waiting queue

[ˈwetɪŋ kju][ˈweɪtɪŋ kju:]


  • But minimize the number of steps where practical to reduce the time waiting in queue and thus reduce the total time of service .

    尽可能的减少工作步骤,缩短工作 排队 等候的时间,也就是缩短服务的整体时间。

  • Programme simulation : Simulate the process of the queuing according to queue model M / M / 1 programming language C the four steps such as data coming waiting in queue link service and data leaving .

    本程序是以M/M/1为排队模型,使用C语言进行程序设计,通过数据到达、 排队 等待、链路服务、数据离开四个环节模拟了排队过程。

  • The Properties of Stationary Waiting Time in Queue System

    排队系统平稳 等待时间的性质

  • A simulation experiment was performed to measure the capability of above fuzzy controller at a four-phase single crossing and the performance was measured with vehicle waiting queue through the intersection .

    用此系统对上述控制器进行四相位交叉口的仿真试验,以通过交叉口的平均 等待车辆长度作为性能评价指标,仿真结果表明,控制效果比较满意,优于定时控制方法。

  • Having the problems of multi-phase and time backwards be considered the traffic signal control employing fuzzy control method in isolated intersection is discussed and a fuzzy control method is proposed which uses current phase and next phase vehicles waiting queue to determine each phase time .

    此文同时考虑多相位和倒计时问题,讨论用模糊控制方法对单路口多相位的交通信号进行控制,提出以当前相、后继相的车辆 等待 长度决定相位信号配时。

  • The outpatients are waiting in the queue .

    门诊病人在 排队 等候

  • Furthermore we give the analytical expression of the waiting queue length and waiting time of the arrival customers when all of the servers are busy and also prove the conditional stochastic decomposition properties of them .

    此外,给出了两个服务员均忙时,系统中 等待 队长和到达顾客等待时间的解析表达式,并证明了其条件随机分解特性。

  • Waiting in the queue to talk to our serious and elegant history teacher she had overheard the woman in front dismiss the teacher 's comments about her daughter with a little dash of the hand .

    排队 等候与我们严肃而端庄的历史老师谈话时,无意中听到前面的女人把老师对她女儿的评语不当回事,还把手轻轻一挥。

  • When the Web services client calls the invoke message the responses waiting in that queue are delivered .

    当Web服务客户端调用invoke消息时,在那个 队列 等待的响应就会被传送。

  • I was waiting in the bus queue when two men pushed in in front of me .

    正在 排队 公共汽车,这时候两个人挤到我前面。

  • A signal sent in the backward direction to indicate that the call has been placed in a waiting queue because the called subscriber is busy but has the camp on facility .

    有被叫用户指示器的电话局反向发送的一种信号,表示呼叫已排入 等待 队列(因为被叫用户忙,但装有预占设备)。

  • The number of documents waiting for a queue .

    等待 队列的文档数。

  • The audit maximum incoming queue depth shows how many measurement objects were waiting on the queue to be processed by the audit thread at any one time .

    审计最大传入队列深度显示了同一时刻有多少个measurement对象 正在 排队 等候审计线程处理。

  • Study of waiting queue problem in commercial bank based on Monte Carlo Simulation

    基于蒙特卡洛模拟的商业银行 排队问题研究

  • MOBILE game designer surnamed Su had spent more than five hours by 11:30pm last night waiting in the queue in front of a China Telecom outlet in Shanghai waiting for the debut of iPhone 5 at midnight .

    一位姓苏的移动游戏设计师到昨晚11点半已经在上海的中国电信门口 排队超过5个小时等待iPhone5在午夜时分的发布。

  • B & The average number of kernel threads that are in the virtual memory waiting queue over your sampling interval .

    b&采样期间在虚拟内存中 等待 队列的平均内核线程数。

  • Then aimed at the shortest time for vehicle waiting and the maximum of traffic flow in multi-phase intersection author gave a multi-phase fuzzy control method which uses current phase and next phase vehicles waiting queue to determine each phase time .

    对单点信号交叉口多相位的交叉路口,提出以当前相和后继相的车辆 等待 长度决定信号配时的多相位模糊控制方法,设计了多相位模糊控制器。

  • This can dramatically improve throughput by preventing requests for other pages pages that don 't perform lengthy I / O operations from waiting in a queue .

    这样可以通过阻止其他页面(不执行较长的I/O操作的页面)的请求在 队列 等待,从而显著地提高吞吐量。

  • She had been waiting in the queue to buy some stamps .

    她一直在 排队 买几张邮票。

  • It is validated that the relay selection scheme based on instantaneous SNR seems to be superior to that based on fair mechanism in terms of the realized System transmission delay waiting queue length .

    由分析结果可知,基于瞬时信噪比的中继选择方案所带来的系统时延、 等待 队长 性能指标优于基于公平机制的中继选择方案。

  • A discrete-time queuing model with negative custom as disaster is built . By using the method of state transfer analyses we derive the one-step transfer probability matrix to get the probability mother functions of both the system queue length and waiting queue length of the model .

    构建了负顾客作为灾难到达的离散时间排队模型,运用状态转移分析方法,得到了模型的一步转移概率矩阵,从而求得模型的系统队长的概率母函数以及 等待 队长的概率母函数。

  • Are you sure you want to delete all alert e-mails waiting in queue ?

    是否确定要删除 队列 正在 等待的所有通知电子邮件?

  • Meanwhile Chinese and other coal purchasers have no incentive to stop their ships from waiting in the queue since producers pick up the bill for delays .

    同时,中国和其它煤炭购买方也没有动力结束自己轮船 排队 等候的局面,因为延误是由生产商来埋单的。

  • This paper proposes a way which combines TCP Proxy with the ACK waiting queue to filter DDoS TCP Flooding attacks and implements it within the Linux kernel .

    该文提出了一种TCPProxy与 响应ACK 队列相结合的、能够对TCP绝拒服务攻击进行有效过滤的方法,并用这种方法在Linux内核中实现了一个高速过滤器。

  • The number of milliseconds the most recent request was waiting in the queue .

    最近的请求在 队列 等待的时间(毫秒)。

  • Waiting Time and Queue Length in Discrete-time Polling System with Bulk Arrival

    批到达离散时间轮询系统中顾客 等待时间及 队长

  • In this paper we present a multi-phase traffic light control strategy based on the length of the waiting queue according to fuzzy control theory .

    本文应用模糊控制原理,设计了一种考虑车辆 等待长度的单交叉口多相位交通自适应控制策略。

  • Firepower unit Finite Waiting False-serving Queue Model Based on SPN

    基于SPN有限 等待差错服务的火力单元 排队模型

  • Through a deep research on streaming delivery algorithms a novel algorithm is presented which is called patching first maximum waiting queue length & MWQL .

    通过对现有流调度算法的深入研究,提出了一种新的流媒体调度算法&补丁优先的最大 等待 队列算法。