wave-particle dualism


  • It first illustrates the wave-particle dualism of photon and quantum entangle effect with the double-slit quantum interference experiment .

    以双狭缝量子干涉实验为例说明光子的 波粒 ,量子纠缠现象。

  • Demonstration of the wave-particle dualism of light by Anti-Compton effect

    用反康普顿效应演示光的 波粒

  • But Einstein is a man not god We can 't take error relativity as god because Wave-particle Dualism was obtained the reputation of Nobel Physics Prize .

    但爱因斯坦是人不是神,我们不可以因“ 波粒 ”获得了诺贝尔物理学奖的声誉就把错误的相对论当作神灵。

  • Wave-particle dualism and the uncertainty principle of electron can be explained by new theory and their physical model is consistent with the distinguishability nature of electrons .

    对电子的 波粒 和测不准原理进行了新的理论解释,并 讨论波粒 性和 不准 现象的物理模型。该模型与电子的 微观可区分性相一致。