weighted concept

[ˈwetɪd ˈkɑnˌsɛpt][ˈweitid ˈkɔnsept]


  • The Construction of Weighted Concept Lattice and Association Rule Extraction

    加权 概念格的渐进式构造及其关联规则提取

  • Then a method was presented for determining the vertex of the model for the shortest path problem and the weighted coefficient concept and determining method were given .

    其次,提出判定巡航导弹航迹的最短路问题模型的顶点的确定方法,给出了 加权系数的 概念的确定方法;

  • Moreover based on the semantic similarity calculations between documents two clustering methods are put forward : the iterative semantic clustering ( ISC ) algorithm and the weighted subject concept graph ( WSCG ) clustering algorithm .

    其次在文本语义相似度计算的基础上对文本聚类的新方法进行了探索,提出了两种聚类算法:迭代语义聚类算法ISC和基于 权重主题 概念图的聚类算法WSCG。

  • Ant algorithm for optimal weighted Steiner tree and its application in location allocation based on the concept of electronic potential

    基于电势的最优 加权 Steiner树蚂蚁算法及其选址应用

  • In this paper finite element discretization equation of 3D eddy current proble s is deduced by means of the weighted residual method making the equation clear in concept convenient in expression and simple in calculation .

    本文应用 加权余量法推导了三维涡流场的有限元离散化方程,使得三维涡流场的有限元方程表达方便, 概念清楚,计算较为简捷。

  • Based on the weighted center concept of connected graph in graph theory the optimization model of FPSO location has been built and the best FPSO mooring location has been determined .

    基于图论中连通图 加权中心的 概念,本文建立了FPSO选址优化模型,确定了FPSO的最佳系泊位置。

  • In this paper we use the method of weighted fuzzy interval statistics to discuss the index weight of the decision and use the concept of relation degree to discuss the deviation and identity of each expert .

    本文利用 加权模糊区间统计方法,对决策指标权重进行了讨论,并引入关联度的 概念讨论了各专家的偏离度及一致性。

  • In this paper we propose a new approach for user modeling based on Weighted Concept Network .

    本文中,提出一种基于 加权 概念网络的用户兴趣建模方法。

  • Basing on the BA scale-free model we propose and study a weighted and evolving network including the concept of local-world the microscopic event of adding edges and the weak links between the local-worlds .

    在BA模型的基础上研究了兼顾局域演化、增长,以及 局域与局域外存在较弱连接等3方面因素的 加权网络。

  • In this paper we define the reverse classifier which can help an algorithm to learn from error and propose a IBW ( improved weighted bagging ) algorithm for classifying concept drift data streams using weighted ensemble classifiers .

    本文定义了一种相反分类器来从错误中学习,提出了训练一个集合分类器来对 具有 概念流动的数据流进行分类的算法 IWB

  • Study of Language Model with Weighted Concept Transition Network in Mandarin Speech Recognition

    汉语语音识别中的 加权 概念转移网络语言模型

  • Including using of weighted word frequency statistic formula to filter relevant concepts concept reduction concept simplification and the concept of disambiguation process .

    该部分包括利用 加权词频统计公式筛选相关概念、 概念还原、概念简约、概念语义排歧过程。

  • We define a method of weighted piecewise clustering analysis the concept of not only master data curve clusters simple local morphological characteristics and improved clustering quality . 4 .

    特别提出了 加权分段聚类分析的 概念,不但把握数据曲线簇简单局部形态特征而且提高了聚类质量。

  • We give a model of location with weighted vertices in this paper According to the model we put forward the concept of weighted center and weighted median .

    讨论了 现代物流研究中单个配送中心的选址问题,该问题是一类需求点 赋权的网络选址模型,针对于该模型,我们描述了更加切合实际的 赋权中心问题和赋权重心问题。

  • We propose a multi-authority based weighted attribute encryption scheme in the cloud computing environment which adopts the concept of weight into the scheme .

    我们提出了一个云计算环境下基于多机构的 权重属性加密方案,引入属性的权重 概念

  • The personalized query expansion and re_ranking algorithm based on Weighted Concept Network were implemented .

    基于 加权 概念网络用户兴趣模型,提出了检索提问个性化理解,以及文档个性化 评价的实现方法。