walk away from

[wɔk əˈwe frʌm][wɔ:k əˈwei frɔm]


  • I try to walk away from him but he keeps pulling me back .

    我试图 甩开,可是它却一直把我往回拽。

  • But if you walk away from me now .

    但你如果现在 离开我。

  • I know that it 's hard to walk away from your mother and sister .

    我知道 离开你妈妈和妹妹是很痛苦的。

  • That 's you help me walk away from the loneliness and pain . I want to say : Thank you !

    是你帮我 走出 片孤独和痛楚的森林,我要说声:谢谢你!

  • What if I could just walk away from it ?

    如果我能 离开 那种生活呢?

  • If you were still together you 're telling me you could just walk away from her ?

    那若你们还在一起,你能 视若无睹吗?

  • Sometimes you have to walk away from people not because you dont care but because they dont .

    有时候你 离开一些人,不是因为你不在意他们,而是他们不在意你。

  • I can 't believe you 'd walk away from the best thing that happened to you .

    不敢相信你竟然 抛弃你所遇上最棒的东西。

  • No you 're not walking away . don 't walk away from me .

    不,你不能走,别 离开我。

  • You should have learned to walk away from things that don 't concern you .

    就应该学会不 多管闲事

  • Please walk away from this before you get hurt too .

    请你在还没受伤害之前 离开

  • I can 't just walk away from him .

    我可不能就 这样 身边 走开

  • It 's taking all the power I have to walk away from you .

    身边 走开 用尽了我全部的力量。

  • It is not lost until you totally walk away from every portion of it .

    在你 离开所有关系前,这仍不是损失。

  • How could he walk away from a crash like that without a mark on him ?

    在这样一次撞车事故中他如何能够安然无恙 脱险呢?

  • But still given the choice why do so many girls walk away from science and math ?

    但依然有一个问题,既然选择范围如此宽广,那么为什么这么多女孩最终 科学和数学 呢?

  • So why did she walk away from that after nine years ?

    那么,她为何 在九年后 离开

  • I was the only one who was able to walk away from the landing unharmed .

    我是那架飞机上唯一一个没有受伤,可以 自己 下来的人。

  • Each time I am ready to walk away from a person on whom I 've given up I am reminded of the power of Beau 's loving persistence with Katherine and with me .

    每一次当我想要 我已对其绝望的人的 身旁 走开时,我就想起博对凯瑟琳和对我那始终如一的爱的力量。

  • The most appropriate strategy may simply be to walk away from the problem

    最好的对策可能就是 回避这个问题。

  • I walk away from any candidate not able to Pass the approach test .

    放弃 每个不能通过测试的候选人。

  • She has a complicated way of talking in the first place and then when she starts talking about an alter ego and pioneer days most people shake their heads and walk away from her .

    她有一个复杂的方式谈论摆在首位,然后当她开始谈论改变自我和先锋天大多数人摇摇头,并 离开 她。

  • The dancers began to walk away from the floor .

    跳舞的人们开始 离开舞池。

  • When you walk away from people are they left with something special they cannot quite explain ?

    当你 离开人群, 别人是否感到你留下什么特别不能解释的东西?

  • You gonna walk away from me ?

    你就 这样 身边 离开

  • Guy wants to kill himself . I can 't just walk away from him .

    那家伙想自杀,我不能就 这么 走开

  • How can you just walk away from me .

    我怎么能让你 身边 离开

  • It 's not something you walk away from .

    有些事情你就不能 回避

  • We can both walk away from this rich as kings .

    这些钱,我们可以 当国王了。