volatility product


  • Process capability is known as the actual processing capacity of the production process which is under the control status . Usually process capability is indicated by the volatility of the product quality .

    过程能力,又称工序能力,是指生产过程处于控制状态下的实际加工能力,通常用 产品质量指标的实际 波动 幅度来描述工序能力的大小。

  • Our conclusion are as follows : ( 1 ) the volatility of stock price is function of parameters of investor structure when the elements of market are given such as product structure trading system .

    本文结论如下:(1)在市场 产品机构、交易制度和规则体系等要素给定的情况下,股价 波动是投资者结构参数的函数。

  • The results show that the options value of production outsourcing correlates with volatility of product price volatility of market demand volatility of outsourcing cost positively but with volatility of self-manufacturing cost negatively .

    模拟表明,生产外包的期权价值和 产品市场价格的 变动率、市场需求的变动率及外包成本的变动率是正相关的,而与自制成本的变动率是负相关的。

  • However most of the existing researches merely consider the volatility itself as raw material or finished product but not consider the machinery i.e. the microstructure of securities markets that gives rise to such volatility .

    然而,在已有的有关中国证券市场 波动 的研究中大多只考虑这些 波动 的原材料或 成品,而不对 生产这些波动性的加工机器即证券市场微观结构进行考察。

  • Studies have shown that the optimization process of the grinding operation can reduce the volatility of product size lower the dressing cost and improve the ore processing capacity .

    研究表明,磨矿过程的优化运行能够减少 产品粒度的 波动,降低选矿的成本,提高矿石处理量。

  • Aiming at the volatility of demand in the supply chain the feedback controller was used to maintain product inventory of each node so that the supply chain reached stabilization .

    针对在供应链中需求的多 变性,应用反馈控制器来维持所有节点的 产品库存,以此达到供应链的稳定。

  • Sourcing local ingredients cuts supply chain price volatility and logistics inventory and import duty costs – and the result is a product priced 20 % less than barley beer .

    在产地购买原材料可以减少供应链的价格 波动、降低物流、库存和进口关税成本&因此 价格要比大麦啤酒低20%。

  • Instead of the constant historical volatility we use daily volatility for Monte Carlo simulation to price the options part of the product .

    使用每日 波动 代替传统中为常数的历史波动率,利用蒙特卡罗模拟 结构性存款 中期权部分的价格。

  • When the volatility of product price or the uncertainty of market demand or the uncertainty of outsourcing cost increases or the uncertainty of manufacturing-in-house decreases it will be more valuable to outsource the products .

    当市场需求的 变动 增加、 价格的不确定性增加、或者外包成本的不确定性增加,或者自制成本的变动率降低,生产外包就越有利。