


  • This alarmed her and made her more wakeful .

    这使她感到惊慌,使她更加 警觉了。

  • ' The game of that is that they always leave it open with a catch so that the dog who 's got a bed in here may walk up and down the passage when he feels wakeful .

    妙就 在他们老是让门开着, 搭钩 挂住,狗在那地方有个窝,这样 一来它睡 的时候可以在走廊里来回溜达。

  • It is the wakeful experience of life an alert participation in the ongoing process of living .

    它是对生命的一种 清醒的体验,一种对生命永恒的过程的警觉性的参与。

  • Research on sleep deprivation suggests that the IQ drop caused by electronic obsession is also equivalent to a wakeful night .

    关于剥夺睡眠的研究表明因为痴迷于电子产品而造成的智力衰退相当于 一夜 失眠

  • I found myself weary and yet wakeful tossing restlessly from side to side seeking for the sleep which would not come .

    疲倦,可是 不能 入睡,辗转反侧, 想睡愈睡不着。

  • I am eager and wakeful I am a stranger in a strange land .

    我切望而又 清醒,我是一个异乡的异客。

  • At each change in engine sound she grew more wakeful .

    她随着发动机声的每一变化而越来越 清醒了。

  • I had a wakeful night because he warned me that I should be watchful .

    我一夜 未眠,因为他警告我要小心。

  • Deciding that sleep would come when it was ready he lay relaxed and wakeful letting his mind roam .

    他认定入睡不能强求,到时候就会睡着,于是精神放松, 清醒 躺着,任思绪浮想联翩。

  • I felt wakeful and alert .

    我觉得 清醒又警觉。

  • But one of the girls who occupied an adjoining bed was more wakeful than Tess and would insist upon relating to the latter various particulars of the homestead into which she had just entered .

    不过,在和她毗邻的一张床上睡觉的女孩子,不像苔丝 那样很快 就能 入睡,坚持要讲讲她刚刚加入进来的这 人家的一些琐事。

  • Several times lately I have lain wakeful when there sounded the first note of the earliest lark ; it makes me almost glad of my restless nights .

    近来我多次躺着 无法 入睡,因为传来最早的云雀的第一声鸣叫;这使我几乎为自己的多少个不眠之夜感到欣然。

  • From your breast you have fed us with life but not immortality that is why your eyes are ever wakeful .

    从你的胸乳里,你是以生命而不是以不朽来哺育我们,因此你的眼睛永远是 警醒的。

  • The children are wakeful tonight .

    今晚小孩们还 入睡

  • Anxiety The pain w_208 kept me wakeful .


  • The person inside the site is not only in a system composed of nature and ego but also in a completely abstract self wakeful ideology .

    处于场所中的人,既处在自然与自我的 创造 交织构成的体系 之中,又处于一种完全抽象的自我 觉醒的思想体系中。

  • Misery knocks at thy door and her message is that thy lord is wakeful and he calls thee to the love-tryst through the darkness of night .

    悲哀在你门上敲著,她传话说你的主 著呢,他叫你在夜的黑暗中奔赴爱的约会。

  • Wakeful babies will often continue to need little sleep as they grow older .

    通常 睡眠 的婴儿长大后仍然只需要较少的睡眠。

  • The very act of concentration seemed to make me more wakeful than ever and I would pass hours in tormenting sleeplessness .

    高度集中的精力让我比任何时候都 清醒,我不得不在折磨人的失眠中捱过几个钟头。

  • Some babies are hungry and wakeful from birth .

    有些婴儿生下来就感到饥饿, 很少 睡着

  • And drown the wakeful anguish of the soul .

    苦闷的灵魂 清醒的一

  • He lay wakeful all night .

    他躺在 上彻夜未眠。

  • And studies have also shown that when deciding between a nap and an attractive wakeful activity they choose the activity .

    研究还表明当决定是要小睡还是进行吸引人的 提神活动的时候,人们会选择活动一下。

  • The favourite pastime of the nocturnally wakeful is worrying .
