walk out

[wɔk aʊt][wɔ:k aut]


  • Grandma 's voice let me walk out from daydream .

    奶奶的呼唤声,让我从遐想中 出来

  • He was asked whether he would walk out if the worst came to the worst .

    他被问到如果发生最坏的情况他是否会 退席

  • One day she will walk out just as her own mother did

    总有一天她会 离家 出走,就像她母亲那样。

  • Then you walk out the door and the meeting 's over .

    然后你也向门口 ,然后会议就结束了。

  • When the play is over and the curtain comes down we can walk out of the theatre .

    等戏演完了,落幕了,我们可以 走出剧场了。

  • But then when it 's over I have to walk out the door and the heaviness will return .

    但是当它结束的时候,我必须 走出大门而沉重又将折返。

  • You want to walk out on me when I badly need you .

    你在我正需要你的时候 离开我。

  • Just think ; tomorrow we shall walk out of this place and leave it all behind us forever

    你想想看,明天我们就要 走出这个地方,再也不回来了。

  • I can 't allow you to walk out of here .

    我不能让你 这里 出去

  • You really think I 'm going to let you walk out of here ?

    你真的以为我会让你 这儿 走出

  • I think I 'll walk out for a little while to get a breath of fresh air .

    我想 出去 走走,呼吸一下新鲜空气。

  • You gonna walk out there and tell them I killed green .


  • You can turn around and walk out .

    但你可以 做出另外的 选择,你可以转身 走出

  • Look we just can 't walk out of here .


  • Her husband walked out on her

    她丈夫抛弃 她。

  • I don 't want you to walk out on this wedding .

    我不想要你 抛弃这场婚礼。

  • I walk out of here I 'm a dead man .


  • She had walked out and gone to live in Bath with her granny .

    她离家 出走后到巴斯与奶奶同住。

  • I disappears from the tea room I walk out into the open in the guest house .

    我失魂落魄的从红袖的房间里 出来进了我在宾馆开的房子。

  • He have a row with his wife and just walk out on her .

    他和妻子吵架后就把她 抛弃

  • Nationwide industrial action began earlier this week when staff at most banks walked out .

    本周早些时候多数银行职员举行 罢工,遍及全国的劳工行动由此开始。

  • And we walk out just you and me .

    还活着的就只 你和我。

  • You walk out that door they 're going to kill you .


  • Several dozen councillors walked out of the meeting in protest

    几十名政务会委员愤然 会场 退席以示抗议。

  • They threatened to walk out if the party did not change direction

    他们威胁说,如果该党不改变方针,他们就将 集体 退席

  • I 'll walk out of this apartment right now and I will marry you .

    我会马上 走出这公寓,还会跟你结婚。

  • It was one thing to talk about leaving ; it was another to physically walk out the door

    说走 容易,真要抬腿跨 出门可就难

  • Mr. Mason walked out during the performance .

    梅森先生在演出时 退场

  • If you walk out that door I will make you disappear .

    如果你 走出那扇门,我会让你消失掉。