water ring vacuum pump

[ˈwɔtɚ rɪŋ ˈvækjuəm pʌmp][ˈwɔ:tə riŋ ˈvækjuəm pʌmp]

[化] 水环真空泵

  • Characteristics analysis for NASH two-stage cone type water ring vacuum pump

    NASH双级锥体 真空 特性分析

  • The revamping included adding a polymerization reactor a dust recovery unit a propylene compressor and a counting system . The water ring vacuum pump system hot water trough and the propylene refining system were also revamped .

    改造内容包括:增设了聚合釜、粉尘回收设施、丙烯压缩机和丙烯计量系统,改造了 真空 系统、热水槽及丙烯精制系统等。

  • With the research and development of vacuum toilet we discover the main motive part of vacuum toilet & water ring type vacuum pump has many insufficient need to invent a kind of new pump to solve the problem that face now urgently .

    随着真空厕所研发工作的深入,我们逐渐发现真空厕所的主要动力部件& 真空 有许多不足,迫切需要开发一种新泵来解决现在所面临的问题。

  • This paper describes some selection methods of the water ring vacuum pump in vacuum suction and raises some problems that should be paied attention to in applications .

    介绍了真空吸送 中水 真空 的选择方法以及在使用中应当注意的一些问题。

  • Reason and solving method about the shaft break of SZ - 4 water ring vacuum pump

    SZ-4 断轴的原因及解决办法

  • After comparing the performance features of the water jet air ejector water ring vacuum pump and steam jet air ejector the water ring vacuum pump was chosen with satisfactory effect .

    比较射水抽气器、 真空 和射汽抽气器的性能特点后,确定选用水环真空泵,取得满意的效果。

  • Measurement on gas flow quantity of water ring vacuum pump

    真空 气体流量的测定

  • An Analysis on Operating Characteristics of Water Ring Vacuum Pump and Its Condition Adjustment

    真空 运行特性分析及工况调节

  • The running cost of water ring vacuum pump and steam jet ejector vacuum pump is compared . The result shows that using water ring vacuum pump is economical .

    通过对 真空 和水蒸汽喷射泵运行成本的计算和比较分析,得出使用水环真空泵比水蒸汽喷射泵更经济,可降低生产成本。

  • Feasibility Study on Transformation of Vacuum Water Jet Air Ejector into Water Ring Vacuum Pump for Medium and Small Power Generating Set

    中小型机组真空系统射水抽气器改造为 真空 的可行性研究

  • The design of the condenser is discussed and the selection of water ring vacuum pump is also introduced .

    讨论了冷凝器的设计以及如何合理选择 真空 的容量。

  • Double-stage water ring vacuum pump

    一种双级 真空

  • Water ring vacuum pump and compressor are the widely-used common equipment .

    真空 压缩机是应用相当广泛的通用设备。

  • Application of water ring centrifugal vacuum pump in oxygen filling system

    离心 真空 在氧气充装系统中的应用

  • Parametric Design and CAD System Development of Water Ring Vacuum Pump

    真空 参数化设计与CAD系统开发

  • Application of a mixed anti-corrosive technique on water ring vacuum pump

    一种混合防腐技术在 真空 上的应用

  • Application of Water Ring Vacuum Pump to Coal Industry

    真空 在煤炭工业中的应用

  • Reason analysis on broken shaft of SZ-2 type water ring type vacuum pump

    SZ-2型 真空 断轴原因分析