voice part

[vɔɪs pɑrt][vɔis pɑ:t]


  • Can you hear my voice I am proud to be a part of you .

    你能听到我的 声音,我很荣幸能成为你的 部分

  • This suggests either that an alluring voice is part of a suite of sexual qualities that come bundled together or that simply knowing you look appealing encourages you to develop a voice to match .

    这意味着要么是一副诱人的 嗓门 和别的人体特质不可分割、一道而来,要么就是单凭知道自己看上去很有吸引力就能鼓励去培养出一副与之比拟的嗓子。

  • Mezzo-soprano is a special voice part which can show the rich beautiful pure and changeable tone-color and timber .

    女中音作为有着独特个性的 声部,她音色醇厚柔美、纯净而富于变化,具有特殊的音质和音色。

  • In the long development of history the mediaeval initial dental consonants based on a certain rule have been evolving continually along with the changes of Chinese phonetics and the separation and combination of voice part .

    中古齿音声母在历史发展长河中,随着汉语语音的变化、 声部的分合,遵循着一定的规律不断向前演变。

  • The audio technology is widely applied in electronic acoustic music and also the voice processing technology is an important part of audio technology .

    音频技术在电子音乐中应用广泛, 人声处理技术又是音频技术中重要的技巧 之一

  • The functions such as channel assignment voice port assignment and voice bearer are achieved in voice distribution module which is an important part of voice service in TETRA digital trunked system .

    语音分发模块实现信道指配、语音端口分配和语音承载的功能,是TETRA数字集群系统语音业务的重要 组成 部分

  • The dissertation mainly explored the changing process of bass voice part keyboard instrument of four-voice-part ensemble from the transitional development before piano quartet was mature .

    本论文的论述,主要从钢琴四重奏成熟前过渡的发展,探讨四声部重奏曲低音 声部键盘乐器的转变过程。

  • Harry Potter he said very softly . His voice might have been part of the spitting fire . The Boy Who Lived .

    哈利·波特,他说, 声音很轻,像是 簇嘶嘶 迸溅的火焰,大难不死的男孩。

  • DSP performs voice process part including voice compression echo cancellation tone activity detection tone detection and generation voice packet these are signal process scope .

    DSP处理器完成 语音处理的 部分,包含了语音压缩、回波消除、拨号音的产生、语音打包等等,这些基本上都属于信号处理的范畴。

  • The completion of the main topics is the Research and Design for the basic features of user node voice communications system part .

    本课题主要完成用户节点 语音通信系统 部分的基本功能的研究与设计。

  • The voice recognition part is realized by software programming the microcontroller is controlled by communicating with serial port it can successfully realize to control the LED and voice broadcast .

    语音识别 部分由软件编程实现,通过串行口编程进行通信,控制单片机,它成功实现控制发光二极管和语音播放的目的。

  • The voice module is an important part of certain digital terminals .

    语音模块是一些数字终端的重要 组成 部分

  • Voice communication is an important part of human communication with the development of digital communication technology especially the Internet the digital voice communication technology based on internet has developed rapidly .

    语音通信是人类通信的重要 组成 部分,伴随着数字通信技术和计算机技术的发展,特别是Internet的出现,基于因特网的数字语音通信技术得了到迅速的发展。

  • The Voice coil is a part of HSA Voice coil and the magnets form Voice Coil Motor or VCM .

    圈是一个人血清白蛋白,语音线圈和磁铁 部分表格音圈电机或氯乙烯。

  • Voice mixing which is the indispensable part in to show the whole music is an extremely important method of scientifically producing voice for vocal music learners .

    唱法是声乐学习者必须掌握的及其重要的科学发声方法,它是表现整个歌曲不可缺少的 组成 部分

  • Voice over is one part of the film voice when it has appeared it has changed the traditional way of film narrative and enriched film narrative discourse .

    画外 作为电影人声的一 部分,它的出现,改变了传统的电影叙事方式,也丰富了电影的叙事话语。

  • The man 's voice was rather low and the most important part of what he had to say was stumbled over .

    那个人的 声音相当低,而且把他要讲的最重要的 部分讲得吞吞吐吐。

  • Voice is a hugely important part of the automobile the most natural way to communicate .

    声音是汽车及其重要的 部分。声音是最自然的沟通方式。

  • To get more out of my voice than before and to be part of this massive music where all of us every musician that plays on it is the key to make it work .

    为了能在 声音之外取得更多进展,每个音乐人都全身心地 付出,这就是我们团队的关键。

  • Surely a part of it is because of practice working on voice but I think the most important part is how you feel on stage so the people will see you .

    当然,一部分原因是我的练习, 嗓音训练,但我觉得,最 重要的是你在舞台上的感受能够感染观众。

  • Carry out respective investigation in the ancient voice and rhyme part the rich voice and rhyme categories provided in the detailed classification of Guang Yun become very important reference system in the study of the history of Chinese phonetics which is publicly recognized .

    分别从声韵两个角度进行上古 声部和韵部的考察,《广韵》细致的分类所提供的丰富的声韵类型,成为汉语语音史研究中十分重要的参照系统,这是总所公认的。

  • Besides it analyzes the voice constitution and the features of each part from the perspective of the female chorus . It introduces some necessary background knowledge for the full paper .

    其次,从女声合唱的角度对女声合唱的 声部构成及其各 声部的特点加以分析,为全文做一些必要的背景知识介绍。

  • The voice communication system is the most important part which adopts VoIP technology based on wireless local area network and realizes coal mine underground / inoue wireless voice communications .

    作为其中一个重要 组成 部分 语音调度子系统,采用基于无线局域网的VoIP技术,实现了煤矿井下、井上分机之间的无线语音通信、组呼、语音信箱、电话会议等功能。

  • The purpose of the study is to make players recognize that the piano voice part as one element of the work plays an extremely important role in the performance in the duet .

    本专题研究的目的是希望演奏者能够认识到在二重奏中,钢琴 声部作为作品的要素之一,在表演中有着极其重要的作用。

  • You know the voice sort of comes up as part of the character and then the growl comes with it you know ?

    你知道, 声音好像是人物的 部分,然后用它咆哮,你知道?

  • Though his style changed with the changes of ages and his social experience some features did not change such as his dealing with the script theme and voice part as well as his requirements for the singer .

    其创作风格虽然随着时代的变迁和阅历的增长而有所变化,但其中也有不变的特色,包括剧本、题材、对 声部的处理以及对歌手的要求等。

  • However liberalism literature was not the vocal solo in modern China but a voice part of the enlightening movement chorus .

    然而,现代中国并不是自由主义文学的独唱,它只是启蒙大合唱中的一个 声部

  • Tenor in opera stage is a voice part adored by audiences .

    男高音是歌剧舞台上观众们追捧和喜好的 声部

  • Although the growth rate of data area is higher than voice area but the income of voice service is still a main part for the operator .

    虽然数据业务量增长速度超过语音业务,但运营商的业务收入的主要 部分还是来源于传统的 语音业务。