While her mother and two brothers sat in the waiting room .
当时她母亲和两个兄弟就在 候诊 室 里。
Take a seat in the waiting room ; the doctor will see you presently .
在 候诊 室坐一会儿,医生马上会来给你看病。
I was triage nurse that day and had just been out to the waiting room to clean up .
我在那天是当班的分诊护士,刚去了一下 候诊 室做清理工人。
They are sitting in the waiting room .
他们在 候诊 室坐着。
I spent the day in the waiting room polishing a manuscript whose only significance was its power to distract .
我在 候诊 室 里花了一整天来校订我那篇手稿,它惟一重要的作用就是分散我焦急的心情。
As I sat in the cage of the dentist 's waiting room I watched two other patients arrive .
当我坐在牙医诊所 等候 室这个笼子里,我看到另外两位患者来到这里。
I have a waiting room full .
等候 室 里满是 等着我的人。
You were not looking at the door to the waiting room the entire time were you ?
你没有在全过程中一直看着那扇 等候 室的门,是不是?
Again I had to wait in the waiting room .
又一次在 候诊 室等待;
It was cold on the railway platform so we hurried into the warm waiting room .
月台很冷,所以我们赶紧躲到温暖的 候车 室。
She 's been sitting in the waiting room since two-thirty .
自两点半她就坐在 等候 室了。
Kate : You 're in the wrong waiting room . The vet 's office is next door .
凯伊:你来错了 候诊 室,兽医在隔壁。
I kept trying to write my paper in the waiting room but it was too hard .
我试着在 等候 室 里写作文,但我办不到。
He met your parents in the waiting room .
他在 等候 室见了你的父母。
He sat here in the waiting room .
他坐在 候诊 室 等候。
We were ushered into a waiting room lined with uncomfortable chairs .
我们被领进一间 等候 室, 里面排列着坐上去不太舒服的椅子。
I saw a sleeping girl in the waiting room .
在 候车 室我看见一个熟睡的女孩。
Lollipops in the waiting room .
他在 候诊 室放了棒棒糖。
I took it to the waiting room .
我把它拿到 等候 室的。
Change the new platform a comfortable waiting room people such as truck is not so bored .
站台变新了,有舒服的 候车 室,人们等车时就不那么无聊了。
A policeman had visited John in the waiting room and asked him questions .
警察在 候诊 室找到了John并且询问了他一些问题。
I spent a whole hour kicking my heels in the waiting room before I was shown into his office .
我在 等候 室 里足足坐了一个钟头冷板凳,才有人带我到他的办公室里。
Waiting room the galley or pantry of a small ship .
候车(船、机、 会客) 室小船上的厨房或餐具室。
The only magazine in the waiting room was a scientific journal full of technical jargon above my head .
候诊 室 里唯一的杂志是一份全是术语的科学期刊,我看不懂。
Notices in the waiting room requested that you neither smoke nor spit
候车 室的公告牌要求人们不要吸烟和随地吐痰。
She fainted in the waiting room and had to be carried out .
她在 候车 室 里晕过去了,被抬了出去。
The waiting room is crowded with passengers waiting for the bus to come .
候车 室 里挤满了等着车来的乘客。
Well your father is in the waiting room & you can go home with him now .
好啦,你父亲在 等候 室&你现在可以跟他回去了。
Two children were in a doctor 's waiting room . The little girl was softly sobbing .
两个小孩在医生的 候诊 室 里。小女孩在轻轻的哭。
In the doctor 's waiting room sick people were sitting on their chair .
在医生的 候诊 室,病人们坐在椅子上 等候。
美[ˈwetɪŋ rum]英[ˈweɪtɪŋ ru:m]