water requirement

[ˈwɔtɚ rɪˈkwaɪrmənt][ˈwɔ:tə riˈkwaiəmənt]


  • Design and Study of Water Requirement Information System for Crop Growth

    作物生长 信息采集系统的设计与研究

  • Study on Ecological Water Requirement of Dry Valleys in the Upper Reaches of the Dadu River

    大渡河上游干旱河谷区生态 研究

  • Eco-environmental Water Requirement based on Scheme of Wetland Restoration in Hengshui National Nature Reserve

    衡水湖自然保护区湿地恢复预案的生态环境 研究

  • The water requirement and growth in paddy rice were studied under four different irrigation methods and different evaporation and seepage with pot culture .

    利用桶栽试验,研究了在不同灌溉方式及不同蒸发渗漏处理下的水稻 水量和对水稻生长的影响。

  • Research on Water Requirement Rule and Crop Coefficient of Spinach under Facility Cultivation

    设施栽培菠菜 规律与作物系数研究

  • Study on urban water resources and ecological water requirement based on GIS

    基于GIS的城市水资源与生态 水量的研究

  • Comprehensive Water Requirement Analysis and Ecosystem Health Assessment of Urban Lakes

    城市湖泊综合 分析及生态系统健康评价研究

  • Study on Precision-irrigation Control System in Accordance with Plants Physiological Water Requirement

    按植物 需求精准 节水灌溉自动调控系统的研究

  • On this basis the risk assessment methods such as the Delphi law are used to predict the industrial water requirement in the future in zhangjiagang and the optimum scheme in terms of the risk decision-making is determined .

    在此基础上,运用德尔菲法等风险估计方法对张家港市未来工业 水量进行预测,并通过风险决策选出最优方案。

  • Study on Landscape Construct And Water Requirement Of Urban Wetland

    城市湿地景观建设及其 水量研究&以郑州市为例

  • The corresponding problems of ecological water requirement for vegetation construction in semi-arid grasslands are studied from microcosmic angle .

    摘要重点从微观角度研究半干旱草原区植被建设生态 相关问题。

  • The current research status of ecological and environmental water requirement was summarized .

    对国内外生态环境 水量研究现状作了概述。

  • Ecological and environmental water requirement has been one of the research foci of eco-hydrology in the world .

    生态环境 是国内外生态水文学研究的热点问题。

  • The eco-environmental water requirement in2005 was less than that in2000 .

    计算结果表明:2005年湿地生态环境 水量较2000年有所减少。

  • Atmospheric Eco-environmental Water Requirement Concept and Calculation Method

    大气生态环境 水量的概念及其计算方法

  • This paper majorly discussed the application of the support vector machine SVM in rice water requirement forecast .

    探讨了支持向量机在水稻 水量预测中的应用。

  • Research on eco-enviromental water requirement for main rivers in Haihe Basin

    海河流域控制性河流生态环境 水量研究

  • On eco-environmental water requirement of wetland around Dongting Lake based on ecosystem conservation

    基于生态保护的洞庭湖湿地生态需 水量研究

  • Rainfall frequency analysis is used commonly to determine probability of irrigation water requirement and to choose typical years for irrigation project design .

    灌区灌溉设计中,常用降雨量进行频率分析来选取 灌溉设计 保证率及其对应典型年。

  • Electrochemical Study of Pozzolanic Activity and Water Requirement Ratio of Fly Ash

    粉煤灰火山灰活性与 水量比的电化学研究

  • This is because the daily water requirement can include the water content in foods .

    这是因为日常 用水 要求可以包括在食品含水量。

  • In order to research water requirement pattern physiological characteristic and yield formation of rice this text has taken different extent water deficit in each period of rice .

    通过对水稻各个生育阶段实施不同程度的受旱,初步研究了查哈阳地区水稻在不同 水分 条件下的 水规律、生理特性以及其产量形成。

  • Experimental Research on Alfalfa Water Requirement Rules under Subsurface Drip Irrigation

    地下滴灌苜蓿田间 规律试验研究

  • Spatial distribution characteristics of irrigation water requirement for main crops in China

    中国主要作物灌溉 水量空间分布特征

  • Ecological environment water requirement priority and ecological environment water demand in MinQin Basin

    民勤盆地生态环境需 优先次序和 水量

  • Study of Rocky Desertification Area Vegetation Ecological Water Requirement and Model of Plant

    石漠化地区植被生态 水量研究及种植模式探讨

  • The eco-environmental water requirement of the Shuangtaizi estuarine wetland in Panjin in Liaoning Province of China consists of ecological water requirements and environmental water requirements .

    辽宁盘锦 双台子河口湿地生态环境需水量主要由生态需水量和环境需水量组成。

  • Great attentions have been paid on eco-environmental water requirement in recent years .

    摘要生态环境 研究是近年来国内外广泛关注的热点。

  • Reference crop evapotranspiration ( ET0 ) was a key factor to estimate crop water requirement and determine farming irrigation .

    参考作物蒸散量是估算作物 水量的关键因子,对指导农田灌溉具有重要的现实意义。

  • Study on Water-salt Balance and Water Requirement of Salt-leaching of Drip Irrigation under Mulching for Cotton Field

    膜下滴灌棉田水盐平衡及淋盐 水量研究