot state .

    获取一个 视觉样式元素,该元素表示处于热状态的页导航控件 页面向后指示符。

  • The beautiful web design has a direct impact on the visual effect and propaganda of the web page and yet words are the most important part in the web page . That needs web designers to design the web page with more beautiful fonts .

    美观的Web界面设计直接影响着 网页 视觉效果及宣传力度,而 网页中最重要的一部分就是文字,这就要求网页设计师使用更漂亮的字体进行页面设计。

  • If you reload ( or reopen ) the page you 'll see nothing different at all ; the addition of an id attribute has no visual effect on a Web page .

    如果重新加载(或者打开)该页面,可以看到毫无变化,增加id属性对 网页 外观没有影响。

  • It brings great effect to the readability and visual comfort of a web page .

    它对 网页的可读性、 视觉舒适性都会产生极大的影响。

  • The core of freedom of layout design is to break the visual constraints visual page elements and composition of any part of the free combination which gave a visual considerable freedom and strengthen the perception of the effect .

    自由版式设计的核心是打破视觉限制, 页面中的任何 视觉元素都是构图的一部分,可自由组合,这给予了视觉了相当大的自由性,强化了观感效果。

  • How to Access Visual Foxpro database based on Active Server Page


  • Second research in the semi-structured web page information of visual features and some heuristic rules based on visual features to page block .

    其次,研究了Web中半结构化页面的视觉特征信息和基于 视觉特征对 页面分块的启发式规则。

  • Optical centre : The visual centre o fa page . Its position is on the vertical centre line about 2 / 5 of the page depth from the head of the page .

    视觉中点: 页面 视觉上的中心点。它的位置在垂直分中线上,从天头计,书页深度5分之2的地方。

  • Concrete poetry ( poetry that uses its visual appearance on the page to achieve its effect )

    具体诗歌(从 版面上的 视觉形象来达到效果的诗歌)。

  • In this paper the architecture model achieve the access and management of network service by the binding components supporting different protocols achieve the core functions of the network service management in the middleware and provide users with a visual display by Web page .

    本文设计的架构模型通过支持不同协议的绑定组件实现对网络服务资源的接入和管理,在中间件中实现网络服务管理的核心功能,通过Web 页面为用户提供 可视化的展示。

  • First we give visual consideration to page layout and illustrate the relation between The Rhetorical Situation and the visual factor of the newspaper layout .

    首先,对 版面进行 视觉化思考,阐释修辞情境与版面视觉语言的关系。

  • Visual Center of Management in Web News Page

    网络新闻 版面处理的 视觉中心

  • Rivers : Undesirable visual effect on a text page in which bands of white lines seen down the page caused by large word spacing .

    川流:因字词间空白过多,造成 英文书页 内文出现从上向下的白色条子的不良 视觉效果。

  • You can create it using a text editor or a favorite graphical visual Web page editor .

    您可以使用文本编辑器或者喜欢的图形化 可视 网页编辑器创建该文件。

  • Too much variety causes visual chaos on the page with each different colored or bold item competing for your attention .

    页面上过多的 内容显得非常 凌乱,每一种不同的颜色或是粗体条目信息都在吸引你的眼球。

  • Visual Design and Implementation for Personalize Web Page Editor

    个性化 网页编辑器的 可视化设计与实现

  • These controls change the appearance of the entire visual display-Normal view Page Layout view and Outline view .

    这些控件改变整个 视觉显示的外观,即正常视图、 页面布局和大纲视图。