wall flow

[wɔl flo][wɔ:l fləu]


  • Calculation of Wall Flow in a Column with Structured Packing

    规整填料塔的 流量计算

  • The results indicate that at lower reaction temperatures ( 300 ~ 500 ℃) the filter which is constructed with wall flow webby stainless steel coils was regenerated satisfactorily by spraying H 2O 2 into the exhaust .

    试验结果表明,对于 式不锈钢丝网滤芯的过滤器,在较低的反应温度(300℃~500℃)下,通过在过滤器中喷入H2O2,可以使DPF得到良好的再生效果。

  • According to study on after-treatment technique a new type of DEP filter made of ceramic wall flow and its regeneration method infrared heating is put forward .

    通过对柴油机排气微粒后处理技术的研究分析,提出以 式陶瓷为过滤材料,结合红外加热再生方法,形成一个新的微粒后处理系统。

  • The stages of generation development and an equilibrium reached eventually for wall flow in a packed column are concerned in terms of a new concept .

    以新的观点分析了填料塔 内壁 产生、发展且最终达到平衡的过程。

  • In the experiment the infrared radiation and axial distribution of wall temperature and near wall flow pressure were measured with and without film cooling .

    得到了各冷却方案喷管的 压力分布、壁温分布和红外辐射特性。

  • This paper investigates the development of a horseshoe vortex in the uniform wall shear flow by means of the asymptotic marching method based on the Navier-Stokes equation .

    从Navier&Stokes方程出发.应用渐近衔接方法研究了马蹄涡在均匀 切变 中的发展。

  • The results showed : The cooling had significant influence on the near wall flow pressure and the influence was different with cooling schemes .

    结果表明:冷却 气流对喷管 压力分布影响较大,不同冷却结构的 压力分布特点不同。

  • This paper introduces the calculation of wall flow in a Mellapak column is deduced and some problems of sectional height for packing layer is discussed by the way .

    推导了板波纹填料塔的 流量计算方法,并探讨填料层分段高度的选择。

  • Optimization of ceramic wall flow filter

    柴油机用 式过滤体结构参数优化

  • Study on the Trap Mechanisms and Effect Factors of the Diesel Ceramic Wall Flow Filter

    柴油机排气微粒 式陶瓷过滤体过滤机理及影响因素

  • Wall flow in a packed column with structured packings CCD BEAM SIZE DETECTOR

    CCD型束 截面探测器

  • The Air Particle Two Sews the Shape to Paste the Wall Jet Flow Settling of Particies Characteristics Test Research

    气粒两相缝状贴 射流颗粒沉降特性试验研究

  • The mathematical model for predicting the profile of water wall flow rate and temperature is established on account of mass momentum and energy conservations and the corresponding program is developed .

    根据质量守恒、动量守恒和能量守恒方程,建立了超临界锅炉水 流量和壁温计算的数学模型,并开发了计算程序。

  • The movement of large scale eddies in turbulent wall flow and turbulent model

    旋涡 运动 湍流模型

  • An Approximate Solution For Two Dimensional Wetted Wall Flow onthe Surface of a Horizontal Column

    水平圆柱体表面二维濡 的近似解法

  • Wall flow boundary of corrugated structured packings

    波纹型规整填料的 边界

  • A nwe model of wall flow for a packed column

    填料塔 的一个新模型

  • The experimental results show that the performances of the improved ceramic wall flow filter increase and the ceramic wall flow filter of metal coat exhibit excellent and particular performances .

    试验结果表明,改进后的过滤体的各方面性能有了很大的提高,金属 涂层 过滤体表现出良好而独特的性能。

  • An amplification factor ( sandy loam 1.12 sandy clay loam 1.24 ) is introduced to correct the influence of wall flow which reduces the errors of the heat pulse measurements to within 5 % .

    对于砂壤土和砂质粘壤土Fα值分别为1.12和1.24。利用Fα校正 效应的影响后,热脉冲技术估计 水流通量的误差在5%以内。

  • Effect of Wall Flow in a Packed Column with Structured Packings on Separation Characteristics

    规整填料塔的 对分离特性的影响

  • A mathematical model for wall flow boundary of the packed column is derived so that the wall flow boundary curves can be computed in terms of their structural characteristics .

    从数学角度分析了波纹型规整填料塔内 液体流动的宏观 现象,建立了此类填料塔的 边界数学模型。

  • Wall flow patterns on the blade surface and hub surface are found out . The complex vortex system structure such as horseshoe vortex passage vortex corner vortex and trailing vortex and the interaction with shock wave system are researched .

    给出了叶片表面及轮毂面上的 流型,分析并揭示了转子叶 的马蹄涡、通道涡、角涡、尾涡等复杂涡系及其与激波的相互干涉;

  • Development and characteristic analysis on the diesel ceramic wall flow filter

    柴油机 式陶瓷过滤体的开发与性能分析

  • Ceramic wall flow filter is an effective carbon particulate matter purification device on the diesel engine vehicle .


  • A Study on Electrical Regeneration Automatic Control System of Diesel Wall Flow Particulate Filter


  • Effect of curving of heavy duty blades on wall flow

    高负荷叶片弯曲对 流动的影响

  • Experimental study of near wall region flow control by dielectric barrier discharge plasma

    介质阻挡放电等离子体对近 流场的控制的实验研究

  • Characteristics Study for Ultra-supercritical Boilers with Vertical Rifled Tube Platen Water Wall on Flow Compensation

    超超临界锅炉垂直管屏水冷 流量补偿特性研究