
[ˈwɔtərɪˌzɪstənt, ˈwɑtə-][ˈwɔ:təriˌzistənt]


  • Finish with a water-resistant mascara .

    最后 可以涂上 防水睫毛膏。

  • The water-resistant substance could be added to the outsides of airplanes . Use a good waterproof adhesive in addition to the screws .


  • The coating has water-resistant and high free-breathing performance makes the moisture inside the stone-made building vaporize freely ;

    度牌氧化改性矿物涂料具有 防水 及高度之呼吸力,使石造建筑内部之水分自由的向外蒸发;

  • The surface properties and tensile strength and water-resistant of the coated paper where styrene-acrylate microemulsion is used as the coating binder are greatly improved .

    该微乳液在纸张涂布中的应用结果表明,用苯丙微乳液作涂布胶黏剂得到的纸张表面性能、抗张强度及 提高。

  • Mark pistons in installation position using a water-resistant marker .

    使用 防水记号笔在安装位置上标记活塞。

  • Extremely water-resistant and withstands water washout and spray-off .


  • A water-resistant adhesive tape used to insulate exposed electrical conductors .

    包裹在裸露的电导体外面,使之绝缘的 的胶带。

  • Research on Rust-inhibiting and Anti-corrosion Performances of Water-based Microemulsion Cutting Fluid all stainless steel water-resistant antimagnetic and shockproof

    水基微乳化切削液的防锈和防腐蚀性能的研究全不锈钢, 防水、防磁、防震

  • The Spotlight GPS sells for $ 200 and features a water-resistant collar tag .

    聚光灯GPS每套售价200美元,带一个 防水项圈标签。

  • Identify the component clearly e.g.using a wax crayon or chalk water-resistant coloured pen adhesive tape etc.

    使用蜡笔或粉笔、 防水彩笔、胶带等工具清晰地标记相关部件。

  • In order to make the paper water-resistant performance must be carried out on pulp size ;

    为了使纸张 具有 性能,必须对纸浆进行 胶;

  • This material retains the top or outer membrane of the hide which contains dense tight fibres that are water-resistant and supportive .

    这种材料保留了 动物皮革的顶层或者说外层表皮,这 表皮包含致密、紧绷的纤维,具有 和支持 性能

  • Electrical equipment must have a water-resistant measures .

    电气设备必须有 防雨措施。

  • All stainless steel water-resistant antimagnetic and shockproof The earth underfoot vibrated .

    全不锈钢, 防水、防磁、防震脚下的大地震动了。

  • Other issues that need to be resolved are making the onion skin more durable and water-resistant .

    其他需要解决的问题则是要让洋葱表皮更加持久和 防水

  • The cable can be laid in tunnels or pipelines and is equipped with better radial water-resistant performance and can bear certain pressure .

    电缆可敷设在隧道或管道中,电缆具有较好的径向 防水性能,并能承受一定的压力。

  • Oiled wood is water-resistant and won 't flake .

    上过油的木头 防水而且不会剥落。

  • After cleaning the interior of the case shall be sprayed with a water-resistant sealant such as acrylic clear spray or green tinted varnish .

    清洗完后, 磁体内部应喷 防水的密封胶,如净喷丙烯酸树脂漆和浸绿色的漆。

  • Your outer layer should be a breathable wind-and water-resistant jacket or vest .

    最外层的衣物应该是一件透气的,既挡风又挡点雨的夹克或 马甲

  • High voltage cables are typically insulated with special water-resistant polymers that have high-dielectric strength .

    通常高压电缆使用的是特殊的 防水高分子聚合材料,具有很高的绝缘强度。

  • The personal stereo has a water-resistant outer case .

    这款随身听的外壳是 防水的。

  • Its case uses sculpted gorilla glass a tough Kevlar backing and a water-resistant coating .

    它的机身采用了雕刻的金刚玻璃(Gorillaglass, 新型 强度 刮擦玻璃 译注),坚韧的凯夫拉纤维(Kevlar, 强度合成纤维 译注)机壳以及 防水涂层。

  • Special fast-drying and water-resistant formula produces a clean and dimensional effect .

    独特的快干及 防水配方,使眼睫毛持久保持洁净立体的妆容。

  • They also are intermediates or building blocks used to manufacture stain - oil-and water-resistant additives for some textiles paper coatings and other surfaces .

    它们也作为中间体或主要关键成份,以生产防污、防油和 防水添加剂,用于一些纺织品、纸张、涂料和其它表面。

  • Shampoo may strip the coat of its oily water-resistant properties so use a mild soap .

    洗发液会使毛发失去油和 防水的性质,所以要用温和的肥皂。

  • Cases must have an inner lining of stout water-resistant paper .

    箱子里必须有结实的 防水纸做衬里。

  • Don 't wear water-resistant synthetics .

    不要穿 防水 的合成纤维做的鞋。

  • A dog with heavy water-resistant coat that can be trained to retrieve game .

    皮毛厚而 防水并能训练用于寻回猎物的狗。

  • Rubber is a light elastic durable and water-resistant material which makes rubber industry very important .

    橡胶是一种质轻、富有弹性、经久耐用和 防水的材料,因此橡胶业十分重要。