voice current

[vɔɪs ˈkɚrənt][vɔis ˈkʌrənt]


  • Bell arrived at the conclusion that to carry the human voice he would have to create a continuous current of electricity that would vibrate with the tones of the voice .

    贝尔得出结论,要传达人的 说话 ,他必须产生出能随说话声的音调一起震荡的连续 电流

  • Knox has designed a voice identification software program that works more accurately than current fingerprinting techniques a scientific breakthrough that would mean disaster in the wrong hands .

    诺克斯设计出了一套 语音识别软件程序,比 目前的指纹辨认技术更为精确,这是一项科学突破,落入恶人之手便意味着灾难。

  • Both new and current users of SL needed to download and install a new viewer to enable the private Voice over Internet Protocol ( VoIP ) feature and VoIP itself was prone to glitches .

    无论是SL的新用户还是 当前用户,他们都需要下载并安装一个新的查看器以支持这个私有 VoiceOverInternetProtocol(VoIP)特性,而VoIP本身则容易出现小故障。

  • The rising applications of voice multimedia and data services all have high demands of network performance parameters such as transfer bandwidth delay jitter and packet loss rate . However current best-effort Internet does not provide any QoS guarantees for voice and multimedia applications .

    语音、多媒体和数据业务对带宽、延时、抖动等网络服务质量提出了更高的要求,而 当前IP网络的尽力而为服务并不保证传输的服务质量。

  • The scheme proposed in this thesis predigests voice processing policy syncretizes two current developing techniques which is of some theory value .

    本论文提出的方案简化了系统的 语音处理策略,方案中融合了两种 通用的开发技术,具有一定的理论价值。

  • Although there are more data services than voice services in current communication network voice services is still very important .

    虽然 目前通信网络中数据业务量已经大大的超过了 语音业务,但语音业务的重要性是不言而喻的。

  • While many smartphones and apps boast voice-related features such as Voice Search on the Nexus S the technology Siri developed appears to be ahead of current offerings .

    尽管很多智能手机和应用都吹嘘与语音控制有关的功能,比如NexusS上的 语音搜索(VoiceSearch)功能,但Siri开发的技术似乎要领先于 现有产品。

  • The system use facilitates nimbly and can simultaneously transmit voice signals and environmental parameters make up the current mine disaster relief equipment can only be a single voice signal transmission defects .

    系统轻便、使用灵活,能同时传输 语音信号和环境参数,弥补了 当前矿用救灾设备只能单一传输语音信号的缺陷。

  • A large power combined compensated driving linear servo unit based on the principle of voice coil motor is presented . Its force constant maximum driving force and maximum driving current are 82 N / A 820 N and 10A respectively .

    依据 动圈电动机的基本原理,研究开发了一种大推力复合补偿驱动的直线伺服单元,其推力常数为82N/A,最大驱动 电流为10A,最大推力820N。

  • To accurately match a voice requires something to compare the current sound to .

    为了精确匹配 语音,要求具有可以与 当前声音相比较的内容。

  • His sense of intellectual makes him issue the voice of critical deconstruction the current system in May Storm in France in 1968 .

    他的知识分子的使命感,使他在1968年法国五月风暴中所发出批判、解构 现行的制度的 呼声

  • TV news commentary program as the voice and banners of the television media not only report news and disseminate information but also guide public opinion and perform supervision of public opinion which obviously played an extremely important role in the current society of China .

    电视新闻评论节目作为电视媒介的 声音和旗帜,不仅报道新闻和传播信息,而且能够引导社会舆论,进行舆论监督,在中国 当前社会不言而喻地发挥着极其重要的作用。

  • For real time service such as voice Drop Tail algorithm the buffer management ( packet dropping ) algorithm implemented in current Internet was analyzed . Because of its unsatisfactory performance a packet dropping algorithm based on precedence named PRED was proposed .

    针对实时业务如 语音,分析了 现有的Internet的缓冲管理算法Droptail算法的缺陷,提出了一种基于优先级的分组丢弃算法PRED算法。

  • How to transport voice fax video in the Intranet is the hot research field in current network technology application .

    如何在企业内部的Intranet上实现 语音、传真、数据、视频等多媒体数据的传输是 当前网络技术应用的热点。

  • Besides voice calls video chat instant message online subscriptions and other functions appear one after another in many of the current SIP / IMS terminals .

    当前的很多SIP/IMS终端上,除了简单的 语音通话,视频聊天、即时消息、在线订阅等功能层出不穷。

  • With the types of communications service change into integrated service from the pure voice service the shortage of the mainstream transmission technology in current shows in the bandwidth of carrying data service and the efficiency of data processing .

    随着单纯 语音业务趋向综合业务转移尤其是数据业务的转移, 当前主流的传送技术已经开始显现在承载数据业务的带宽和数据处理效率等方面的不足。

  • As an important part of the hard disk the head positioning technology also developed from beginning of the rail orientation to the voice coil which widespread use in current drive . Meanwhile the positioning accuracy and speed have been greatly improved .

    作为硬盘技术中重要一环的磁头定位技术,也从最开始的导轨式定位发展到 目前普遍使用的 圈电机驱动,定位的精度和速度都有了极大的提升。

  • Thus in the second chapter the narrative voice of this paper the angle the current classification of the woman with the published novel .

    于是,在第二章里,本文以叙事 声音角度切入,分类研究了 目前公开出版的女同小说。

  • In this background the VoIP technology which transfers the voice data through IP datagram and realizes voice calls through the packet switching technology gets vigorous development . Compared with the current extensive used analog circuit communication technology it has lots of advantages .

    在此背景下,利用IP技术转发语音数据。通过分组交换技术实现 语音通话的VoIP技术蓬勃发展起来,相比 当前大量使用的模拟电路通信技术, 数字 语音通信技术具有网络结构更加简单。

  • Character segmentation and voice segmentation is the two main problems in the process of audio publications . In the current product design process these two technologies are done manually .

    字符分割和 语音分割是出版物有声化过程中的两个主要问题,在 目前的产品设计过程中这两项分割技术都是通过手动完成的。

  • Then it analyzes the main factors which affects the performance of voice transmission and the current research developments of VoIP QoS .

    其次分析了影响 语音传输质量的主要因素和 当前VoIPQos的研究动态。