wanted list

[法] 通缉名单

  • Mr Wang and his current wife Wang Chin Shih-ying are fugitive suspects on Taiwan 's most wanted list .

    王又曾及其现任妻子王金世英已被列为台湾头号 通缉犯。

  • For instance if you did not know beforehand what words you wanted to print around the square you could add them to the list as you found out .

    例如,如果你不知道在正方形周围先打印什么单词,当你 清楚时你可以把它们添加到 列表中。

  • When Jim Caudill 's first wife sat him down and explained that she wanted a divorce she had a long list of complaints : He didn 't help enough with the kids .

    考迪尔(JimCaudill)的前妻让他坐下来,向他解释她为什么 离婚的时候,她 列出了一长 的理由:吉姆不愿照顾孩子。

  • I wanted you not to be able to write a list .

    希望你没法写出这个 名单

  • As long as he 's been on the wanted list .

    只要他还在 追捕 名单上。

  • ' 'but of course they wanted the shopping list .

    他们当然是 想要那张 清单

  • For example every time we wanted to select an item in a list box we found it rather tedious to type this

    例如,每次在 列表框中选择项时,您都会发现,输入代码

  • And again this points out something I wanted to me & I mentioned last time list can be heterogeneous in the sense that the elements can be multiple different types .

    这儿又指出了一点我 想要告诉大家的,我上节课也提到了,就是 数组是多相的,也就是说元素可以是多种类型的。

  • For example let 's say you wanted each item in the unordered list on your page to highlight in bold when you click on them .

    例如,假设您 想要页面上无序 列表中的每一项在您单击时都以粗体突出显示。

  • But tell the kitchens to check his face against the wanted list .

    但是通知厨房把他名字记在 名单上。

  • What 's wanted is in a sense the exact opposite of a list : a data structure where order is irrelevant and identity is explicit .

    从某种意义上说,您所 想要 列表上给出的是完全相反的:一个顺序不相关,但身份明确的数据结构。

  • A400-pound black bear with a sweet tooth is on the wanted list in rural Ontario for stealing cakes and doughnuts .

    一只重达四百磅、嗜吃甜食的黑熊目前上了安大略乡间的 通缉要犯 名单,因为他偷吃了蛋糕和甜甜圈。

  • That would have to be at the bottom of my wanted luxury car list .

    豪华车的话绝不会 这样的车。

  • In fact the Chinese police on Nov.26 put the three executives on an international wanted list by reporting the case to the International Criminal Police Organization .

    事实上,中国警察在十一月 26日藉由报告对国际的犯罪警察组织的情形把三个主管放在一本国际的 目录

  • You 're on the wanted list for taking bribery .

    你因为受贿而被 列入 通缉 名单

  • She 's on our wanted list .

    她在被 通缉 名单上。

  • It 'll be on the wanted list instead .

    会把 列入 要犯 名单里。

  • If we had a collection of Person objects and we wanted to sort that list by the last name of the Person we would write this today as

    如果我们拥有一个Person对象集合,并且 根据Person的姓氏对 列表进行分类,那么我们立即将代码改写如下

  • Five or six years ago importers did not even want to taste the wines they just wanted to look at the price list he says .

    六年前,进口商对葡萄酒连尝都不尝,他们只 看价格 ,他说道。

  • A man who allegedly stole five fowl from a top magistrate in India has been put on the police 's most wanted list .

    大河网讯一名小偷被 为了印度 头号 通缉 ,原因是他偷了印度一名高级地方官家的五只鸡。

  • It 's one reason Kennedy 's father wanted him to make his brother Attorney General and why First Ladies wield power that can never be adequately measured by the list of causes they support .

    他们不得不 办法适应权利的 自相矛盾性:得到权力后,却不懂得如何运用权利。身为总统就意味着孤独和沮丧。当奥巴马在夜间召唤各位前任时,他的前辈们会告诉他为什么会这样。

  • Police in Lishui City Zhejiang Province have removed Qiu Ziming a reporter from the Economic Observer from their wanted list .

    浙江省丽水市警方已经撤销了对《经济观察报》记者 仇子明采取刑事拘留的决定。

  • If you wanted to create a file for each author you would map the authors list to document collection .

    如果您 为每一个作家都创建一个文件,则要将作家 列表映射到文档集。

  • If you had wanted to draw a policy prescription from this film fixing the opaque and overleveraged financial system that brought the world to grief would have been far down the list : a second - or third-order task .

    如果你 希望从这部影片得出政策处方,那么修复给全球带来不幸的不透明且杠杆过度的金融体系,将列在 名单的下方:第二或第三类任务。

  • The An Ninh Thu Do ( Capital Security ) newspaper described Tam as a dangerous criminal on the national wanted list .

    《首都安全报》称Tam为全国通 名单上的“危险犯罪分子”。