voice output

[vɔɪs ˈaʊtˌpʊt][vɔis ˈautput]


  • It was put forward that the multichannel input ( voice vision gesture ) and output will play an important part as one of the new complementary technology to the Human-machine interface .

    同时,多通道输入( 声音,视觉识别,手势)及 输出技术作为对人机界面的补充技术之一,也将扮演更重要的角色。

  • Details of the wireless voice communication system communication protocol ; given system initialization the audio input and data transmission data reception and audio output frequency hopping and address transformation module program flow chart and the main code .

    详述了无线 语音通信系统的通信协议;给出系统初始化、音频输入和数据发送、数据接收和音频 输出、跳频和地址变换模块的程序流程图和主要代码。

  • Many voice browsers will identify the phone number from the number format and correctly output the digits as a phone number rather than say for example nine hundred or six hundred and six .

    很多 语音浏览器能够根据数字格式识别电话号码并正确地 输出,而不会读作“九百”或者“六百零六”。

  • Cast frame and oversize LF voice coils mean sustained high power output capacity and minimal power compression .

    铸造框架和特大型低频 声音线圈意味着持续的高功率 输出容量和最低的压缩。

  • It integrates voice fingerprint and face image information together with neural network to determine the output of the access control system .

    它将人体的 语音、指纹图像、人脸图像等多生物特征通过神经网络融合在一起,来共同决定门禁系统的判别 输出 结果,从而保证了门禁系统的可靠性和安全性,使用方便。

  • And the voice output module managed to output unabridged and correct voice information by queuing for the voice .

    语音 输出模块对每1s需要输出的语音提示内容进行排队,输出完整正确的语音信息。

  • The cost for voice output is dropping rapidly .

    语音 输出的成本在迅速下降。

  • In order to improve the performance of the system The function of chinese characters and voice output is added .

    为提高系统性能,为其配备了汉字和 语音 输出功能。

  • By using the dynamic adjustment of mixing algorithm for mixed attenuation factor on the voice ; overflow Comparison algorithm using by a comparison maximum output and large voice .

    混音算法利用动态调节的衰减因子对混合后的 话音进行溢出处理;比较算法运用逐位比较法 输出最大及次大话音。

  • Gets and sets the flag that specifies whether the voice is allowed to adjust its audio output format automatically .

    这个标志,说明是否 声音是允许调整音频 输出格式。

  • A design of the voice output record system will be given in this article .

    本论文就是介绍这样一款 语音 播报记事器的设计。

  • According to the fundamental sintering theory the process is put forward by using detailed calculations of innovation for increasing output on sintering machine with VOICE formula .

    根据烧结的基本原理,用 voice公式对烧结机 增产改造进行详细计算,提出工艺方案。

  • Designing and Implementing of an Interface for Voice Input and Output

    话音输入 输出接口的设计与实现

  • The optimized algorithm improved the coding efficiency while ensured high-quality voice output realizing the real-time speech signal processing .

    优化后的算法在保证了高质量 语音 输出的同时,提高了编码效率,实现了对语音信号的实时处理。

  • Study three examine if the exist of the interpersonal interaction and the type of interpersonal interaction ( text and voice interaction ) have effect on the output of individual creative thinking .

    实验三在上述实验研究的基础上,探讨有无人际互动以及人际互动的类型(文本人际互动与 语音人际互动)对个体创造性观点 产出的影响。

  • Again apply the iterative search optimization method to analyze and research the optimization of voice coil motor structure size using the maximum ratio of output force to the total movement part mass as the target under a certain volume .

    再次,应用迭代搜索优化方法,分析研究在一定的容积下以最大化 输出力与运动部件总质量比为目标优化 圈电机结构尺寸。

  • Module to achieve digital voice signals in the collection coding a frame structure output .

    模块能够实现数字 语音信号的采集、压缩编码、帧结构 分组 输出

  • C programming interface for voice input and output based on Sound Blaster card

    基于声霸卡的 话音输入 输出C语言编程接口

  • The circuit consistute of the rhythm memory block the notes generation block the voice output block and the dot array display block .

    该音乐存储和回放电路包括乐谱存储模块、音符产生模块、 声音 输出模块和点阵显示模块等。