


  • These are in place of quota systems that usually benefit well-connected companies or individuals by creating a lucrative price gap between domestic and international markets .

    这些 资源 被用于取代配额制度, 后者通常在国内和国际市场之间制造一个有利可图的价格差距,让 背景 深厚的企业或个人 获利

  • They are well-connected with the south-based education-reform mafia .

    他们同以南方为 大本营的教育改革势力集团有着密切的联系。

  • Of course we have our elites the well-connected the inheritors and so forth .

    当然,我们也有精英、 人脉 广泛 、继承祖辈财富的人等等。

  • Tesla owners in China are a well-connected bunch .

    中国的特斯拉车主是个有 影响力的群体。

  • So how worried should Rio Tinto and BHP Billiton be by comments from a presumably well-connected official that their proposed tie-up has strong monopolistic flavours ?

    那么,对于一名想必 人脉 广 中国官员有关两拓拟议中的结盟带有明显的垄断色彩的评论,力拓(RioTinto)和必和必拓(BHPBilliton)应该担心到何种程度呢?

  • RosettaNet has promised these problems will go away when they roll out a re-modeled well-connected schema .


  • We are well-connected with national and international scientists and pharmaceutical industries .

    我们与国内外科学家和制药厂商 保持 广泛密切的 联系 合作

  • A well-connected business consultant in Beijing told me that Chen is far outside the mainstream .

    北京一位 人脉 广泛的商务顾问告诉我,陈光标 游走在主流之外。

  • In China credit is siphoned to state-owned enterprises and well-connected insiders ; the elite also gain from a string of monopolies .

    在中国,银行贷款被转移到了国有企业和 社会 关系的内部人员手中, 社会精英还从种种垄断行为中获利。

  • Actors and actresses scrambled for parts because appearing in an epic film shows they are well-connected and popular .

    男女演员们都争着出演该片,是因为可以出现在一部史诗巨片中,表明他们有着 良好 社会 关系和很受欢迎。

  • A mostly useless but well-connected insider at the company is hired as a consultant .

    实际上起不到什么作用但是在 行贿 目标公司 人脉 广的内线往往被聘为“顾问”。

  • He 's a very well-connected man .

    他这个人 门路广

  • A mafia of well-connected wholesalers are now hoarding the crop .

    如今,一个 各路 关系 的批发商组成的黑帮组织正在进行着粮食的囤积。

  • But he is also a partner in a syndicate founded by well-connected Cantonese entrepreneurs who with their African partners have taken control of one of China 's most important trade channels .

    但是,他也是由广东企业家创立的一个 财团的合伙人,那位广东商人和他的非洲伙伴们控制着中国一条非常重要的贸易渠道。

  • In the Reagan era well-connected Republicans received favoured treatment in this organization .

    在里根时代, 一些 关系 的共和党人在这个机构中 受到了优待。

  • The system we have now might work for the powerful and well-connected interests that have run Washington for far too long but I don 't.I work for the American people .

    我们现在所拥有的系统也许对那些强大的 联系 紧密的利益 群体是可行的,但对我来说不是,他们已经操作华盛顿太久了。

  • Accountant drew Bernstein said well-connected people can work around the rules .

    会计德鲁•彭斯 表示, 强大 关系 的人可以绕开规定。

  • We are well-connected with major dealers in the line of map .

    我们与地图业的 经销商 关系

  • A well-connected Edinburgh family .

    社会 关系好的 爱丁堡家族。

  • And well-connected parents this year I guess .

    而且,我猜今年 关系 家长 很多

  • Having a well-connected client can also mean benefits like opera theater and concert tickets .

    拥有 关系 亲密的客户还可能意味着得到歌剧、戏剧和音乐会门票等好处。

  • Jack Abramoff a well-connected Republican lobbyist was convicted of fraud .


  • NGO directors are often public figures well-connected in politics academia or the media .

    NGO的管理者常常是社会名流,与 政界、学术界和媒体的 关系 良好

  • They are becoming harder to track too British officials say because they are less likely to be members of groups or well-connected networks .

    英国官员们表示,跟踪他们的难度也加大了,因为他们不太可能是组织或 庞大网络的成员。

  • Because you 're well-connected to someone protecting you .

    因为你和保护你的人 关系 一般

  • Beautiful Hangzhou girl wanted for bank officer from well-connected family .

    银行职员,家庭 社会 关系 甚佳,征求漂亮的杭州女生为

  • You should go out and meet people try to get well-connected .

    你应该走出 教室去,结识 更多的朋友,尽量 建立 良好 关系

  • My husband and I are both well-connected in our respective fields so should we be introducing our son to people who might know of job openings or is that a bad idea ?

    但我 觉得,他也许需要我的 帮助。我和孩子 爸爸在各自的工作领域 人脉 广,我们是否应该 熟人介绍些工作机会给儿子?这是不是个好办法?