water-carrying agent


  • Trimethylolpropane tris-acrylate ( TMPTA ) has been obtained by the reaction of trimethylolpropane ( TMP ) and acrylic acid ( AA ) with Ce2 ( SO4 ) 3 as catalyst and cyclohexane and toluene as water-carrying agent .

    以三羟甲基丙烷(TMP)、丙烯酸(AA)为原料,硫酸铈为催化剂,环己烷和甲苯混合物为 水剂,合成了三羟甲基丙烷三丙烯酸酯。

  • The silane self-crosslinked LLDPE material without boiling was made in this paper by introducing the water-carrying agent into the silane grafted LLDPE which overcome the disadvantage including the time and energy consumption lower production efficiency of the traditional boiled process .

    由于传统的水煮工艺耗能耗时,生产效率较低,本文通过在硅烷接枝LLDPE中引入 水剂,制得了免水煮的硅烷自交联LLDPE材料。

  • The results showed that the productivity of ethyl lactate was obviously improved by adding dehydrating agent and water-carrying agent in the reaction system .

    结果表明,加入脱水剂和 水剂可以显著提高乳酸乙酯的产率。

  • Pentaerythrite and oleate were esterified with stannous oxide as a catalyst and dimethyl benzene as a water-carrying agent to produce heat-resistant pentaerythrite oleate with thermal weight loss of 16.76 % - 20.72 % at 250 ℃ .

    以氧化亚锡为催化剂、二甲苯为 水剂、由季戊四醇与油酸酯化,合成了在250℃时热失重率为16.76%-20.72%的耐高温季戊四醇油酸酯。

  • The yield of cyclohexanone 1 3-butanediol ketal was up to 94.0 % when molar ratio of cyclohexanone to 1 3-butanediol was 1 ∶ 1.5 amount of catalyst was 2.0 % water-carrying agent was 10 mL and reaction time was 80 mins .

    在酮醇物质的量比为1∶1.5,催化剂用量2.0%, 水剂环己烷10mL,反应时间80min的条件下,环己酮1丁二醇缩酮的收率可达94.0%。

  • The results showed that at the condition of 1.2 ∶ 1 molar ratio of isoamyl alcohol to n-butyric acid 0.5 % catalyst ( molar percent of n-butyric acid ) 2.5 h no water-carrying agent at reflux temperature the esterification degree achieved 95.8 % .

    反应条件为醇酸摩尔比12∶10,催化剂用量05%(以酸的摩尔数计),反应时间25h,不 水剂,回流反应温度在130~135℃条件下,酯化率可达958%。

  • New Process of Sythesis of Propyl Gallate Without Water-Carrying Agent


  • Molar ratio of butanone to glycol the dosage of catalyst the volume of cyclohexane as the water-carrying agent and reaction time on the yield were discussed and the best conditions were found out .

    探讨了丁酮与乙二醇量比、催化剂用量、 水剂及反应时间对收率的影响。

  • Glycerol triacetate was synthesized from glycerol and acetic acid using p - toluene sulphonic acid as catalyst and toluene as water-carrying agent .

    以丙三醇和乙酸为原料,用对甲苯磺酸作催化剂,甲苯为 水剂,合成三醋酸甘油酯。