welded plate


  • The motor frame is welded steel plate structure and horizontal type .

    该系列电机为 钢板 焊接机座,卧式结构。

  • One-side welded bed plate for flanges in marine

    GB/T11693-1994船用法兰 焊接单面座

  • Finite Element Analysis Method for Welded Flitch Plate Structure


  • Welded plate type heat exchanger and its application

    焊接 板式换热器及其应用

  • Numerical evaluation of anti-fracture performance for welded wide plate of ultrafine grain steel

    一种超细晶粒钢 焊接抗断裂性能的数值评估

  • It is difficult to get deformation exactly because the cross-sections of closed frame welded by plate are not uniform .


  • An actual superplastic bulge example was given for the application of PAW butt - welded plate .

    最后给出了一个应用等离子 弧焊对接 进行超塑胀形的实例。

  • This paper introduced the fabrication processes of welded plate heat exchanger 's sandwich and shell and welding technique which adopted in the course of fabrication .

    简要介绍了全 焊接 板式换热器的芯体和外壳的制造工艺以及在制造过程中所采用的焊接技术。

  • The base steel plate for making comparison was the same crack size crack location finite element meshes and boundary condition as the welded plate .

    用作对比的母材板的裂纹尺寸和位置、网格划分、边界条件等与 焊接 完全相同。

  • The special features and pilot tests of RS-2 stainless steel welded plate heat exchangers are described .

    本文介绍了RS-2耐酸不锈钢 焊接 板式换热器的性能特点及应用情况。

  • An explosion bulge test on a welded plate specimen without a crack starter and sin1ulated weld specimen was conducted .

    进行了无裂纹源焊道 板材和模拟 焊缝试样的爆炸试验。

  • The welding method used was a PC-GMAW process with mixture gases shielding . Central crack for the welded plate was located in the fusion zone between welding seam and heat-affected zone .

    焊接方法为脉冲熔化极混合气体保护焊, 焊接 的中心裂纹处于焊缝与热影响区之间的熔合区。

  • Al-steel interfacial microstructure of casting produced by inserting explosively welded Cu-steel plate into aluminium melt

    铜/ 爆炸复合 浸铝铸件的界面组织

  • The principal factors are rotation speed of stir tool friction coefficient between the stir tool and the workpiece the pressure on the surface and on the side face of welded plate .

    其中,搅拌工具的旋转速度、搅拌工具与被焊材料之间的摩擦因数、被 材料表面受到的轴向压力及侧面受到的进给压力是主要因素。

  • In this article prestressing technology is used to detect the stress of welded steel plate column and then achieve the determinant which is more precise than the method presented in the Code .

    本文采用预应力技术对 焊接 钢板柱进行了应力(应变)检测,进而完成了比规范方法更为精确的局部稳定性判定。

  • Direct Calculation Method for Cross-section Design in Welded I-shaped Plate Girders

    焊接工字形 钢梁截面设计的直接算法

  • Effect of residual stress on the stability of welded heavy plate

    焊接残余应力对 厚板 稳定性的影响

  • The analysis for influence of thickness in t welded plate joints

    T型 焊接 节点 疲劳 强度板厚效应分析

  • The equivalent boundary impedance of the spot welded plate is derived by using the semi-analytical algorithm .

    通过半解析算法得到了 点焊 平板的边界等效阻抗。

  • The paper studied the influence of the distance between weld spots on static and fatigue strength by the experiments of multi spot welded plate and we got the stress distribution around the weld spots by our mechanical model it tallied with our experiment date .

    通过研究多 点焊 搭接 构件的静强度与疲劳强度,探讨了焊点间距对强度的影响,并且用弹性力学模型分析了 中焊点附近的应力状态,与实验结果能较好地对应。

  • The thermo elastoplastic Analysis of Butt Welded Plate by Finite Element Method

    薄板对接 的热弹塑性有限元法分析

  • The stress corrosion which will be possible happen in welded plate heat exchanger was principally analyzed and preventive measures for them were given .

    分析了 焊接 板式换热器发生应力腐蚀的原因,提出了相关的防护措施。

  • In the industries of oil refining chemical petrochemical and iron and steel etc . the welded plate type heat exchangers are applied more extensive and more extensive .

    在石油炼制、化学、石油化工和钢铁等行业, 焊接 板式换热器正得到越来越广泛的应用。

  • The experimental results show that the hardening effect occurs in every layer of the welded composite plate particularly Ti layer and the strength and weight ratio of new material are approximated to that of pure Ti plate .

    实验结果表明, 焊接 多层复合 中各层都有硬化效果,钛层比较明显,并且新材料的强度和重量比与纯钛板较为接近。

  • Welded Plate Heat Exchanger : Development and Pilot Test

    新型 焊接 板式换热器的研制及应用

  • They welded a steel plate onto the plane 's damaged wing .

    他们把一块 钢板 焊接到损坏的机翼上。

  • Microstructural Features Beside Interface in 321 / Qd370qD Explosive Welded Plate The explosion blew the windows out .

    321/Qd370qD爆炸 焊接界面渗碳体特征爆炸把窗户给炸飞了。

  • Welded wide plate test method in bridge steel construction

    桥梁钢结构中的 焊接试验

  • Stress Corrosion and Protecting of Welded Plate Heat Exchanger

    焊接 板式换热器的应力腐蚀及防护