


  • Development and Application of a Yacht Activities Management System in the Passenger Transport of Waterway


  • Application of GIS to Port and Waterway Management of Lancang-Mekong River

    GIS在澜沧江湄公河港口 航道管理中的应用

  • The waterway is silted up .


  • A country that has a seacoast or waterway may have still another type of accommodation .

    拥有海岸和 水路的国家还可能有另外一种住宿设施。

  • In the river on the left are some barges reminding us that this part of the Thames is still an important waterway and port .

    这条河里有一些驳船,这提醒我们这一段泰晤士河仍然是重要的 水道和港口。

  • Analytic Hierarchy Process is an approach of system engineering for selecting the optimum scheme of waterway regulation .

    层次分析法是用来优先 航道整治方案的系统工程方法。

  • Sailing boats lay at anchor in the narrow waterway .

    帆船停泊在狭窄的 水道上。

  • Waterway Transit Capacity Research Based on Traffic Flow Analysis

    基于交通流分析的 航道通过能力研究

  • To be filled beyond capacity as a container or waterway .

    超过了所能容纳的限度,如一容器或 航道

  • In 1825 the Erie Canal opened to serve as a crucial waterway through New York State .

    1825年开通了伊利运河,成为贯穿纽约城的一个重要 通道

  • This term can be used only for sea and inland waterway transport .

    本术语仅适用于海运或 内河运输。

  • Companies close to publicity Highway near the Yangtze River waterway the traffic is convenient .

    公司紧靠张扬公路,紧邻长江 水道,交通十分便捷。

  • The sky-water line extraction under complicated inland waterway background ;

    提出了一种在复杂 内河背景下进行天水线提取的方法。

  • The Panama Canal is an important waterway .

    巴拿马运河是一条重要的 航道

  • To provide with an artificial waterway or waterways . The engineers channeled the water off without difficulty .

    疏导提供一条或多 人工水道工程师们毫不费力地就把水疏导走了。

  • We shall adopt different regulation methods for waterways of different characteristics in waterway regulation engineering .


  • This project involves the construction of a road and a large number of bridges across the Parana River waterway .

    这项工程包括一条路和横跨巴拿马 运河的几座桥梁的建设。

  • Slope slide often happens in waterway engineering which arises both economic and safety problems .

    航道 护岸工程中经常发生 基槽边坡滑坡失稳事故,从而造成经济和安全问题。

  • In some European countries a huge amount of goods shipped between the inland waterway transport .

    在一些欧洲国家间装运巨量货物的 内河运输。

  • Waterway is the soul of a city which should be used to inspire the city 's energy .

    是城市的灵魂和生命,我们应充分利用“ ”之活力来激发城市活力。

  • There is no direct waterway between Sofia and the Black Sea port of bourgas .

    索菲亚与布尔加斯的黑海港口之间没有直接的 航道

  • This new waterway connects the Mediterranean Sea and the Gulf of Suez which is part of the Red Sea .

    它连接地中海和 苏伊士海湾,为红海的一部分。

  • The waterway is blocked up .

    水道 壅塞

  • Conservation and management planning of inland waterway of Jiangsu Province

    江苏省内河 航道养护和管理规划研究

  • The middle of the chief navigable channel of a waterway that forms the boundary line between states .

    形成国家之间的边境线的 水路上的主要航行路线的中间部分。

  • V-shaped dike is one type of regulation structures widely used in water conservancy engineering & port and waterway engineering .

    鱼嘴工程是水利、 水运工程建设中应用较广的整治建筑物形式之一。

  • Welcome to Chongqing on the upper reaches of the Yangtze China 's longest waterway .

    欢迎来到重庆,中国最长 水道&扬子江的 起点

  • China already has two hydroelectric dam projects on the part of the waterway that flows through China .

    中国在本国境内的 湄公 河道上已经修建了两个 用于水力发电的水坝。

  • Inland waterway freight is one of the most important parts of transportation .

    内河 水路货运是交通运输业的重要组成部分。

  • These included the Green Island reclamation Tonggu waterway and Siu Lam typhoon shelter .

    这些工程包括青洲填海、铜鼓 水道及小榄避风塘。