wave source

[wev sɔrs][weiv sɔ:s]


  • Three component data acquisition with compressional wave source was applied to YC area for predicting fracture reservoir characters .

    为了探测YC地区裂隙型储层特征,在该区进行了纵 波源三分量数据采集。

  • It is presented that earthquake source is a disturbance source i. e. stress wave source before earthquake .

    提出了孕震源是一扰动源,也就是震前应力 产生 波源

  • Down going wave seperation and Alford rotation must be done and the energy of S wave source must be normalized and analysed carefully .

    对数据进行了下行波分离、Alford旋转、S 震源能量归一化等处理和分析。

  • Gyrotron traveling wave amplifier is a very important high power millimeter wave source for radar applications .

    回旋行波管放大器是高功率毫米 雷达发射系统最重要的 候选者

  • Then a new physics model is built by analyzing the structural features of the turning fork & the general surface wave source or special plane wave source and point wave source . Therefore it lays solid theory basis on the thorough solve of the turning fork .

    然后通过分析音叉叉股的结构特征,重新建立起了新的物理模型&通常的面 波源或特殊的平面波源和点波源,从而为佯谬问题的彻底解决奠定了坚实的理论基础;

  • This article mainly introduced harmony wave source rectification system equipment to electrical network pollution its harms and electrical energy loss summarized the working principle of the overtone wave filter and its application in rectifier equipment .

    本文主要介绍了谐 波源整流系统设备对电网的污染、对设备的危害及电能损耗,简述了谐波滤除装置的工作原理及其在整流设备上的应用。

  • The millimeter wave source is composed of constant temperature VCO microwave multiplexer millimeter wave harmonic mixer and inject amplifier .

    采用恒温晶振+微波倍频+毫米 谐波混频器倍频+注入式放大的方法很好地解决了稳定性问题;

  • In Doppler effect teaching we utilize relative motion between wave source and observer set up different systems of coordinates to wave source and observer and write out the expression formula of the wave function of different systems of coordinates .

    在多普勒效应教学中,利用 波源与观察者之间的相对运动,对波源和观察者建立不同的坐标系,写出不同坐标系波函数的表达式;

  • Millimeter wave source is the most important component of the millimeter wave system it determines the performance of millimeter-wave system .

    在毫米 系统中最重要的部件是毫米 波源,它决定了毫米波系统的性能。

  • The paper presented a method for detecting fracture by using four component VSP data from S wave source .

    本文利用S 波源VSP四分量资料进行裂缝检测。

  • Nowadays the researches on the THz are mainly focused on the THz wave source the survey the propagating of THz radiation image formation and so on .

    对太赫兹 波源,探测,传输成像等的研究是近来研究的集中方面。

  • The paper analysed the causes of harmonic wave harmonic wave source and its danger to the electric equipments and power supply network indicated the effective method to control harmonic wave and reasonable installation of compensation filter device for harmonic wave .

    分析了谐波及谐 波源产生原因、谐波对电气设备及供电网络的危害,指出了抑制谐波的有效措施,提出谐波补偿滤波装置安装位置的合理确定。

  • Electromagnetic Radiation of Wave Source within Semicylindrical Conductor Groove

    半圆柱形导体槽内 波源的电磁辐射

  • With the developing of millimeter-wave communication and radar the application of millimeter-wave is increasingly far-ranging and the demand on millimeter wave source is on the increase .

    随着现代通信和雷达技术的发展,毫米波的应用日益广泛,对毫米 频率 的需要也日益增加。

  • The disadvantages and improvements-to-be of the shockwave lithotripter are limited to its wave source and positioning system .

    详细介绍了当今冲击波碎石机在 波源和定位系统方面存在的缺陷及有待改进之处。

  • Acoustic shape sensitivity analysis based on orthogonal spherical wave source boundary point method

    基于正交球面 波源边界点法的声学灵敏度分析

  • The synthetic source is the generalization of plane wave source controlled illumination source piecewise plane wave source and areal sources with phase encoding etc.

    合成震源既包括了已有的平面 震源,也包括了控制照明震源,分段平面波震源和相位编码震源。

  • Avalanche diode is the traditional solid device to obtain millimeter wave source . The high order frequency multiply technology of avalanche diode is reported very scarcely .

    雪崩二极管是传统的毫米 固态功率 器件,但利用雪崩二极管实现高次倍频的研究却报道甚少。

  • There are different viewpoints about the wave source in the experiment of vibration of string .

    在弦振动 驻波实验中,对于起振 节还是 波腹,存在不同的认识。

  • Theory of Objective Motions of Wave Source and Receiver in Medium Body


  • Use of a Complementary Sine Wave Source in the Measurement of Differential Transducer

    互补 正弦波 电源在差动传感器测量中的应用

  • The acoustic field of the pulse wave source is measured .

    比较了 连续 声场和脉冲 声场的分布特性及异同点。

  • One is double-layered structure consisting of periodic grating and uniform plate . The one-way transmission can be realized based on the reconstruction of plane wave source .

    第一种是利用周期声栅和纯板构建的双层结构,在这个系统中,声单向效应是通过对平面 波源的重建来实现的。

  • In Doppler effect the generation of Doppler shift has smoothing with wave source and relative motive case of the observer . Based on these we discuss the application of Doppler effect in satellite orientation medical diagnosis and aerological sounding .

    在多普勒效应中有多普勒频移产生,并且与 波源和观测者的相对运动情况有关,以此为基础讨论了多普勒效应在卫星定位、医学诊断、气象探测中的应用。

  • A new method based on interpolation using orthogonal spherical wave source was proposed to enhance the resolution of the nearfield acoustic holography image without adding measurement points .

    为了在不增加测量点数的情况下提高近场声全息图像的空间 分辨率,提出一种基于正交球面 插值的近场声全息图像分辨率增强方法。

  • DAC0832 achieve sawtooth triangle wave square wave sine wave staircase wave trapezoidal wave source compilation .

    DAC0832实现锯齿波,三角波,方波,正弦波,阶梯波,梯形 的汇编 源码

  • The characteristics of acoustic wave source have an important influence on the acoustic well-logs .

    的特性对 声波测井的结果有着很重要的影响。

  • TheAbstractfeasibility of this method is testified through the example of wave source problems on the three dimensions in full space .

    并通过全空间三维 波源问题的算例验证了这一方法的可行性。

  • The formula of stress wave function at wave source is derived based on the impact dynamics and wave spread theory . The decay model of the stress wave spread is determined .

    运用冲击动力学理论和应力波传播理论,推导出 波源处的应力波波形函数,确定了应力波传播的衰减方式。