



  • This hair style was brought into vogue by Hollywood stars .

    这种发型由好莱坞明星带进 时尚 潮流的。

  • This style of writing has had a great vogue .

    这种写作风格曾大为 风行

  • In fashion today 's vogue is often tomorrow 's heresy .

    在时装方面,今天的 流行款式往往就是明天的旁门左道。

  • Pale colours are much more in vogue than autumnal bronzes and coppers .

    浅色比黄褐色和红棕色这些秋季色彩更 流行

  • That 's all the vogue now .

    现在正 这个呢!

  • So have a liking for to the vogue and the function .

    这样看上去 时尚 和实用性。

  • Long skirts were then all the vogue .

    那时 兴长裙子。

  • This design ( or style ) is no longer in vogue ( or is out of fashion now ) .

    这种式样已经不 时兴了。

  • This hairstyle is in vogue .

    这款发型正 流行中。

  • How sweet it is to have my first pattern published in Vogue Knitting magazine !

    如何甜,是让我的第一个模式在出版 时尚针织杂志!

  • A vogue for real or imitation Oriental silks .

    东方真丝或其仿制品的 风行

  • This style of writing had a vogue .


  • The French style of trousers is very much in vogue just now .

    法国式裤子现在非常 流行

  • The whole architecture is romantic classic and absolutely vogue .

    整体建筑理性中不失浪漫,经典而又绝对 时尚

  • Despite the vogue for so-called health teas there is no evidence that they are any healthier

    尽管 现在 流行所谓的健康茶饮,但没有证据证明这些茶更有益健康。

  • At the moment you are in favour but believe me when you are no longer in vogue I will be .

    别看你一时 走红,等你过了 就该轮到我了。

  • Wool body suits will retain their vogue next autumn .

    羊毛紧身衣裤明年秋季会继续 流行

  • Look at that one . It 's very much in vogue now .

    请看那一个,现在它十分 流行

  • High heels on women 's shoes are in vogue .

    妇女的鞋子正 时兴高跟。

  • Furthermore we often live in societies that value that which is new or in vogue .

    此外,我们通常是生活在一个崇尚新 事物 时尚 东西的社会里。

  • In Britain there 's been something of a vogue for these books .

    在英国,这些书 还算 流行

  • She has had many credits and namechecks in American Vogue .

    美国版《 时尚》多次对她进行赞扬或是提到她的名字。

  • A new vogue in caps seemed to have set in .

    一种新式 的帽子似乎 流行 起来了。

  • You rely on Vogue to bring you the latest in women 's wear .

    女装依靠 时尚把你带人一个最新的 时代

  • We can find what this year is popular and also what the next year will be in vogue .

    可以去市场上看今年流行的是什么,明年又可能将 流行什么。

  • These works had a great vogue in France and Europe .

    这些著作在法国和欧洲极为 流行

  • Have you seen the current issue of vogue magazine ?

    你看过 时尚》杂志上的最新一期了吗?

  • This has almost become a vogue .

    这已成了一种 时尚

  • Flowery carpets became the vogue .

    花卉地毯变成了 时髦

  • Vogue magazine quickly became the Bible of fashionable women .
