
[ˌvɪvɪˈsɛkʃən, ˈvɪvɪˌsɛk-][ˌvɪvɪˈsekʃn]


  • Results : The main clinical symptom were discomfort in stomach becoming thin anemia acid reversion . 5 cases were diagnosed before operation and 4 cases were diagnosed by gastrointestinal image while 2 cases were diagnosed by gastroscopy and vivisection .

    结果:患者以上腹部不适、进行性 消瘦、贫血、返酸为主要临床表现,术前确诊5例,消化道造影确诊2例。

  • Had I been born where laws are less strict and tastes less dainty I should treat myself to a slow vivisection of those two as an evening 's amusement .

    如果我生在法律不怎么严格,风尚比较不大文雅的地方,我一定要把这两位来个慢慢的 活体 解剖,作为晚上的娱乐。

  • Some people may say without vivisection there would not have had so many scientific discoveries .

    有人会说了:没有 动物 试验,就不会有众多的科学发现。

  • Conclusion : There is no diversity between the symptom of primary malignant lymphoma in stomach and gastric cancer . The preoperation diagnosis rate of primary malignant lymphoma in stomach was low which should be concluded by synthesizing and analyzing gastrointestinal image gastroscopy and repeated vivisection .

    结论:胃原发性恶性淋巴瘤的症状和体征与胃癌相比并无 异性,术前确诊率低,应结合消化道造影、胃镜及反复 活检综合 判断

  • But the vivisection started to keep me up at night .

    但是 活体 解剖让我晚上睡不着

  • She aims to educate the public to the horrors of vivisection .

    她旨在使公众懂得 解剖 可怖

  • Vivisection or animal testing is one of the selfish behaviors that we frequently show .


  • But what are the alternatives to vivisection ?

    不过有些什么方法 可以替代 活体 解剖吗?

  • Vivisection : Operation on a living animal for experimental rather than healing purposes ;

    活体 解剖:为了实验而对活的动物做手术,目的不是为了治疗;

  • The victims of vivisection need a hand .

    活体 解剖的受害者需要 帮忙的。

  • I buy this make-up because I know that vivisection hasn 't been used in testing it .

    我买这种化妆品是因为我知道没有采用过 动物 活体 试验来测定其效果。

  • The program only reinforced my view that vivisection is wrong .

    这个节目更让我觉得 活体 解剖是错的。

  • To perform vivisection on ( a living animal ) . PBL Teaching Method in Teaching Human Anatomy

    解剖进行(活体) 解剖PBL教学法在人体解剖学教学中的应用

  • Students practise gathering data for an essay . This unit focuses on an essay on vivisection and in this activity students go to the website to source information .

    学生练习收集文章的资料。本单元着重写一篇关于 活体 解剖的文章,学生可以上网去搜索资料。

  • A Study on Facial Nerve Function Index Electrodiagnosis and Electromyography after Complete Facial Nerve Vivisection

    完整保留面神经的 腮腺肿瘤切除术后面神经功能指数及肌电研究