welding arc voltage


  • The electron arc welding power source without sampling of arc voltage is introduced in this paper .

    现代下降 特性电子 弧焊电源设置的 拖特性一般是由 电弧 电压取样作为参考 电压形成的。

  • Fuzzy Control of PMIG Welding Arc Voltage

    PMIG焊 焊接 电弧 电压的模糊控制

  • The system is composed of hardware circuit and software system . The signal source comes from welding current and arc voltage .

    本系统由硬件系统和软件系统两大部分组成,以 焊接电流、 电弧 电压为数据采集信号源。

  • This system first adopted filter processing of the gathered welding current and arc voltage .

    本系统对采集到的 焊接电流和 电弧 电压首先采取了滤波处理。

  • Welding process factors consist of welding electric current electric arc voltage welding speed etc.

    焊接工艺因素包括 焊接电流、 电弧 电压、焊接速度等。

  • The control system of submerged-arc welding machine based on MCS-51 is designed which realizes the real time control of welding process also assures the auto adjustment of welding current and arc voltage .

    设计了以MCS-51单片机为控制核心的埋弧焊机控制系统,实现焊接过程的实时控制,保证了 焊接电流和 电弧 电压的自动调节。

  • In older to meet the requirements of all - position welding process the welding parameters such as welding current arc voltage welding speed torch swing speed and width can be automatically adjusted according to the welding position .

    为满足全位置焊接工艺的要求, 焊接电流、 电弧 电压、焊接速度及焊炬摆动的速度和摆幅等参数能根据焊接位置的不同自动调节。

  • Intelligent Control of Optimized Matching of Welding Arc Voltage and Current for Carbon Dioxide Short-Circuit Metel Transfer Welding

    CO2短路过渡 电压和电流最优匹配的智能控制

  • Using the synchronous multi-information acquisition system in hyperbaric environment a truly synchronous analysis was achieved of welding process high-speed image arc voltage and welding current in hyperbaric environment .

    利用高压环境 焊接 过程多信息同步采集系统,实现了高压环境下 焊接过程高速图像、 电弧 电压及焊接电流的真正意义上的同步分析。

  • A Study of Micro-computer Controlled System for Pulsed MIG Welding Power Source of ARC Voltage Mode

    压式脉冲MIG 电源微机控制系统的研究

  • Fuzzy Model Identification for Welding Arc Voltage with Correlation Method

    焊接 电弧 电压模糊模型的相关辨识

  • This paper introduced a testing and analyzing system for arc welding quality based on the visual instrument which is allodially empoldered and all the information for analyzing comes from welding current and arc voltage .

    本文以 焊接电流、 电弧 电压为信息源,自主开发了一套基于虚拟仪器的弧焊品质分析系统。

  • Taking the welding current arc voltage and arc spectrum as the information source this paper designed a welding arc information measuring and processing system which can deal with data acquisition signal processing information extracting and sync high-speed photography .

    焊接电流、 电弧 电压、电弧光谱为信息源,开发了一套可进行信号采集、信号处理、信息提取的焊接电弧信息测试分析系统,并可实现同步高速摄影。

  • By sampling the voltage and current of arc in the welding process the arc voltage is kept constant in the peak period and welding current is kept constant in the base period .

    通过采集 焊接过程中的 电弧电压和电流信号,在峰值期间保持 电压恒定,在基值期间保持电流恒定,脉冲参数依据一个脉冲过渡一个熔滴的原则选取。

  • Wavelet analysis is utilized on eliminating noises and interpreting zero crossings of welding current arc voltage and arc sound in CO 2 arc welding process which are collected by experiment system .

    利用小波分析方法,对所采集的CO2 焊接电流、 电弧 电压和电弧声波进行了信号降噪处理和奇异点分析,提取不同频率范围的声波能量作为表征焊接过程状态变化的特征向量。

  • The welding current arc voltage preset current the period and ratio of pulse base current down slope time gas pre and post flow time are sampled calculated and controlled by microprocessor .

    单片机对 焊接电流、 电弧 电压、电流给定、脉冲周期、占空比、基值电流、收弧 电流衰减时间、前气和后气时间等 焊接 参数进行采样、计算和控制。

  • The effect of active flux and arc shrinking in A - TIG welding is studied through detecting arc voltage with variant welding current to this paper .

    在变动焊接电流下检测 电弧 电压,考察A-TIG 电弧收缩及活性剂的影响。

  • The weld parameter detecting system is the precondition for controlling welding current and arc voltage in the future .

    为今后实现 焊接电流、 电压的实时控制提供了前提条件。

  • The main welding parameters such as welding current arc voltage and welding speed have been optimized by the orthogonal test and welding arc dynamic wavelet analysis instrument .

    运用正交试验,结合自行研制的焊接电弧动态小波分析仪对 焊接电流、 电弧 电压、焊接速度等主要焊接工艺参数进行了优化研究。

  • Testing results show that the major factors affecting the deposition efficiency are the welding current arc voltage and gas flow rate under the condition of same circuit inductance .

    试验结果表明,在回路电感值不变的条件下, 焊接电流、 电弧 电压和气体流量是影响熔敷效率的主要因素。

  • Welding control device adopts microcomputer for process control arc striking welding arc extinguishing control auto arc voltage control and auto tracking of welding seams .

    焊接自动控制装置采用微机实现焊接过程控制,完成引弧、 焊接、熄 控制及弧 自动调节和焊缝自动跟踪。

  • With the development of detecting technology in welding process it has been known that welding current and arc voltage carry about abundance information of various arc physics phenomena .

    随着焊接过程测试技术的发展,人们认识到 焊接电流、 电弧 电压是各种电弧物理现象的丰富信息的载体。

  • Because welding arc voltage and welding current contain abundant information of welding quality we can not only judge welding quality but also can manage and control welding quality after we analyze welding arc voltage and welding current by compute technology and digital processing technology .

    电弧 电压和焊接电流里包含了重要的焊接质量信息,采用计算机技术和数字处理技术对电弧电压和焊接电流信号进行分析,不仅可以对焊接质量进行评判,而且可以用于焊接质量的管理和控制。

  • This paper introduces the seam tracking technology in arc-swing type TIG welding which takes the arc voltage as sensor signal .

    介绍以 为传感信号的摆动式TIG 焊缝跟踪技术。

  • The software system contains digital filter Statistical Process Control wavelet analysis and spectrum analysis and so on and it can dispose and analyze welding arc voltage signal and welding current signal and draw the information which reflects welding process stability .

    软件包括数字滤波、统计过程分析、小波分析、频谱分析等,它们能较好地处理和分析 电弧 电压和焊接电流信号,提取反应焊接过程稳定性的信息。

  • The PCI_9118HG data acquisition card and signal conditioning circuitry can sample welding arc voltage and welding current very well and insulate control circuitry and main circuitry .

    系统硬件主要包括PCI9118HG采集卡和调理电路,它们能较好地采集 电弧 电压和焊接电流信号,实现控制电路和主电路的隔离。

  • This paper introduces the testing method of deposition efficiency of CO_2 welding of bare wire . The results show that the major factors that influence deposition efficiency are welding current arc voltage and gas flow rate under the conditions of same circuit inductance .

    介绍实芯焊丝CO2焊的熔敷效率测试方法,试验结果表明,在回路电感值不变的条件下, 焊接电流、 电弧 电压和气体流量是影响熔敷效率的主要因素。

  • An auto - controlling system of arc length for AC - TIG welding with half - cycle arc voltage ( workpiece positive ) as a sensing signal is introduced in this paper .

    介绍了以 为传感信号的交流 TIG 弧长自动控制系统,重点讨论了如何从 交流 波形中提取出能够真实反映弧长的反馈信号。