Though bully people by flaunting one 's powerful connections a gang of scoundries rotted vulpine fame breed a fox to be able to make the person walks up however artificially however become rich road .
虽说狐假虎威、狐朋狗友败坏了狐狸的名声,然而人工养殖狐狸却能使人走上致 富路。
Sometimes one came near to my window attracted by my light barked a vulpine curse at me and then retreated .
有时候,一 只 狐狸被我的灯光吸引住,走近了我的窗于,吠叫 似地向我发出一 声 狐狸的诅咒,然后 急速退走。
There must remain no neutral ground to serve as a refuge for lawbreakers and especially for lawbreakers of great wealth who can hire the vulpine legal cunning which will teach them how to avoid both jurisdictions .
绝对不能给犯法者,尤其是有钱雇 得 起狡猾 律师为其出谋划策以逃避 州法、国法的犯法者提供法不可及的避难所。
Effect of Reactive Oxygen Species on Activity of Antioxidant Enzymes in Leaf Disks of Vitis vulpine
活性氧对 河岸葡萄叶圆 片抗氧化酶活性的影响