weld time

[wɛld taɪm][weld taim]


  • With the models backside weld width could be deduced from topside parameters of welding pool in real time .

    模型根据熔池正面参数可 实时预测 焊缝背面宽度。

  • It is very important to improve the weld quality to do real time measurement of welding temperature during welded pipe manufacture .

    焊管生产过程中 实时监测焊接温度,对于提高 焊缝质量意义重大。

  • Quick : Don 't need to weld and galvanize the setting time is 3 times quicker than the flange connect fitting .

    快速不需 焊接和再镀锌,安装 速度比法兰连接管件快3倍以上。

  • ESl-2 can automatically weld the clamps and complete the process of loading-welding-cooling-unloading for 100 rods at each time .

    ES1-2型焊机,它采用自动 焊接夹具,在真空中完成上料焊接冷却下料, 每次100根。

  • TiO2 with high melting point was brought into the weld pool on the influence of lorentz force and at the same time the gas escaped easily from the weld pool as a result amount of pores was decreased in hardfacing layer and formability was improved significantly .

    由于在施加磁场过程中受洛伦兹力影响,高熔点的TiO2被带入 池, 同时在电磁搅拌作用下,熔池 气体容易溢出,因而堆焊层内气孔减少,成形性得到明显改善。

  • Early in the pipeline construction weld inspection is an essential process . For a long time the X-ray film method plays the most important role for pipe welds detection in China .

    在管道建设初期, 焊缝检测是必不可少的一道工序,我国长期 以来对管道焊缝采用X射线胶片照相检测法。

  • The electrode sticking mechanism and factors affecting the sticking including welding current weld time electrode force and electrode spacing were studied during micro resistance welding of thin nickel plated steel to nickel sheet .

    研究了镀镍钢板和镍板微型点焊时电极粘附的机理以及焊接电流、 焊接 时间、电极压力和电极间距对电极粘附力的影响规律。

  • The plasma arc welding have a high energy density thick welding thickness that can weld for single time .

    等离子弧焊具有能量密度高, 一次性厚度大等 优点

  • Influences of wet H2S on pressure vessel crackings were analyzed with emphasis on the strength grade and chemical composition of steel hardness of weld concentration of H2S stress level as well as service time etc. .

    从钢材的强度等级和化学成分、 焊缝的硬度值、H2S浓度、应力植水平和使用 年限等方面分析了温硫化氢对压力容器开裂的影响;

  • Coke tower is the key equipment in delayed coking unit in oil refinery . High temperature cyclic temperature fatigue and coking and decoking process may bring about local serious deformation and base metal weld crack on the tower in a long time service .

    焦炭塔是炼油厂延迟焦化的关键设备, 长期在高温及充焦和除焦的冷热疲劳作用下运行,塔体常出现局部严重变形和母材 焊缝开裂问题。

  • FORMATION PERFORMANCE AND PREDICTION OF WELD MARK IN INJECTION MOLDING Decision of Cooling Time for Injection Molded Slabs of Crystalline Plastics

    注塑制件 痕的形成、性能和预测结晶性注塑平板制品冷却 时间的确定

  • The results show that : the weld surface of the aluminum alloy is slicked and the weld microstructure is refined obviously . At the same time the weld properties of aluminum alloy are enhanced with matched longitudinal magnetic field parameters .

    试验结果表明:外加纵向磁场作用下,焊缝表面成形良好、 焊缝组织得到明显细化, 同时发现铝合金焊缝各项力学性能在适当匹配参数的纵向磁场作用下得到不同程度的提高。

  • Reducing welding current and weld time were found to reduce electrode sticking .

    电极粘附力随点焊电流和 点焊 时间的减小而下降。

  • Based on the above results make sure the temperature filed distribution near the keyhole close to that near the satisfactory weld at the occurrence time of the keyhole by controlling the process parameters the uniform formation of weld in the starting process is finished at last .

    在此基础上,通过控制起弧程序,确保穿孔 时刻小孔周围的温度场分布接近优良 焊缝的温度场分布,最终实现起弧的稳定成形。

  • Under welding condition it is much noisy in weld seam image that is obtained by industrial camera in real time . It is difficult to detect the edges of weld seam correctly by using traditional image edge detecting method .

    在焊接条件下,用工业摄像机获取的 焊缝 实时图像中常含有各种干扰信息,导致传统的图像边缘检测的方法很难准确地检测出焊缝的边缘。

  • The pressure clamp mechanism has the advantages that a plurality of sets of pressure clamps can weld a plurality of layers of window frames at one time which is convenient and practical ;

    本实用新型的有益效果:由于设有多组压钳,可以 一次性 焊接多层窗框,方便实用;

  • The hydrogenation pipe would weld crack after running for some time as high temperature and high pressure and the phenomenon was rare .

    高温高压临氢管道运行一段 时间发现 多道 焊缝裂纹,较为罕见。

  • A sub system for weld quality control in real time and reliable communication between penetration control sub system and the center computer of WFMC were investigated in this paper .

    文中建立了WFMC中 焊接质量实时控制子系统并实现了该子系统与WFMC中央监控计算机的 实时可靠通讯。

  • After the random adjustment of the engine it solved the problem of SSAW pipe inner weld seam Auto-track which unsolved for a long time .

    这样就从根本上解决了螺旋焊管内 焊缝自动跟踪这一 长期未能解决的难题。

  • As electrode negative ratio increases weld penetration decreases at the same time wire melting speed and deposition rate increase .

    随着负极性比率增加, 焊缝熔深减小, 同时焊丝熔化系数增加,熔敷速度增加。

  • Because of different diffusivity and solubility in different region of welded joint the hydrogen concentration within heat affected zone ( HAZ ) will exceed that within weld metal and base metal some time later ;

    由于焊接接头不同部位氢的扩散系数和溶解度不同,一定 时间以后热影响区中的氢浓度超过 焊缝金属和母材;

  • It should be modified to be strength weld and tight expansion structure . At the same time manufacturing technology as modified for welding after expansion tube sheet base should adopt the material of strength σ _s ≥ 320MPa .

    建议改为强度 加贴胀结构,并将复合管板基层改用屈服强度≥ 320MPa的材料,制造工艺改为先胀后焊。

  • It is possible to weld the two parts in one time we can see there 's space for unloading the welded parts .

    同时 焊接两件是可行的。我们可以看到此处有间隙可以取下焊接件。

  • Height track system of weld gun adopts height displacements sensor to time inspect the height of work part and inspected signal after A / D transferred and signal PC bias calculation is used to drive axis motor to adjust height of weld gun .

    焊枪高度跟踪采用高度位移传感器, 实时检测工件高度,检测信号经A/D转换、单片机偏差计算,驱动焊枪高度轴电机进行焊枪高度的实时纠偏。

  • If four weld seam of the rack welding at the same time the load and the structure of the rack is symmetrical so as to establish 1 / 4 model of the rack to simulate instead of the whole model .

    首先对齿条的4条 焊缝 同时焊进行模拟,这种情况下构件的载荷和结构都是对称的,因此利用对称的方法建立了齿条的1/4模型。

  • Investigation of the Structures of the Weld in Brass Pipes Annealed at the High Temperture and in the Short Time

    黄铜管 焊缝高温 短时退火组织的研究

  • For large welded structure the finite element model is very large and need refined mesh near the weld area the calculation need lengthy time and large disk space .

    对于大型焊接结构,由于 焊缝区域及其附近需要细化网格,其有限元计算模型规模巨大,且计算 时间冗长。

  • In this paper the two-dimension coupled vibrations of the large size ultrasonic plastic weld dies are investigated at the same time the corresponding design theory is presented on the basis of the apparent elasticity method .

    基于表观弹性法,作者研究了大尺寸长条形超声塑料 焊接模具的二维耦合振动,并建立 相应的设计理论。