



  • Viva Las Vegas see ya later at the crap tables .

    拉斯维加斯, 万岁到时候 桌前见。

  • The Macao government could choose to reinstate Viva 's AOC with or without new partners or pursue discussions with other airlines about entering the market which is dominated by state-owned Air Macau .

    澳门政府可选择重 非凡 营运 无论其是否 找到新的合作伙伴),或寻求与打算进入澳门市场的其它航空公司进行谈判。

  • From its modest beginnings 14 years ago Viva Glam has grown into one of the world 's boldest and largest examples of cause-related marketing the practice of boosting sales by pledging a share of proceeds to non-profit activities .

    从14年前平凡起步,到如今, VivaGlam已成为全球公益事业关联营销最大胆、规模最大的样板之一。这种营销手段承诺将收益的一部分捐给非营利性活动,借此推动销售。

  • Viva Las Vegas ! Obama apologizes to'Sin City ' .

    奥巴马劝国人不去 赌城,得罪市长忙道歉。

  • I 'm not allowed to drink it on tour as caffeine messes with my voice * but hey * I 'm not working now so viva non-fat decaf latte I say .

    我在巡演的时候不准喝它,因为咖啡因会弄糟我的嗓音,但是嗨,我现在不工作了,所以我要说脱脂无咖啡因咖啡 万岁

  • The opening follows a dispute between Viva Macau a start-up budget airline and the Macao government .

    这一 机会 源自初创的廉价航空公司 非凡航空 viva macau 与澳门政府之间的争执。

  • I have followed Viva Glam since it was first launched she says .


  • On April 1 viva challenged the revocation as unprecedented and legally invalid .

    4月1日, 非凡对吊销 营运 提出异议,称 此事实属史无前例”、“ 并无法律依据”。

  • Some members of the huge crowd shouted ' Viva peace viva . '

    浩浩荡荡的人群中有些人呼喊“和平 万岁!万岁!”的口号。

  • And Viva Glam definitely has image benefits for the overall company .

    而且 VivaGlam对整个公司的形象绝对有好处。

  • Chants of Viva Cristina erupted as Kirchner effectively traded her position as first lady for that of president .

    就职 仪式上,当这位阿根廷前“第一夫人” 正式“加冕”总统,全场爆发出“克里斯蒂娜 万岁”的阵阵欢呼。

  • One issue is how far MAC 's cause-related model can work outside the US and the UK where it both raises and donates most via Viva Glam to HIV .

    有一个问题是,MAC的公益事业关联模式在英美以外的地区究竟能有多大作用。目前,MAC通过 VivaGlam为HIV募集和捐献的资金大多来自英美。

  • A thunderous roar erupted across the Spanish capital and fans danced in the streets chanting Viva Espana ! as the country 's first ever World Cup trophy sparked a nationwide fiesta .

    西班牙首次夺冠世界杯,举国上下一片欢庆。雷鸣般的欢呼声响彻西班牙首都,球迷们在街上一边跳舞一边高喊着西班牙 万岁

  • After that he will be flown to Las Vegas to watch Viva Elvis the Cirque du Soleil show based on Elvis'music .

    在那之后,他将飞到拉斯维加斯去观看“埃尔维斯 万岁”,取材于埃尔维斯音乐的太阳马戏团的演出。

  • The authors selected 940 participants in Project Viva who enrolled during early pregnancy from 1999 to 2002 .

    该研究纳入了 940名1999-2002间在怀孕早期参与的受试者。

  • Macao 's civil aviation authority revoked Viva 's air operator certificate on March 28 .

    3月28日,澳门民航局吊销了 非凡的航空营运 AOC

  • According to executives involved last year AirAsia held preliminary talks on the future of Viva with Mr Ho before Mr Chui replaced him as chief executive in December .

    据相关高管表示,去年亚航曾就 非凡的未来与 时任行政长官的何厚铧展开初步谈判(崔世安后于去年12月接任行政长官一职)。

  • After correcting typesetting printing and biding fulfill the Viva form get supervisor 's signature and submit to the Registrar of Faculty of Arts .

    修改,排版,打印,装订,最后 好一 表格,获得导师顾问的签字,系主任的签字之后,再提交到大学办公室。

  • VIVA AMIGO leisure in2007 will be the new favorite brands products shoes from the feet and even his clothing and leisure assembly VIVA AMIGO depth will concern the needs of customers .


  • Come Enjoy Connecting In Love I Am Real ! Viva !

    来享受爱的连接吧,我是真 的, 维多利亚

  • Viva Las Vegas and Jailhouse Rock were among the movies .

    “拉斯维加斯 万岁”和“监狱摇滚”包括在电影中。

  • Bill is a buyer for a chain of department stores who has now decided to purchase from Viva .


  • Methods 1 . The in viva release kinetics of a CSR dosage form was processed by Kalman Filter method .

    方法1.以 Kalman滤波法 计算缓释、控释制剂的体内释放动力学;

  • Maximum of two viva ids per player .

    每个玩家 只能 拥有最多两个 账号

  • The Macao government countered that it had acted in the public interest and to protect Macao 's image as a tourism city after a dispute with Viva 's fuel supplier led to flight cancellations and stranded hundreds of customers .

    澳门政府反驳称,它这样做是为了维护公众利益,以及澳门建立的国际旅游城市形象。 非凡 此前 自己的燃料供应商产生纠纷,导致航班被取消、数百名乘客遭滞留。

  • Now I want to go back by my best SPEED to stay at her side VIVA FOREVER to treat my BLACK BLACK HEART with THE WELL of ours .

    此刻,我恨 不得以最快的速度回到她身边,用 自家的水井来 清洗这颗 蒙尘的心,呆在妈妈的身边,永远永远。