


  • Figures 3 and 4 show the watchdog in action .

    图3和4演示了 正在 作用的 看门 进程

  • It is a sight hound and was originally used for herding hunting and as a watchdog .

    这是一个观光猎犬和原本是用于放牧,狩猎,并作为 看门

  • When there is an old maid in the house a watchdog is unnecessary .

    当家中有一个老处女,就不需要 看门 了。

  • Watchdog groups and reform-minded politicians occasionally put pressure on the groups leading to investigations and prosecutions .

    监管 机构和改革派政治家偶尔会对这些集团施压,从而导致调查和起诉。

  • The poll watchdog group said there had been a few incidents of polling irregularities .

    投票 监督团体说,已经发生了几起投票站违规行为的事件。

  • This filthy watchdog of the u.s.a.has her days numbered and hence barking so loudly .

    这条肮脏的美国的 看门狗叫得这么响其实时日无多了。

  • Last year a group named consumer watchdog called for a Google breakup on antitrust grounds .

    去年,一个名叫消费者 看守 Consumer Watchdog 的组织就曾以反垄断为由,要求谷歌进行拆分。

  • The medias watchdog function is essential for holding Governments businesses and others to account .

    媒体的 监督作用对于追究政府、企业和其他方面的责任至关重要。

  • The environmental watchdog has warned the factory but it had not effectively controlled the pollution he added .

    他补充说,环境 监察警告工厂,但它没有得到有效控制污染。

  • Police and Russia 's consumer rights watchdog should control how the law is observed he said .

    他说,警察和俄罗斯消费者权利 监督 机构应该确保如何遵守这项法律。

  • Yesterday a consumer watchdog ruled the campaign totally unacceptable .

    昨天,一个消费者 监督 机构裁定,这一广告宣传“完全不能接受”。

  • Software include watchdog redundant instruction and digital filtering .

    软件措施有 看门 、余指令和数字滤波等。

  • Use your existing Watermark Sensor with WatchDog Weather Stations and Data Loggers .

    水迹适配器利用现有的水印传感器与 气象 监视器和数据采集器一起使用。

  • The US audit watchdog has proposed new rules to improve communication between audit committees and company boards .

    美国审计 监管 机构提议新的规则以增强审计委员会和公司董事会之间的沟通。

  • The countryside Commission was set up as the government 's official watchdog on conservation .

    设立了农村委员会,作为对自然资源保护的政府官方 监察 组织

  • The watchdog application is called HAC High Availability Controller .


  • He is the watchdog for the CEO and he 's top manager on all quality issues .

    他是首席执行官的 监察员,也是质量问题的最高主管。

  • But WatchDog is not absolutely safe which loses frequently the validity and makes the system paralysis .


  • The new rules have been embraced by government watchdog organizations .

    政府 监察机构已经欣然接受了这些新规则。

  • The serial connection between the LMT and WatchDog is not functioning .

    LMT和 监视器之间的串行连接不起作用。

  • The industrial ' watchdog ' organizations and experts conduct new product validation and keep the validation records .

    上级 管理部门和/技术专家对新产品进行确认,保存确认记录。

  • The sound of heavy footsteps awoke the watchdog .

    沉重的脚步声惊醒了 看家

  • System built-in hardware watchdog and system self-inspection circuit ensures steady and reliable operation of the hardware .

    系统内置硬件 看门 和系统自检电路,确保硬件稳定、可靠运行。

  • Will government maintain its role of watchdog and regulator ?

    政府会继续起到 监察 和调控者的作用吗?

  • Public Citizen a watchdog group has found that some drug information sheets are dangerously wrong or misleading .

    公民诉讼 组织(一个 监督 机构 曾发现有些药品信息有一些危险的错误或误导性。

  • He 's the watchdog for me-and my top manager on all quality issues .

    他是我的观察兵&在有关质量的问题上,也是我 手下的最高经理人员。

  • Now he was the farmer 's new watchdog !

    现在他成了农夫新来的 看门

  • You 're a great watchdog Sam.

    你真是个伟大的 看家 ,萨姆。