welding flame


  • Welding and cutting in1949 Beijing has geo-drilling electric welding and cutting etc oxyacetylene flame manual operation .

    焊接与切割。1949年,北京已有气焊、电 弧焊及氧乙炔 火焰切割等手工作业。

  • Welding sequence of ring welds and welding initial position play an important pole in welding distortion of base flame assembly of Excavator . Analysis and Control of Welding Distortion in Multi-Row Packed Finned Tube Heat Exchanger Bundles During Manufacturing

    挖掘机焊接制造中,环焊缝的焊接顺序、焊接起始位置对 焊接 残余变形有重要影响。多排密集翅片管管束 焊接变形的分析和控制

  • For replacing coke oven flame welding material imported from foreign country based on experiment we developed CAE type flame welding material .

    为替代从国外进口的焦炉火焰 料,实验研制了CAE型 火焰焊补料。

  • This paper deals with how thermal inertia and adiabatic effect of an object welding And what flame should be applied in oxy-acetylene welding with silver-copper solder and the high temperature area of flame are also discussed then the effect of free oxygen and free carbon on welding is analyzed .

    探讨了物体的热惰性和绝热效应对 焊接的影响,讨论了采用银铜焊料进行氧-乙炔焊时应该运用的 火焰和火焰的高温区域.分析了自由氧和自由碳在焊接中的影响。

  • The welding of ATV motorcycle flame is closely related with the frame material the fixing of technological equipment types of wire for welding welding current and welding procedures .

    ATV车架 焊接的好坏与车架材料、工装固定、焊丝种类、焊接电流和焊接顺序等密切相关, 焊接 可结合CAE分析和 残余应力分布的预判来确定车架材料及焊接顺序;

  • The research on the method of spray welding using oxy-acetylene flame to form a deposit made from a certain kind of wear-resistant compound-alloy powder to prolong the life of machine parts

    耐磨复合合金粉末氧乙炔 提高零部件使用寿命的研究

  • In the fast cast iron repair welding technology with the heating of oxy-acetylene flame faster hot-spotting and shorter residence time at 950 ~ 1 050 ℃ can effectively control the volume of austenite and its degree of homogenization .

    在快速铸铁补 技术的氧乙炔 火焰加热条件下,尽可能快速地进行局部加热和缩短 焊接温度时的停留时间,可以有效控制高温时铸铁的奥氏体转变量和奥氏体的均匀化程度。

  • However gas welding equipment a simple flexible operation convenient and easy to control the flame without power supply .

    但是 气焊设备简单、操作灵活方便, 火焰易于控制,不需要电源。

  • So before welding the process flame cutting groove is feasible .

    所以, 前直接采用 火焰切割坡口的工艺可行。

  • The continuous study on spraying welding technology of oxygen acetylene flame

    氧乙炔 工艺 参数规范的确定

  • Effect on metallographic organization and mechanics properties of welding rail joints by flame normalizing

    火焰正火对钢轨 焊接接头金相组织及力学性能的影响