walk through

[wɔk θru][wɔ:k θru:]


  • Let 's walk through the previous command from left to right .

    现在 我们 上一条命令从左向右进行分析。

  • We had a long walk through one of the markets of Old Delhi .

    我们 穿过旧德里的一个市场时 了很长一段

  • They had a walk through the fields .

    他们在田野中 穿行

  • I take myself on a six-hour walk through town today .

    今天我 城里 了六小时的

  • It took him three hours to walk through the forest .

    他花了三个小时 穿过森林。

  • Walk through willow school and talk about it !

    步行 穿过柳树学校和谈谈有关它的情况!

  • I want you walk through together each spring summer and autumn winter .

    我想与你一起 走过每个春夏和秋冬。

  • In this article we will walk through the development of a converged HTTP and SIP application .

    在本文中,我们将 介绍聚合HTTP和SIP应用程序的开发。

  • Then he took a walk through the town .

    然后他 城里走了

  • Can I walk through this building ?

    我能 穿过这幢建筑物吗?

  • Let 's walk through what RMC provides in each of these areas .

    让我们分别讨论 RMC在这三个领域为我们提供了什么。

  • I walk through the gate and knock on a glass front door .


  • Shall I again * walk through the people flows on the crowded street with my shadow behind ?

    难道我要再一次,再一次 穿梭 人群,和我孤独的背影穿梭在热闹的大街上么?

  • It 's eerie to walk through a dark wood at night .

    夜晚 漆黑的森林 中行 很是恐怖。

  • I watched her walk through the door .

    我看着她从门外 走进

  • I will see some beautiful birds if I walk through a rainforest .

    如果我 穿过热带雨林,我将看到一些漂亮的鸟。

  • It took me so long to walk through the deep snow .

    在深深的雪地里 行走花了我很长时间。

  • You can walk through the zebra crossing only when the traffic lights turn green .

    只有当交通号志变成绿色时,你才可以 通过 斑马线。

  • We walked out on the bridge and then took a walk through the town .

    我们出去, 上桥,然后 城里闲逛。

  • I mean you can walk through walls you know .

    我是说,你能 穿墙,是吧。

  • I 'm sorry I 'm late ; it took me so long to walk through the deep snow .

    很抱歉我来迟了,在 深雪 中行 花了我好长的时间。

  • The majority of us feel worried if we walk through a subway .

    大多数人在 地下 通道时都感到害怕。

  • We took a long walk through the pines .

    我们 松树林中 穿行了很久。

  • Are the voices I hear when I walk through the door .


  • As you walk through building the example the various virtualized and application directories are explained .


  • He walk through the streets and find a near-by park .

    穿过 条街道,找到了附近的一个公园。

  • Once you walk through that door there 's no turning back .

    一旦你 通过这道门, 就永远也无法回头了。

  • I 'll walk through the gates of jerusalem .

    我会 走过耶路撒冷的大门。

  • It took him one hour to walk through the forest .

    他花费了一个小时的时间 穿过那片森林。

  • This early morning shot was taken in especially thick fog as people walk through on their way to work .

    这幅于清晨浓雾中拍摄的照片刻画了 上班路上的人们。