void value

[vɔɪd ˈvælju][vɔid ˈvælju]


  • Based on Lee 's plastic yield function for porous material and hypothesis that fracture initiation occurs when the void density is accumulated to a critical value a new ductile damage model for porous material was derived .

    以Lee多孔材料屈服模型为基础,并假设 空穴密度积累到一临界 时,材料出现裂纹,推导出适用于多孔材料的韧性损伤模型。

  • When value of void content was less than 8 %  ̄ 10 % creep rate at low temperature has been increased with increase of value of void content .

    空隙率小于8~10%时,随着空隙 的增大,低温蠕变速率有增大趋势;

  • Share index futures are an important finance ramification . It can void system risk flourish stock market keep value .

    股票指数期货是一种重要的金融衍生工具,可以 规避系统风险、活跃股票市场、进行套期 保值

  • One can see that there exists void formation in the sphere when the load is larger than its critical value and the evolvement of void radius with time displays a kind of non-linearly periodic vibration .

    证明了当突加载荷超过其临界 时,球体内部有 孔穴 突然生成,并随时间呈现非线性的周期振动。

  • For this scenario Specify javascript : void ( 0 ); in the Action Value field to avoid a round trip to the server .

    从该场景中指定Action Value区域中的 javascript:void(0);,以避免信息在服务器中往返传送。

  • An insurance contract is null and void if the applicant has no insurable interest in the subject matter of the insurance . A valued policy insures subject matter for an agreed value .

    投保人对保险标的不具有保险利益的,保险合同 无效。已估价保险单的保险标的 价值已(被双方)约定。

  • Experiment results indicate that the volume of dust cloud and the diameter of dust void gradually increases with gas pressure till pressure gets to a critical value and then the increase grows slowly ;

    实验结果表明: 1.随着反应气压的增加,尘埃云和尘埃 空洞的尺寸也逐渐增大,但当气压增大到一定 时, 空洞的扩张速度会变慢。

  • Compared with the existing rigid pavement void detect method the method proposed in this article is characteristic of easy use . It can estimate the size of void and is of important reference value for guiding the road surface rehabilitation work .

    与现有的刚性路面路面脱空识别方法相比较,本文所提出的方法不仅具有简单易用的特点,而且能够估算 脱空面积的大小,对于指导路面修复工作具有重要的参考 价值

  • The reasons for seismic depression come from many ways . The main factors influencing the possibility of vibration deformation of soft soil include dynamic stress water content void factor vibrating time soil size grading and valve value etc.

    产生震陷的原因是多方面的,而影响软土振动变形可能性的主要因素有:动应力、含水量、 孔隙比、振次(时间)、土的颗粒级配及 阀值等。

  • Second the estimated value of the parameter is null and void that is there are other ways to produce a smaller sampling error of the estimated value .

    第二,对参数的估计值是 无效的,即还有其他方法能产生具有较小抽样误差的估计

  • The concept of critical void ratio is put forward in analysis on tensile deformation the value of which is affected by soil kinds water content and experimentation conditions .

    在黄土拉伸变形分析中提出临界 孔隙比概念,其 大小与土的类别、含水率和试验条件有关。