walking machine

[ˈwɔkɪŋ məˈʃin][ˈwɔ:kɪŋ məˈʃi:n]


  • On uneven road surface walking exceeds rolling however existing bio simulation walking machine is quite complicated and not suitable for practical use .

    在不平的路面上步行运动大大优于轮子的滚动,然而目前仿生 步行 机构相当复杂,不适于实际应用。

  • The Design of Six-legged Walking Machine

    六足 步行 机器人的设计研究

  • A Study of Loaded Walking Machine with Connecting Rod

    连杆式仿生载重 步行 的研究

  • The Determination of Forward Displacement of Hexapod Walking Machine in Tripod Gait

    昆虫类 步行 以三角步态行进时驱体位置和姿态的确定

  • The Kinematics Analysis of the Five Legged Walking Machine Climbing Ladder with Unequal

    五足 步行 攀登不等距桁架运动分析

  • The ability to control the constant tension is one of the important targets to evaluate the performance of low speed wire walking machine tool which will directly affect the machining precise and machined surface quality .

    机构的恒张力控制是衡量 慢走丝线切割 机床性能的一项重要指标,直接影响着工件的加工精度和加工表面质量。

  • It is important for quadruped walking machine to keep its stability in high speed walking .

    四足 机器人在高速动态步行过程中保持稳定性是十分重要的。

  • The flexible moving ability of walking machine is fully utilized and the moving process between intersecting planes is greatly simplified with the kinematics planning and optimization algorithm .

    应用该运动规划和优化算法,可以充分发挥 步行 灵活的运动能力,大大简化其在相交面上的运动过程。

  • The control is a key problem to develop walking machine .

    控制问题是 步行 研制中的关键问题。

  • Omnidirectional dual-tripod walking machine (ⅱ)── walking mode planning

    全方位双三足 步行 机器人(Ⅲ)&步行模式规划

  • A all-direction gait and balance of four-legged walking machine is discussed and a balance criterion which is suitable for engineering application is presented .

    对四足 步行 机器人的平衡与全方位步态进行了研究,提出了一种适用于工程应用的静平衡判断准则;

  • Generalized mechanism controllable mechanism conceptual design of mechanism system robot and walking machine mechanism micro mechanism and micro drivers bionic mechanism and new type mechanism are the main research fields of modern mechanisms .

    广义机构、可控机构、机构系统概念设计、机器人和 步行 机构、微机构和微驱动、仿生机构、新型机构等是现代机构学研究的主要内容。

  • The Flexibility of Walking Machine Imitating a Crab

    仿蟹 步行 机构模型灵活度分析

  • This paper analyses the force distribution of six-legged walking machine Then making use of the results We analyse the force imposed on the legs .

    本文对六足 步行 的受力情况进行分析,并在此基础上分析腿部的受力情况。

  • Exercise . Kinematics planning of walking machine between intersecting planes

    步行 相交面运动规划

  • As the forestry mechanization more and more perfect in the future the electronically controlled walking machine will has a good market prospects as its good obstacle and environmental performance .

    在林业机械化越来越完善的将来,具有良好越障能力和环保性能的林间 代步 机器人将拥有广阔的市场前景。

  • Adhesive Performance of Multi-Legged Robot and Its Relation to Stability The author has reviewed relative researches concerning multi-legged walking machine domestically and abroad and summarized literature of researches on multi-legged gait of walking machine .

    多足步行 附着性能及其与稳定性能的关系首先论文对国内外相关研究的现状以及近年来多足 步行 步态研究方面的文献进行了综述。

  • I know of some people who use the walking machine much faster but that 's not for me .

    据我所知,有些人使用 步行 快得多,但不适合我。

  • Generally there is a step counter on a walking machine to show how many kilometers you 've walked .

    走步 上一般都有计步表可以计算你走的公里数。

  • Applied stepping Motor Control In walking Machine

    步进电机控制在 步行 中的应用

  • By use of the revolving slide - bar mechanism the actualize practical bio - simulation walking machine is actualized .

    采用这种转动滑杆机构可望产生实用的 步行 机械

  • In accordance with the locomotion principle of omnidirectional walking machine DTWM the deformation motion of vehicle body is modelled . Two kinds of walking mode planning approaches i.

    根据全方位双三足 步行机器人 DTWM 步行移动原理,建立DTWM车体变形运动模型,提出两种步行模式的规划方法&规划Ⅰ、规划Ⅱ。

  • Design of Paddy Field Skidproof Hydrostatic Hexapod Walking Machine

    水田防滑静液压六足 步行 机器的设计

  • Walt : I 'm out of here ! You 're a walking germ machine .

    我要 离开这里!你简直就是细菌 制造

  • Research on the Dynamics and Kinematics of Six-legged Walking Machine

    六足 步行 机动力学和运动学研究

  • In this paper we study the stability of four-legged walking machine and build the calculating mode considering the effects of kinetic mechanism and its transmission system on stability .

    本文研究了四足 步行 行走稳定性问题,建立了考虑运动机构包括腿机构及其传动系统影响的稳定性模型;

  • STUDY OF STEERING PROBLEM OF THE HEXAPOD Research on the Dynamics and Kinematics of Six-legged Walking Machine

    六足 步行 的转向问题探讨六足步行机动力学和运动学研究

  • Dynamic Manipulability Analysis and Parameter Optimization of Walking Machine

    步行 机动力学操作性的研究及机构参数的优化

  • Performance of Energy Saving of Six Legged Walking Machine

    空间多关节六足 步行 机器人机构的轻便性分析

  • Modeling of the walking machine based on openGL and kinematics simulation

    基于OpenGL的 步行 建模及运动仿真