weighting network


  • The paper discusses some problems such as index system of comprehensive evaluation of dam safety multi-factor weighting in dam safety management risk management during dam operation and dam group safety monitoring remote network system .

    本文对大坝安全评价指标体系、安全管理要素的 权重、大坝运行中的风险管理、大坝安全 远程监控等大坝安全管理的一些主要问题进行了较为系统、深入的研究。

  • The threat indexes of services hosts and local networks are calculated by weighting the importance of services and hosts based on attack frequency severity and network bandwidth consumption and the security threat status is then evaluated .

    该方法在报警发生频率、报警严重性及其 网络带宽耗用率的统计基础上,对服务、主机本身的重要性 因子进行 加权,计算服务、主机以及整个网络系统的威胁指数,进而评估分析安全威胁态势。

  • And after each transaction from the transaction node itself transactions to be assessed adaptive weighting trust deepen trust level of node network trust relationship between nodes have dynamic balance and reduce the Sybil attack probability .

    而每次交易完后由交易节点本身对交易情况进行评定,自适应调整信任 权重,深化了节点信任关系层次, 实现 网络间信任关系动态平衡,降低了Sybil攻击的可能性。

  • 2 ~ ( k-1 ) / 2 ~ k-1r R and 1 / 2r r ladder type weighting resistance decode network

    2~(k-1)/(2~k-1)R,R及(1/2)R,R阶梯式 加权电阻解码 网络

  • Target-tracking Algorithm Based on Probabilistic Weighting in Wireless Sensor Network

    WSN中一种基于概率 加权定位的目标跟踪算法

  • By using the symmetry of coefficients of FIR filter in the weighting network and fast convolution algorithm for evaluating the DCT the computation complexity is reduced to 56.9 percent of that by Hirosaki 's scheme .

    该方案由于充分利用了FIR滤波器系数的对称性,使 权重 网络计算量明显下降.DCT通过快速卷积算法获得,总计算量明显下降。

  • Unified weighting network for measuring video continuous random noise

    GB/T3660-1983测量视频连续随机杂波用的统一 加权 网络

  • The core idea of the new method is to determine the weighting modulus of the Combined Predicting Model dynamically utilizing non-linear mapping ability of the Artificial Neural Network of Variable Weighting Modulus and the different influence of the single predicting model on the predicting result .

    该方法是利用变权重神经 网络的非线性映射能力,依据各单项预测模型对预测结果的不同影响,动态确定组合预测模型的 系数。

  • Loop noises in Gram-Schmidt orthogonalized network and in weighting broadband network are analyzed and approximated separately .

    对宽带Gram-Schmidt正交化网络和宽带 加权 网络中的环噪声进行了分析。

  • Through design of the statistical weighting algorithm based on BP neural network the data fusion model will be established .

    通过设计基于BP神经 网络的统计 加权算法,建立数据融合模型。

  • On researching the distribution of sensor array this paper proposes the location model of 11 lattices and optimizes the weighting coefficient by genetic neural network algorithm further reduces the error of the target scoring system .

    在传感器的阵列分布研究中,提出了十一点阵阵列定位模型,并且通过遗传神经 网络算法对数学模型中的 加权系数进行了优化选择处理,进一步的降低了报靶系统的误差。

  • A Priori Errors Selection and Weighting of the GPS Network

    GPS 先验误差的选择与 加权配置

  • Linear combination and variable weighting combination forecasting model has been made used single exponent smoothness model improve embodying continuous variance based on the model of artificial neural network according to the law of power load variance in this paper .

    本文针对短期负荷的变化规律,基于人工神经 网络模型,提出了引用一次指数平滑模型改善其对负荷变化的连续波动性体现不够的 权系数和变 系数组合模型。

  • ECNAS can satisfy the requirements of adjustment calculation using multiple programs of weighting for any leveling network conventional side-angular network three dimensional network and any engineering GPS network .

    ECNAS能满足对任意水准 、常规边角网和三维网、任意工程GPS网的多种定权方案的平差计算要求。

  • Now network applications demanding high quality become more and more popular and one-way delay as a main criterion of weighting network QoS measuring it is needed .

    要求高质量服务的网络应用越来越普遍,单向延时作为 衡量 网络服务质量的一个主要指标,其测量显得尤为重要。

  • Under identical conditions the obvious differences between homogeneous and heterogeneous network are researched for current EOFs expansion . A revised scheme using area weighting is developed which can to a certain degree compensate for the lack fidelity of the EOFs expansion due to heterogeneous network .

    在同等条件下,均匀站网与非均匀站网EOFs展开结果有明显差异.提出了一种附加面积 权重的修正方案用以弥补非均匀站 EOFs展开的失真现象。

  • We study weighting network and propose a definition of survivability of network basing on weight reducted method which can distinguish and quantize different survivability of networks .

    对有 网络抗毁性进行探讨,提出了一种基于权值降低法的有权网络抗毁度定义,该定义可以区分并量化不同网络的抗毁性。

  • Prediction of intervals of main roof weighting by an artificial neural network

    利用人工神经元 网络预测老顶

  • Post-processing the subarray outputs by introducing weighting network makes the array processing more flexible .

    通过引入 加权 网络对子阵输出进行后处理,提高了阵列处理的灵活性;

  • As to the interface design this paper mainly realizes the QoS request mapping and queue scheduling algorithms between heterogeneous network services as well as the weighting selection of QoS parameters in the network optimization .

    在接口设计过程中,主要体了实现异构网业务之间的QOS请求映射和队列调度算法,以及在 网络优选时的QoS参量的 加权选择。

  • The intervals of main roof weighting at work faces were predicted by using artificial neural network .

    利用人工神经元 网络对工作面的顶板 进行了预测。