voting stock

[ˈvotɪŋ stɑk][ˈvəʊtɪŋ stɔk]


  • The second chapter analyzes the exchange right voting right and source of Employee Stock .

    第二章从职工 的转让权,职工 表决权、职工 源与 回购以及职工 购回等问题对职工持股 股权设置的 域外 法律进行了分析;

  • The voting scandals in the process of stock structure reform made people to doubt about the proposition that institutional investors are capable of monitoring and reducing the private benefits of control held by controlling shareholders and corporate managers so as to enhance corporate governance and improve monitoring efficiency .

    股改过程中所出现的 投票门事件也让笔者对机构投资者监控并减少控股股东和公司经理的控制权私人收益,改进公司治理以提高市场企业监控效率的命题产生质疑。

  • But voting trust is a special kind of trust after all and has special purpose which is gaining control of voting power of corporate stock .

    但是表决权信托毕竟是一种特殊类型的信托,有特殊的存在价值。当事人设立 表决信托的主要目的是获取公司控制

  • An analysis of the classified voting system in the stock right splitting reform

    股权分置改革中的分类 表决制度

  • If any member has dispute for any stock among the candidate name list it shall to be discussed for voting whether this stock is picked .

    如果任何成员对候选名单中的任何股票有异议,则采取讨论并 表决的方式决定该 股票是否入选。

  • Controlling minority structure is a usual structure in controlling companies which has there main forms such as deferential voting rights stock pyramid and cross ownership .

    少数股权控股是常见的控股形式,主要包括多种 投票权安排、 金字塔控股和交叉控股三种形式,它会降低公司运作的效率。

  • Ownership of more than 50 % of a corporation 's voting shares . Stock Abalienation of Limited Companies and the Protection of Relating Stakeholders

    拥有超过一半的公司 股份,具有控制 。有限责任公司 股权移转及相关主体的利益保护

  • Classified voting system plays a great role at the primary stage of stock right spitting reform .

    分类 表决机制在 股权分置改革试点阶段发挥了巨大的作用。

  • Early in the history of the voting trust the courts were almost solely concerned that voting trust involved a divorce of the voting power from the beneficial ownership of the stock and deemed it violated public policy .

    表决权信托产生之初曾因分离了 股份 表决权和所有权被认为违反公共政策。

  • An Analysis on the Phenomenon Of Adjusting Consideration Program & The Effect Of Classified Voting System on the Stock Right Spitting Reform

    对调整对价方案现象的分析&分类 表决机制在 股权分置改革中的作用

  • Proxy voting is different from the normal agency by agreement . Proxy separates stock right from the voting power to a certain extent .

    代理 投票不同于一般的委托代理,代理 投票涉及的是特定的 投票 行为,而非一般代理的交易或财产处分行为,并且在一定程度上导致了 股权与投票权的分离。

  • Companies may issue both voting and nonvoting ( or limited voting ) common stock normally differentiating the issues as Class A and Class B respectively .

    公司可以发行有投票权和无投票权(或限制 投票 )普通 ,一般以A级和B级作为区分。

  • Voting preferred stock redeemable preferred share

    有表达 的确优先 可赎回有优先 的股份

  • Perfect the vote voting system encourage the minority stock holder to participate in company 's managing actively .

    完善投票 表决制度,鼓励小 股东积极参与公司治理。

  • This article which has four chapters is about the voting trust in the field of stock acquisition .

    本文则从 股份收购这个新的角度探讨 表决 信托,全文共分四章。

  • A general partner or voting stock holder of a NYSE member firm ; allowed to perform transactions on the exchange floor .

    指纽约 证券交易所会员公司之 股东或合伙人。联合会员依规定不得于交易厅内进行业务。

  • Ch families which own all of Porsche 's voting stock have been rowing over the best way to combine the companies ever since Porsche fell short in its attempt to accumulate a75 % stake in VW .

    ch家族一直就整合两家公司最好的方式争吵不休。他们的争执始于 保时捷对试图占到大众75% 股份的力不从心。

  • The classified voting system represents an important system innovation for the stock market in China .

    分类 表决制度是我国 证券市场的一大制度革新。

  • On May6th the warring Porsche and Pi ë ch families which own all the voting stock of the holding company that controls Porsche agreed to find a way of merging the two carmakers .

    5月6日,虎视眈眈的保时捷和皮耶希,这两大拥有所有保时捷 表决 股票的家族同意合并两家汽车公司。

  • Voting non-equity share capital qualified stock option

    表决 的非产权股份资本附条件的 股份认购权;附条件股份认购权;附条件认股权