Voice of America


  • Like playwright Tennessee Williams Faulkner was a major voice who spoke for the troubled heart of the southern states of America .

    同剧作家田纳西·威廉斯一样,福克纳是 美国南方各州苦恼不安的心灵的主要 代言人

  • Robert R.Reilly was the25th director of the Voice of America and served in Operation Iraqi Freedom .

    罗伯特.R。瑞利曾是 美国的第25位台长,并且曾为“自由伊拉克军事行动”服役。

  • Join us again next week for more news about science in Special English on the Voice of America .

    加入我们 下周再为更多关于科学的消息在特别英语。

  • I report news on the Voice of America .

    我在“ 美国 ”报导新闻。

  • The voice of the customer is very important to Bank of America as it continually monitors and improves its customer service .

    客户的 声音是非常重要的 美国银行的,因为它持续监控,并提高其客户服务。

  • At the fourth part I discuss the media diplomacy through the Voice of America and point out that information dissemination is not equal between the East and West country when they carries on the media diplomacy .

    第四章是如何应对 美国 强大的媒体外交 攻势,该章指出发展中国家在进行媒体外交时面临的东西方信息传播不平等,以及努力争取建立国际新闻传播新秩序的问题。

  • It 's one hour thirty universal time here is news in Special English on the voice of America this is Richard Rail reporting from Washington .

    现在是世界时间1:30,这里是 美国的慢速英语新闻节目,理查德.瑞尔在华盛顿为您播音。

  • Every week at this time the Voice of America tells about popular words and expressions used in the United States .

    每周的这一时间, 美国 讲解在美国使用的流行词汇和短语。

  • The Second and the third part studies the status and the function of the Voice of America emphatically in the American diplomacy strategy implementation which is this article key part ;

    第二部分从具体事例着重研究 美国 在美国外交战略实施中的地位和作用;第三部分从理论上探讨 美国与美国媒体外交的关系;

  • The Voice of America in World War II had won the time for the final victory through making chaotic situation for the enemy disintegrating the enemy 's morale and the fighting spirit .

    美国 在二战中,不断地给敌方制造混乱,瓦解对方的士气和斗志,离间敌人和其盟友的关系,为战争的最后胜利赢得了时间。

  • Now in Russia almost no one and then carefully listen to the Voice of America broadcasts .

    现在在俄罗斯,几乎无人再认真收听 美国 的广播。

  • CHARLES : He 's a reporter with the Voice of America .

    查尔斯:他是在“ 美国 ”工作的一名记者。

  • This section consists of four parts for the analysis and generalization of his whole career life : The Weimar Republic The Institute of Social Research The Voice of America and Berkeley .

    本节将其学术生涯概括为四个时期进行了分析:魏玛共和国时期、社会研究所时期、 美国时期和柏克莱时期。

  • I thank especially the members of diplomatic core and the Voice of America for their excellent work .

    我特别要感谢外交使团以及 美国 知音的人士,感谢他们所做的卓越工作。

  • However a Voice of America survey suggests the problem can run both ways according to international education news website The Pie News .

    而据国际教育新闻网ThePieNews报道称, 美国的一项调查显示,这个问题双方都难逃其责。

  • At the Voice of America there are many people who speak one two three or more languages .


  • He reckons for instance that reporting by the voice of America does more harm inside the country than outside criticism of his censorship .

    例如,他认为与国外对他审查制度的批评相比, 美国节目在其国内造成的危害更大。

  • In this Budget the Voice of America to withdraw its Mandarin and Cantonese radio and television shows only to retain its Chinese website and make substantial layoffs .

    在该预算案中, 美国将撤销其普通话和广东话广播以及电视节目,仅保留其中文网站,并进行大幅度裁员。

  • The Voice Of America will bring you another American story next week .


  • Listen again next week at this time for another American story told in Special English on the Voice of America .

    下周同一时间欢迎收听 美国慢速英语节目的另一则美国故事。

  • 1947-The Voice of America begins to transmit radio broadcasts into the Soviet Union .

    1947年的今天,“ 美国”节目开始通过广播收音在苏联的上空飘荡。

  • Earlier in the Voice of America has been ignored in Russia .

    而在更早些时候, 美国 就已经在俄罗斯遭受冷落。

  • Voice of America will run Chinese content to the network and new media .

    美国 将把汉语内容的放送转到网络和新媒体。

  • Unite states involving the World War II has played an important role for victory of the anti-fascist war at the same time the war has also created a media hero which is the Voice of America .

    美国的参战为反法西斯战争的胜利发挥了重要作用,同时也造就了一个媒体英雄,那就是 美国

  • Relevant stories such as Getting plants to rid themselves of pesticide residues have appeared as headlines of overseas media including Voice of America and Science Now .


  • I 'm Phil Murray with Words and Their Stories a program in Special English on the Voice of America .

    我是负责 美国 的《单词和他们的故事》节目的主持人:菲尔。默里。

  • The Voice of America invites you to listen again next week at the same time to another American story told in Special English .


  • The voice of America broadcast its first programme in what it calls Special English in 1959 .

    美国 voice of america)于1959年播出了第一期所谓的“特别英语”(specialenglish)的节目。

  • If the American leaders determine their state policies on the basis of information provided by the Voice of America they will be in trouble .

    如果美国领导人根据 美国 定调,制定国策,要吃亏的。

  • Wednesday is the68th anniversary of the first overseas broadcast by the Voice of America .

    星期三是 美国首次海外广播的68周年纪念日。