


  • Application of satellite water vapor imagery and potential vorticity field on convection weather analysis

    卫星水汽图像和位势 场在强对流天气分析中的应用

  • Analysis of Moist Potential Vorticity for a Snowstorm Process in the North of Hebei Province

    河北北部一次区域性暴雪过程的湿位 分析

  • Maximum areas of ageostrophic vorticity of upper air jet correspond to mesoscale terrain .

    中尺度降水区分别与非地转风 极值密集区相对应。

  • The cold air from mid-high latitudes the stronger pergence in the upper troposphere and the positive vorticity advection played a significant role in the re-development of the cyclone .

    中高纬冷空气的加入、对流层上层较强的辐散及正的 平流对气旋的再次发展起了关键作用。

  • Non-thermal wind vorticity variations and the TC central pressure changes are in a better consistency .

    非热成风 的变化与热带气旋中心气压变化有较好的一致性。

  • Both dynamical and diagnostic methods reveal that moist potential vorticity anomaly regions correspond well to the regions of intensive precipitation .

    从动力和资料诊断两个方面均揭示出湿位 异常区与强降水区有很好的对应关系。

  • Vorticity and Kelvin 's theorem .


  • A quasi-geostrophic barotropic vorticity equation model is used to simulate the influences of topographic forcing and land friction on landfall tropical cyclone track and intensity .

    采用准地转正压 方程模式,对地形强迫和陆地摩擦作用下登陆热带气旋的路径和强度进行了模拟研究。

  • FEATURES OF BAROTROPIC / BAROCLINIC VORTICITY AND ENSTROPHY DURING OKHOTSK BLOCKING DEVELOPMENT Application of convective and moist vorticity vectors in the analysis of a heavy rainfall event

    鄂霍茨克海阻高发展过程的正斜压 和涡度拟能的演变特征对流涡度矢量和湿涡度矢量在暴雨诊断分析中的应用研究

  • Modified the vorticity equation obtained in the first half of the class to include the earth 's rotation .

    考虑到地球的旋转,对前半节获得的 方程作出修正。

  • The various terms in the potential vorticity equations have made very different contributions to the evolution of the anticyclone .


  • Based on artificial neural network and genetic algorithms the aerodynamic optimization of stacking curve for a low-speed compressor rotor was implemented by controlling circumferential vorticity .

    采用人工神经网络结合遗传算法,利用周向 ,对一单级低速压气机转子空间弯掠积叠曲线进行了气动数值优化。

  • There is a stronger response to frontgenetical forcing in the atmosphere where the value of wet potential vorticity is relatively small .

    大气在湿位 值比较小的区域对锋生强迫有更强的响应。

  • The gale was caused by the mesoscale system that the vorticity advection in upper temperature advection in middle and lower layer the explosively developing front cyclones .

    高空 平流、中低空温度平流、南北两支气流相遇促使地面低压强烈发展生成新的锋面气旋是大风形成的中尺度系统;

  • It is found that the vorticity source and energy source of these two teleconnection patterns were mainly concentrated in the North Atlantic and North Pacific regions respectively .

    结果表明,这两个遥相关型的 源和能量源分别主要位于北大西洋和北太平洋地区。

  • Chinese sturgeon spawning ground horizontal mean vorticity computation and analysis

    中华鲟产卵场平面平均 计算与分析

  • Analysis on Isentropic Potential Vorticity for the Snow Calamity in South China and the Stratospheric Polar Vortex in 2008 Regional Turbo-Prop and Regional Jet sales Operating Leases and Wet Leases .

    2008年中国南方雪灾与平流层极涡异常的等熵位 分析经营支线 桨飞机和支线喷气式飞机租赁及湿租业务。

  • The radial linear advection may transfer the vorticity of the outer region towards the center of the typhoon .

    沿径向线性平流的引进可使外区 向台风中心方向传播。

  • This generates ascent as well as negative vorticity source which corresponds to a strongly anomaly anticyclone center appearing to the north of the heating region .

    结果该区域产生了 垂直上升运动及负的 强迫源,对应着异常强烈的反气旋环流。

  • Potential Vorticity Analysis of Cold Air Activities during the East Asian Summer Monsoon

    东亚夏季风时期冷空气活动的 分析

  • The potential vorticity thinking is a very intelligent and useful way to explain and predict the synoptic variations .


  • The baroclinic part of wet potential vorticity can reflect clearly the role of wet baroclinity in the convectively instable systems .

    湿位 斜压部分可清楚地反映湿斜压性对对流不稳定系统所起的作用。

  • The vorticity of the storm is increasing .

    风暴的 正在加深。

  • The results show that the dynamic functions of thermal advection vorticity advection coastal frontogenesis and air jet stream made great contribution to the explosive development of the cyclone .

    结果表明,温度平流和 平流、沿岸锋生以及高空急流的动力作用对气旋暴发性发展有重要贡献。

  • A diagnosis of moist potential vorticity anomaly during Meiyu period in2003 .

    2003年梅雨期湿位 异常诊断分析。

  • The results indicate that periodic stator wakes can reduce the radial vorticity of hub passage vortex .


  • Additionally the vorticity contours were computed and the characteristics of distorted rotor wake were analyzed .

    此外,还计算和分析了旋翼 下方不同 位置上的 分布。

  • Application of Generalized Moist Potential Vorticity to Analysis and Forecast of the Torrential Rain over the Changjiang-Huaihe River Basin

    广义湿位 在江淮流域暴雨分析和预报中的应用

  • Numerical Simulation of the Effect of Subtropical Anticyclone on the Evolvement of Potential Vorticity of Landfall Typhoon on Isentropic Surface

    副热带高压对登陆台风等熵面 演变影响的数值模拟研究

  • Rainstorm phase is the inverse of humidity potential vorticity especially in severe rainstorm .

    暴雨与湿位 呈反位相相关,且在暴雨较强时相关性更好。