war damages


  • For the purpose of damages reparation from Japan after the war the Government then established during the war a special organ in charge of damages investigation and statistics .

    为了战后向日本索赔, 抗战期间国民政府曾设置机构专门负责 损失调查与统计的工作,抗战损失调查已成为 抗日 战争 的重要部分。

  • Despite China 's victory in its war against Japan China suffered far greater damages than Japan from the conflict .

    尽管中国 打败了日本,但却承受了比日本更大的 损失

  • This paper briefly expounds the conception and connotation of the war insurance and analyzes on the influence of the modern war with the maximum damages on the global insurance business .

    简述了“战争险”的概念及内涵,分析了突发性很强、大量运用高科技武器、有极大 破坏性的现代 战争对全球保险业 造成的影响。

  • For These reasons many industrial and Mining Enterprises expand and develop quickly after the previous shrink resulted from the civil war damages .

    正因为如此,南部的不少工矿企业,在经历了因 内战 破坏而一度萎缩之后,获得较快的发展和扩大。

  • In contrast Chinese government expressly hold that Japanese government should envisage issues left over by the war . And there is an increasingly strong voice of Chinese scholars and international community calling for indemnifying . And Chinese civil victims are bringing suit one after another to claim damages .

    与此种主张相反,我国政府明确表示让日本政府正视 战争遗留问题,国际社会和我国学者及代表们要求日本予以赔偿的呼声越来越高,我国民间受害者也陆续提起了 索赔诉讼。

  • The incident attacked in numerous dams has already taken place during the modern war the routed dam brought to the other side damages enormously .

    这已有前车之鉴,在近代 战争中已经发生多次水坝遭到袭击的事件,溃坝往往给对方带来巨大 损失

  • During the anti-Japanese war Chinese high schools suffered great damages under the ravage of Japanese invaded aggressor .

    抗日 战争 时期,在日寇铁蹄的蹂躏下,中国的高等教育事业遭受到近代以来空前的劫难和绝大的 损害