One of my neighbours is spitting in his washbowl another one is screaming something I can 't understand .
有个邻居在往 痰盂 里 大声吐痰,另一个则在大声 叫唤,嚷什么我也听不明白。
Have you prepared a new washbowl Thomas ?
你准备了一个新的 洗脸 盆吗,托马斯?
She hadn 't used soap and water on her face since she was a child when she had an old china washbowl and stand in her bedroom .
小时候,她的房间里一直 放着一个旧瓷 脸盆 和 脸盆 架, 但她从来没有用香皂和水洗过脸。
The utility model can also be used as a washbowl and a foot basin and is helpful for the people to rinse towels and massage foot soles .
本实用新型同样还可作为 洗脸 盆、 洗脚 盆使用,并且有助于漂洗毛巾、按摩脚底。