war communication

[wɔr kəˌmjunɪˈkeʃən][wɔ: kəˌmju:niˈkeiʃən]

[计] 战时通信

  • In recent years with the development of war theories and the varieties of war status the environment of communication reconnaissance is becoming more and more complicated . High developed communication techniques of advanced electronic jamming and anti-jamming demand much higher performance of a communication reconnaissance system .

    近年来,随着作战理论的不断发展和 作战形式的不断变化, 通信侦察面临的环境越来越复杂,迅速发展的先进干扰和抗干扰通信技术也对通信侦察提出了越来越高的要求。

  • During the Sino-Japanese War Smedley wrote a lot of communication reports with a strong flavor of times a high news value the unique style and technique .

    史沫特莱在 抗战 时期所做的 通讯报道,因具有强烈的时代气息、极高的新闻价值、独特的风格手法而成为新闻通讯中的精品。

  • Based on the characteristics of information war this paper concludes that national defense communication should reinforce its emergency support capability dimensional support capability mobile support capability protection capability and command capability .

    根据信息化 战争的特点,论述了国防 交通应努力强化应急保障、机动保障、立体保障、生存防卫和组织指挥等五种能力。

  • War Metaphors and News Communication Theory

    战争隐喻与新闻 传播理念&以都市报为例

  • In history it was always used as a military pass in time of dynasty war fires while as a communication lifeline in time of prosperity .

    历史上每到朝代更替之际,它都被用作军事通道,而 太平盛世之时,它又成为社会经济发展中的 交通生命线。

  • Rong who migrated to Yi-Luo region in the beginning of the Spring and Autumn Period had assimilated the local Huaxia members and fused with Huaxia through war and cultural communication .

    春秋初期,迁徙到伊洛地区的少数民族主要是戎的分支,他们曾同化了当地的华夏族,后来又在与华夏的 战争与文化 交流中,逐渐与华夏族融合。

  • Current war is full of high technology means it makes communication electronic warfare more complex .

    随着 战争进入高科技时代, 通信电子战变得更为复杂。

  • Informationalization war and the communication mobilization preparation

    信息化 战争 通信动员准备

  • War and Communication between Java and Yuan Dynasty

    元王朝与爪哇的 战争 来往

  • Under the high technology background of the war in the future the request of the communication jamming in the automatic control is more and more high . The interference which with an automatic control system will have a lot of advantages in modern warfare .

    在将来的高技术 战争的背景下,对 通信干扰弹在自动控制方面的要求越来越高,一个拥有自动控制系统的干扰弹将会在现代战争中占有很大的优势。

  • The war stopped postal communication between the two countries . policy of pin pricks

    战争中断两国间的邮政 通讯。不断进行轻微攻击的政策

  • Modern Local War and Types of News Communication

    当代局部 战争与新闻 传播类型

  • In the future Information war communication campaign command will play a key role .

    在未来信息化 战争中, 通信作战指挥将占有重要的地位。

  • In the modern war the speed of communication searching and release becomes faster and faster compared with lower achievement of technology of rapid carrying weapon .

    现代 战争中, 信息搜索和发布的速度越来越快,但快速投放武器的技术却进展缓慢,高超声速巡航飞行器由于具有较高的突防能力和时敏打击能力,受到越来越多国家的关注。

  • With the development of the ways of war communication capability improvement single soldier has been highly valued by all countries .

    随着 战争形势的快速发展,提高单兵间的 通信能力已经受到了各国的重视。

  • After the third India-Pakistan war the peace treaty of 1972 agreed to establish communication and transport links .

    第三次印巴 战争以后,按照1972年签署的和平协定,两国同意建立 通讯和交通联系。

  • Wireless communication often are made use of in the war communication because of its flexibility .

    无线电通信由于它的灵活性,常常被用 作战通信

  • C ~ 4ISR is the core of modern information war and communication is the tache of C ~ 4ISR thus communicate countermine is the important part of the C ~ 4ISR countermine .

    C~4ISR系统是现代信息 战争体系的核心, 通信是C~4ISR系统中的纽带,通信对抗成为C~4ISR对抗的重要组成部分。

  • From the Crimean War in 19th century to the Iraqi war years of war have shaped the modern media system enlightened communication scholars and promoted emergence of new concepts .

    一方面,从19世纪的克里米亚战争到21世纪的伊拉克战争,这百年来的 战争塑造了现代 传播的制度;

  • The cruise missile has become the important weapon in war which can destroy the military goal and communication goal of enemy .

    巡航导弹已经成为 战争的重要制敌武器,可以对敌方的军事目标、 目标实施精确粉碎性打击。

  • In modern war the communication mode of military command system has developed into a multi-stage multiple joint and multi-means of communication synthesis communication network system .

    在现代 战争中,军事指挥系统的 通信模式已发展成为一个多级多节点多通信手段的综合通信网络系统。

  • Starting firing data was calculated and corrected by shooting operation module and data acquisition shooting operation war situation display data communication and database was managed by industrial control computer .

    射击作业模块解算并修正开始射击诸元。工控机负责数采、射击作业、 战况显示、数据 通信、数据库管理等。

  • According to the wartime rule in a general sense the opposing sides in a state of war ought to stop postal communication from each other and a tight blockade is usually imposed .

    依照战时的一般法则,处于 战争状态的敌对双方应当停止 通邮,并加以严密封锁。

  • Especially in modern war terminal of satellite communication was pressed for possessing fine flexibility .

    尤其是现代 战争中,迫切要求卫星 通信地面终端具备良好的机动性,应具备动中通能力。

  • However the above western development of Shang Culture and various differences during its process were caused by there factors : war expansion resources seizure together with cultural communication .

    而上述商 文化西渐过程的发生以及不同阶段各种差异的产生,是由 战争的扩张和资源的抢占两方面原因所造成的。

  • Future warfare is modernized war led by informationization . Military communication is the indispensable foundation and support of information construction of our army .

    未来战争是以信息化为牵引的现代 战争,军事 通信是军队信息化建设的重要基础和支撑。

  • In for mation War Challenges National Defense Communication in Five Capabilities

    信息化 战争要求国防 交通必须强化五种能力