


  • In 2000 while on the faculty at Yale she won the Alan T. Waterman Award given each year by the National Science Foundation to an exceptional young scientist .

    2000年,还是耶鲁教员的杜德 获得艾伦·沃特曼奖(Alan T.Waterman Award 一奖项由美国国家科学基金每年授予一位杰出的青年科学家。

  • But then my prized Waterman fountain pen disappeared .

    但之后,我那支珍贵的 华特曼自来水笔不见了。

  • Lead author Anton Valouev a recent graduate of Waterman 's lab and now a postdoctoral fellow at Stanford University said the algorithm makes it possible to optically map the human genome .

    主要作者AntonValouev(刚毕业于 Waterman实验室,现在在斯坦福大学从事博士后工作)说,该法则使光学标测人类基因组成为可能。

  • But he based the ideas in excellence ( as the book has become known ) on experience that he and Waterman gained when working with American companies as management consultants for McKinsey & Company in the late 1970s and early 1980s .

    但是他在19世纪70年代后期和19世纪80年代早期,和 沃特曼的在美国麦肯锡公司担任管理咨询的经验运用在了‘完美’这个理念(正如书的命名)上。

  • And to the late Sidney waterman .

    还有过世的席尼 华特曼

  • Mr Waterman traces the policy back to 2002 when China had finally joined the WTO .

    沃特曼 认为,这种政策可追溯至2002年中国终于加入世贸组织之时。

  • Sentencing Recorder Adrian Waterman QC said : ' You were the teacher she was the pupil .

    法官阿德里 . 沃特曼判决中说:'你是老师,她是学生。

  • Local TRACON and ARTCC controllers must be able to think and visualize in three dimensions . ditch rider ; waterman : Person responsible for supervising an irrigation area .

    本地机场,终端雷达管制区及指挥中心的管制人员还必须有着良好的三维空间感。 灌区 管理员:负责监管灌区的人员。

  • After Tom Peters and Robert Waterman wrote about it in their 1982 blockbuster bestseller in search of excellence MBWA became a buzzword for up-close-and-personal management .

    由于汤姆•彼得斯和罗伯特• 沃特曼在他们的畅销名著《追求卓越》(InSearchofExcellence)中的推崇,走动式管理成了细致和个人化管理方式的代名词。

  • Sid Waterman : I was born of the Hebrew persuasion but I converted to narcissism .

    我天生 具有 希伯来人的说服 才能,但我把它转换成了自我陶醉。

  • She stretched her legs against a tree and even tried a few squats with support from a fence and trainer Nicki Waterman .

    她对着树作 伸腿运动,并且还尝试了几个下蹲。这些都是在教练的指导 的。

  • Ditch rider ; waterman : Person responsible for supervising an irrigation area . To re-appoint leading members and related managing personnel .

    灌区 管理员:负责监管灌区的人员。(四)整负责人及有关管理人员。