volume modulus

[ˈvɑljum ˈmɑdʒələs][ˈvɔlju:m ˈmɔdjuləs]


  • The variations between volume fraction of fiber and compressive strength resilient and dynamic modulus of asphalt concrete reinforced by fiber have been acquired . Just considering improving modulus factors of pavement the reasonable volume ratio of fiber is 0.2 % ~ 0.25 % .

    从试验中得到纤维沥青混凝土的抗压强度、回弹 模量、动态 模量 纤维掺 的变化规律,得出在仅考虑改善路面模量因素时的合理纤维掺量为0.2%~0.25%。

  • The influences of these two kinds of models on simulation of coupled mechanical and hydraulic system is discussed as well as how volume modulus affects track of bucket tip .

    着重分析了2种液压缸模型对于机械与液压耦合仿真的影响,并分析了液压油的 体积 弹性 模量对斗尖轨迹的影响。

  • Based on the laboratory swelling experiments results the additional compression modulus 、 the initial tangent modulus in 1D 、 deformation modulus and volume deformation modulus in 3D of expansive soils in Ning-Ming are formulated .

    在此试验的基础上,推导出一维关系下宁明膨胀土的切线模量和初始割线模量和三维关系下此膨胀土的变形模量和 体积 模量

  • Computation of the Volume and Modulus of Cast in gs

    铸件 体积 模数的计算机程序

  • Through the experiments on freeze-thaw it was studied the influence of the grade of concrete strength the volume fraction of steel fiber and number of freeze-thaw circulation on the dynamic modulus of elasticity .

    通过冻融循环试验,研究了钢纤维 体积率、冻融循环次数、混凝土强度等级对冻融循环作用下钢纤维混凝土动弹性 模量的影响,分析了钢纤维混凝土剥落和损伤机理;

  • With a uniform distribution of cubic particles assumed a representative volume element was studied to predict Young 's modulus of a particulate composite . In the analytical prediction an in series an in parallel and the Halpin Tsai formulas were applied .

    假设立方体颗粒均匀分布于树脂基体材料中,借助于单元串联、并联和 HalpinTsai模型算法导出了复合材料杨氏 模量的计算公式。

  • Application of elastic-viscoelastic correspondence principle to Biot ′ s consolidation finite layer analysis of viscoelastic soil : numeric volume ANALYSIS OF NONELASTIC DEFORMATION AND AVERAGE ELASTIC MODULUS OF DAM CONCRETE

    弹性黏弹性对应原理在黏弹性固结有限层方法中的应用&数值 非弹性位移量及坝体砼的平均弹 分析

  • Prediction of effective properties of crystalline polymer nanocomposites based on multilevel structure & the relation between volume fraction and effective modulus

    基于多层次结构的结晶聚合物纳米复合材料有效性能& 体积分数和等效 模量的关系研究

  • In the numerical simulation of the absorption and attenuation the curve of the porosity as a function of depth derives from reported volume modulus model .

    在吸收衰减的数值模拟中还需要孔隙度随深度的变化曲线作为输入,而这里的孔隙度随深度变化曲线采用了前期研究的结果即 体积 模量模型。

  • Based on the experimental study volume creep compliance volume relaxation modulus and their main curves and initial void content of solid propellant are given .

    通过实验研究,给出了固体推进剂的体积蠕变柔量、 体积松弛 模量和材料的初始气孔率。

  • Micromechanical model for composites reinforced by large volume fraction of particles ⅰ: elastic analysis and effective modulus

    体积含量颗粒增强复合材料的一个细观力学模型Ⅰ:弹性分析与等效 模量

  • With these parameters - such as : Young 's modulus mixture ratio of aggregate and aggregate volume content of component materials to calculate the equivalent modulus of concrete is a reasonable method .

    从细观角度出发,由混凝土组成材料的弹性模量、骨料级配和骨料 体积含量等参数,计算混凝土复合材料的 弹性 模量的方法是可行的。

  • Making the dynamic buffering process model of hydraulic bumper and carrying through simulation calculation and analyzing influencing factors of hydraulic bumper 's dynamic characteristic including impulsive load hydraulic oil 's volume elasticity modulus and so on .

    对液压缓冲器的动态缓冲过程,进行数学建模和仿真计算,并对缓冲器的动态特性影响因素,如冲击载荷、油液的 体积弹性 系数等,进行讨论分析。

  • The influence of particle scale particle shape particle volume content and ratio of modulus of particle and matrix on effective properties of polymer matrix composites toughened and strengthened by particles is analyzed by using a computational program written and ANSYS software .

    利用编写的计算程序和ANSYS软件,具体地分析了颗粒尺度、颗粒形状、颗粒 体积、颗粒与基体的 模量比等 参数对颗粒增韧增强聚合物基复合材料有效性能的影响。

  • The calculation of stress field considers the concrete weight static water pressure thermal stress different autogenous volume change between RCC and normal concrete change of elastic modulus of concrete with age and creep action .

    应力场的计算考虑了混凝土的自重,静水压力,温度应力,常态混凝土与碾压混凝土不同的自生 体积变形,混凝土的弹性 模量随龄期的变化以及徐变的作用。

  • The experiments present that the cement mortar with 25 % ( volume fraction ) of crumb rubber is most suitable for sound insulation function which has a reduction of natural frequency by 17 % and dynamic elastic modulus by 40 % comparing with ordinary cement mortar .

    当橡胶粉掺量为25%( 体积分数)时,水泥砂浆的隔声功能最佳,其固有频率与普通水泥砂浆相比降低了17%,而动弹性 模量则降低了40%。

  • The flood peak volume modulus and sediment transport modulus is also power function relationship . But parameter a and b is different largely in different watershed and the relativity is not well than relationship between runoff depth and sediment transport modulus .

    流域次降雨洪峰 流量 模数与输沙模数也为幂函数关系,但参数a、b在不同流域之间差别较大,其相关性不如径流深与输沙模数关系好。

  • The effective relaxation modulus of unidirectional fiber composite materials is predicted based on the homogenization theory . And the influence of volume fraction on effective relaxation modulus is studied .

    基于均匀化方法预测了单向纤维复合材料的等效松弛模量,给出了等效松弛 模量 纤维 体积分数变化的规律。

  • The research indicates that volume modulus cohesion and internal friction angle of coal seam around the roadway have a great influence on stress distribution .

    研究结果表明,巷道周围煤岩体的 体积 、内聚力和内摩擦角均对应力分布有较大的影响。

  • There are broad applicating prospects to High volume fraction SiCp / Al composites in the fields of space optics and precision instruments for its high performances as such as high thermal conductivity low thermal expansion coefficient higher elastic modulus et al .

    体积分数SiCp/Al复合材料具有高热导率、低热膨胀系数、高弹性 模量等优异性能,在空间光学及精密仪器构件领域具有广阔的应用前景。

  • According to a representative volume element this paper firstly describes a. finite element method for predicting the equivalent elastic modulus of 3-D periodic structures by using the homogenization theory .

    选取代表 单元,根据线 弹性均匀化理论,结合有限元方法给出了三维周期性结构的均匀化有限元列式,建立了在细观体系下求解单胞宏观等效弹性 模量方程。

  • It is shown that for some range of fiber volume ratios the transverse tensile and shear moduli are markedly influenced by the packing modes of fibers although the longtitudinal tensile modulus are insensitive to such effect .

    结果表明,在一定纤维 体积比范围内,虽然纵向弹性 模量不受纤维排列方式的影响,但是 复合 材料的横向弹性模量和横向剪切模量受纤维排列方式的影响较大。

  • In the dynamic load sweep mode the variation of loss tangent with the volume fraction of carbon fiber can still be described by the Mixture Rule and the storage modulus of sandwich hybrid composites is much higher than that of interlaminar hybrid composites .

    动载扫描模式下,损耗角正切随 混杂比的变化基本符合混合定律,夹芯混杂复合材料的储能 模量远高于层间混杂复合材料,且损耗角正切也比层间混杂时大;

  • The relations of pressure vs volume and bulk modulus vs volume were deduced also .

    导出了压强与 体积、体 弹性 模量与体积的关系曲线;

  • Use a variety of methods to qualitatively identify the reservoir fluid specifically the method of ratio of volume modulus has a good effect .

    运用多种方法定性识别储层流体,其中 空间 模量比值法有较好的效果。

  • Experimental Study on Equivalent Volume Elastic Modulus β e

    等效 体积弹性 模量βe的实验研究

  • The results show that when the fiber volume fraction is equivalent cutting down of yarns reduces the strength of the composites but has little effect on the initial modulus .

    结果表明,纤维 体积含量相同时,减纱使复合材料的强度有所降低,初始 模量变化不大;