welding arc


  • The main welding parameters such as welding current arc voltage and welding speed have been optimized by the orthogonal test and welding arc dynamic wavelet analysis instrument .

    运用正交试验,结合自行研制的 焊接 电弧动态小波分析仪对焊接电流、电弧电压、焊接速度等主要焊接工艺参数进行了优化研究。

  • A high-speed video camera was used to acquire MIG welding arc shape with additional longitudinal alternating magnetic field .

    利用高速摄像装置拍摄外加纵向磁场作用下的MIG 焊接 电弧,对 电弧形态的变化进行研究。

  • Based on lots of TIG experiments it can be concluded that welding arc can be well controlled the characteristic of movement behavior of welding arc are gotten which lay reliable guarantee on application of MIG / MAG welding technology .

    通过大量TIG焊接试验证明该 装置能够实现对 焊接 电弧的控制,并且得出了外加旋转磁场作用下电弧运动行为的变化规律,为该装置进一步应用于MIG/MAG工艺提供了可靠的保障。

  • A hybrid time constant which was a function of wire feeder welding arc electronic control circuit is the major parameter to reflect adjusting rate of the system .

    一个与送丝机特性、 电弧 特性、以及控制电路特性有关的复合时间常数是反映系统自动调节快慢程度的主要参数。

  • The Research of Low-Frequency Magnetic Controlled Welding Arc Behavior and Numerical Analysis

    低频磁控 焊接 电弧行为特征的研究及数值分析

  • Finite Element Analysis on United Model of TIG Welding Arc and Pool

    TIG 焊接 电弧与熔池统一模型有限元分析

  • Variable polarity TIG welding arc dynamic analyzer

    变极性TIG 焊接 电弧多信息测试分析系统

  • Welding arc and droplet transfer control of VP PMIG

    VPPMIG 焊接 电弧及熔滴过渡控制

  • A new method for the diagnostics of the welding arc temperature fields is studied on the basis of Plasma physics laser speckle photography .

    根据散斑照相和电弧等离子体物理学原理,研究了诊断氩气 温度场的新方法。

  • A mathematical model of fume diffusion in welding process was founded by considering welding arc as a spot source of generating fume and supplying the turbulent diffusion theory .

    焊接 电弧作为一个发尘点源,应用大气湍流扩散理论,建立了焊接过程中烟尘扩散的数学模型。

  • This paper mainly introduces the back light technology and synchronizes technology and a new synchronizer realizes multi-signal synchronize of high-speed photography of welding arc .

    着重介绍了这一技术应用的 背光技术和同步技术,并实际设计了高速摄影同步装置,实现了多种信息同步的高速摄影。

  • In this paper the temperature of underwater welding arc is investigated systematically by means of spectral diagnostics of plasma .

    本文利用等离子体光谱诊断法对水下 焊接 电弧温度进行了比较系统的研究。

  • Elevated temperature method is used to measure the thermal power and electrical properties of welding arc .

    采用温 升法测量了 电弧的热功率和静特性。

  • Characteristic of time-energy distribution at current-zero period on AC TIG welding arc

    交流 TIG 电弧过零时段的时间-能量分布特征

  • Numerical simulation of welding arc and surface-activating element on weld shape in TIG welding

    焊接 电弧与活性组元对TIG焊熔池形貌影响的数值模拟

  • Study on the Controlling System of AC MIG Welding Arc

    交流MIG 焊接 电弧控制系统的研究

  • Because welding arc voltage and welding current contain abundant information of welding quality we can not only judge welding quality but also can manage and control welding quality after we analyze welding arc voltage and welding current by compute technology and digital processing technology .


  • A detailed analysis of welding arc spectrum distribution characteristics to choose light sources of laser sensors


  • The material characteristic and construction of the resistances used for welding arc duty simulator is defined .

    确定了模拟 电弧负载用电阻的制作材料、结构形式;

  • The distribution of high frequency pulse TIG welding arc anode axial pressure has been studied by a self-made micro-pressure measuring device . And the related mathematical model is established as well .

    本文还利用自制的微压测试装置,研究了高频脉冲TIG 电弧阳极轴向压力的分布,建立了数学模型。

  • As a result having adopted lower given value and the control circuit of minimum pulse width make the weld easy to arc welding arc stable and welding performance fine .

    系统还采用了小给定值和最小脉宽控制电路,使焊接容易起弧、 稳定、焊接特性好。

  • Research on Electromagnetic Radiation of Welding Arc


  • Research on TIG welding arc with numerical simulation by using ANSYS Ultrasonic frequency pulse tungsten inert gas welding power source topology and welding applicability

    基于ANSYS的TIG 焊接 电弧数值模拟研究超音频脉冲TIG焊电源拓扑及电弧焊适用性

  • Welding arc emissive spectrum dynamic diagnosis and it 's application

    焊接 电弧发射光谱的动态诊断方法及其应用

  • Behavior Analysis of Low Power YAG Laser-Gas Metal Arc Welding Hybrid Welding Arc Plasma

    低功率YAG激光-熔化极气体弧焊复合 焊接 电弧等离子体行为研究

  • There are different physical properties between the DC welding arc and the AC welding arc because the more significant activities of electrodes are performed during the AC welding arc .

    交流焊接电弧过程伴有显著的电极行为,并具有与直流 焊接 电弧不同的物理性质。

  • Using a microprocessor - transistor arc welder a technology for touch starting the TIG welding arc controlled by microprocessor with small short circuit current was developed .

    在研制微处理机晶体管弧焊机的基础上,研究了小短路电流TIG 焊接触引 的新技术。

  • Application of single chip system in welding arc length controller

    单片机系统在 焊接 长控制器中的应用

  • The distribution of high frequency pulse TIG welding arc anode average current density and the dynamic process of the said arc anode are determined in this paper . Their mathematical models are established and the compression mechanism of high frequency pulse TIG welding is explored .

    本文首次测定了高频脉冲TIG 电弧阳极的平均电流密度分布及其中心电流密度动态过程,研究其变化规律并建立了数学模型,从而探明了高频脉冲TIG焊电弧的高频压缩机理。

  • Methods to improve the processing properties of MIG / MAG short circuiting welding arc

    改善MIG/MAG短路过渡 焊接 电弧工艺性能的方法