


  • There 's a mirror above the washbasin .

    洗脸 的上面有一面镜子。

  • Don 't place the monitor near water such as bathtubs washbasin sinks washing machines damp basements swimming pools etc.

    勿将显示器靠近水源,例如浴缸、 脸盆厨房水池、洗衣机、潮湿的地下室或游泳池 等。

  • Human follicle mite can be transmitted by direct personal contact and also by indirect ways such as shearing washbasin towel cloths writing materials toy cosmetics etc.

    人体蠕形螨传播是人与人直接接触,也可通过 共用 脸盆、毛巾、衣被、文具、玩具、化妆品等物品而间接传播。

  • The washbasin had a small chip .

    脸盆 上有个小豁口。

  • Children play basketball with the makeshift basket made of a washbasin by themselves Yaoshan Township Tongxin County Ningxia China .

    在宁夏同心县窑 山乡,山区的孩子们用自制的篮筐打篮球。

  • Bring me a washbasin and a pail .

    给我拿一个 脸盆和一个水桶。

  • There is a ring of scum in the washbasin .

    这个 脸盆 有一圈 污垢

  • We are specializing in manufacturing top-grade series faucets including for washbasin kitchen bathtub shower and so on .

    公司专业生产高档 面盆 龙头、厨房龙头、浴缸龙头、淋浴龙头等系列产品。

  • Dynamic measurement of the 3D shape gravity waves in dragon washbasin

    三维 液体表面重力波的动态测量

  • A room ( in a residence ) containing a bath or shower and usually a washbasin and toilet .

    一处居所中能洗澡和进行日常 盥洗的地方。

  • Doing this action if difficulty breathing might as well from the washbasin up from face outer take a deep breath .

    在做这一动作时,若感到呼吸困难,不妨从 脸盆中抬起脸来,在外深呼吸一下。

  • The washbasin shall be made of easy-to-clean and impervious material .


  • Can you do something about the pipe beneath the washbasin ?

    你把 水槽下面的管子 修好吗?

  • Dragon Washbasin phenomenon caused by the interaction of Dragon Washbasin and its inner water from the viewpoint of mechanics is a fluid-structure interaction problem .

    从力学的观点来看,龙 现象是盆和盆内的水相互作用的结果,是一个流固耦合问题。

  • They were spartan butincluded a pitcher of cold water and a washbasin and a good untarnished mirror .

    但还是有一大缸冷水、一个 脸盆和一面失去了光泽的优质镜子。

  • Such sanitary accommodation should comprise a minimum of one toilet one washbasin and one tub or shower .

    此类卫生间至少应包括一个厕所、一个 洗脸 和一个浴盆或淋浴。

  • In the bathroom there is a washbasin a shower and a bathtub .

    浴室里有一个 洗脸 、一个淋浴房、一个浴缸。

  • In the mornings I would sneak the soiled sheets to the washbasin and soak them .

    早晨起来,我偷偷地把尿湿的被 单放脸盆里浸上。