Walt Disney


  • Walt Disney glommed on to this single aspect of fairy tales hope and owned it .


  • The group is also recalling 436000 die-cast cars featuring the sarge character from the Walt Disney film cars .

    该集团还将召回43.6万件以 迪斯尼 walt disney 影片《赛车总动员》 cars 中的sarge为原形的铸模玩具汽车。

  • Orlando Walt Disney World is the second theme park in the world .

    奥兰多 华特 迪斯尼世界是第二个主题乐园在世界上。

  • Movie experts say Walt Disney was responsible for the development of the art of animation .

    电影专家认为 迪士尼 奠定了动画艺术的发展。

  • A local man is taking the Walt Disney Company to court claiming it stole his idea for a blockbuster movie .

    本地一位男士把 迪斯尼公司 到了法庭,声称该公司的一部大片是剽窃了他的构思。

  • His name is Walt Disney .

    他的名字是, 华特迪士尼

  • Walt Disney Co said on Tuesday that it will open its first direct-sale store in China by mid-2012 .


  • The Walt Disney Company the owner of ABC and ESPN is deeply invested in the promotion of the game .

    拥有美国广播公司(ABC)和体育频道ESPN的 迪斯尼公司 Walt DisneyCompany ,已投入巨资推广这项运动。

  • In 1955 Walt Disney himself opened the first Disney Park .

    而且在1955年 沃尔特·迪斯尼亲自创办了第一家迪斯尼公园。

  • In Disneyland you can find all the characters from Walt Disney 's films .

    在迪斯尼公园 ,你可以看到 沃尔特 - 迪斯尼影片 所有的角色。

  • In 1935 three Walt Disney films were screened in Moscow .

    1935年,莫斯科上映了3 华特 . 迪士尼的电影。

  • The new venue is the The Walt Disney World Dolphin Resort in Orlando FL.

    新的地点是佛罗里达奥兰多的 华特迪士尼世界海豚度假酒店。

  • Mickey Mouse was created by Walt Disney .

    沃尔特 迪斯尼创造了米老鼠。

  • Walt Disney was famous for his cartoons .


  • We 're going to see the Walt Disney movie .

    我们要看 瓦特 迪斯尼电影 爸爸和我一起去。

  • In1923 little-known artist Walt Disney came west from Kansas City to find his fortune ;

    在1923年鲜为人知的画家 沃尔特迪斯尼从堪萨斯市西来寻找他的幸运;

  • They were sold at Disneyland and Walt Disney world .

    它们在迪斯尼乐园和 沃尔特 迪斯尼世界出售。

  • When I heard about the bad side of Walt Disney I could not believe my ears .

    当我听到这些关于 沃特·迪斯尼不好的 事情的时候,我简直不敢相信耳朵所听到的。

  • Its design was even adopted by Walt Disney and can be seen replicated in his famous Cinderella Castle .

    华特·迪士尼甚至采用了它的设计 样式 建造了著名的灰姑娘城堡。

  • It is owned and operated by The Walt Disney Company .

    公园 迪斯尼公司所有,并负责经营管理。

  • The council includes the leaders of large companies such as Ford Motor Xerox and Walt Disney .

    总统 出口委员会的包括福特、施乐和 迪斯尼美国大公司的主管。

  • A Hong Kong activist group recently campaigned against conditions in a factory contracted to make souvenirs for Walt Disney .

    香港一个激进团体最近发起活动,抗议一家为迪斯尼 walt disney 制作纪念品的签约工厂工作条件 不佳

  • The world 's largest theme park is Walt Disney Words near Orlando .

    世界最大的游乐园就在奥兰多城市边上 迪斯尼 乐园

  • You will need to make new reservations with the Walt Disney World Dolphin Resort .

    你要在 华特迪士尼世界海豚度假酒店办理新的预约 手续

  • Robert Moore and his associates from Walt Disney Productions selected the eagle and Sam 's design was targeted to appeal to children .

    罗伯特·摩尔和他的同伙从 沃尔特·迪斯尼 公司选择了老鹰,山姆的设计,有针对性地吸引儿童。

  • My mother had a chance to draw for Walt Disney when she was very young .

    母亲在她年轻的时候,曾经有一次机会 -可以在 沃特·迪斯尼 画室 画画,但她错过了。

  • Walt Disney Productions hired a watch company to make the watches .

    沃尔特 迪斯尼的产品部雇了一家手表公司来制造手表。

  • And Walt Disney is known by his cartoon characters Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck .

    沃尔特 迪斯尼由于他的卡通形象米老鼠和唐老鸭而被人们所知。

  • Walt Disney and Disneyland

    沃尔特 迪斯尼和迪斯尼乐园