weigh in with


  • If you feel differently please weigh in with comments .

    如果你有不同意见,请 评论里 留言

  • Regression analysis shows that daily age of juveniles were in a linear correlation with body length and weigh body length were in a power correlation with body weigh . 4 .

    回归分析表明,四大家鱼幼鱼的体长、 体重均与日龄呈显著的线性关系,体长体重生长 显著的幂指数关系。

  • Benitez is confident Bellamy will be an instant hit at Anfield and is backing him to weigh in with a fair share of goals during the course of the campaign .

    贝尼特斯确信贝拉米在安菲尔德将是一把 利剑,并且支持他成功提出 进攻期间公平分享进球(此话咱不理解)。

  • Medical treatment is sure to weigh healthy insurance again it is the underwriter is in charge of because accident harm or disease defray are sure with the person of charge of insurance medical treatment assuming insurant .

    医疗保险又 健康保险,是保险人负责承担被保险人因意外伤害或疾病支出 保险医疗费用的人身保险。

  • Enterprise risk management is to recognize weigh and control enterprise risks in a systematic and standardized manner so as to minimize all possible losses caused by risks with minimum costs .

    企业风险管理是采用系统、规范的方法对企业风险进行识别、 衡量和控制, 最低的成本使风险所致的各种损失降到最低程度的管理过程。

  • To accompany our cover article on regional food specialties around France we asked some food experts to weigh in with their tips for must-eats in other parts of the world .

    为了 配合本期以法国各地特色美食为主题的封面文章,我们请教了一些 美食家,请他们推荐世界其他地方不可错过的美味。

  • Weigh in with comments below .


  • The value evaluation in criminal litigation argues the fact finders how to weigh the conflict of interests and make the choices in accordance with certain procedures and methods .

    刑事诉讼价值 权衡,就是由裁判者依据一定程序和方法对冲突的利益确定其 轻重而进行的 衡量与选择活动。

  • But as Security Council members weigh their response they should bear in mind that the west played its part in creating the crisis with a policy so one-sided it smacked of the cold war .

    但在安理会成员国对这种反应进行 权衡,他们应当记住,西方在制造这场危机上面起到了一定作用,它们的政策如此片面, 带有冷战的味道。

  • The study shows that male light weigh rowing elites body fat % decreasing in certain range has significant relationship with their resistance improving .

    结果显示,一定范围 体脂%的下降 赛艇 轻量级运动员有氧耐力的提高显著相关;

  • The government is planning to cut the heavy social charges which weigh on the competitiveness of French businesses while making up the shortfall in welfare funding with a social increase in VAT .

    法国政府计划削减 拖累本国企业竞争力的高昂社会费用,同时出台一项“社会”增值税来填补福利经费缺口。

  • Coefficient in CAPM model is the basic parameter to weigh the system risk of the capital market . The coefficient in a complete capital market with validity is usually steady and that is also a requirement of the traditional CAPM model .

    CAPM模型中的贝塔系数是用来 衡量资本市场系统风险的基本参数,一个完备的 具有有效性的资本市场,它的贝塔系数是不变的,传统的CAPM模型 也要求贝塔系数是固定不变的。

  • Check out the trailer below and weigh in with your predictions for Gossip Girl 's final season .

    快看看下面的预告片, 加入《绯闻女孩》最终季的预测当中。