wear out

[wɛr aʊt][wɛə aut]


  • His stubborn resistance to anything new eventually wore out the patience of his superiors

    他始终不愿接受任何新事物,最终让上司 失去了耐心。

  • You 've had about as much wear out of those shoes as they 'll take .

    那些鞋子你已经 穿得够久,不 穿

  • ' Could you not stay with us while you are solving your mystery ? ' — ' Oh we don 't want to wear out our welcome . '

    “如果你们 有事要忙就不用陪我们了,好么?”——“哦,我们可不想 受欢迎。”

  • I wear out two pair of boots on the walking tour .

    我徒步旅行 穿 两双靴子。

  • The young people run around kicking a ball wearing themselves out

    年轻人跑来跑去踢着球,把自己 精疲力竭。

  • This cup of the ear cups small fingers can not wear out .

    这种杯子的杯耳较小,手指无法 穿 出去

  • Well you know over time they wear out .


  • If you don 't change the motor oil your car engine will wear out very quickly .

    如果你不换机油,你车子的引擎会 耗损的非常快。

  • He wore out his shoes wandering around Mexico City .

    他在墨西哥城到处游荡,磨 鞋子。

  • You should get years of wear out of that carpet .

    那条地毯你可 使用很多年。

  • Rubber crutch tips should be replaced as they wear out and they should remain dry .

    橡胶拐杖头 穿后应及时更换,并保持干燥。

  • Every time she consulted her watch she wondered if the batteries were wearing out


  • Things made in factories wear out after a while and are thrown away as trash .

    工厂制造的东西过一个时期就 用坏了,然后就作为垃圾扔掉。

  • The past few days had really worn him out

    过去的几天真把他给 累坏

  • So it goes without saying that parts of the braking system will wear out .

    所以不用说,部分制动系统将 穿破

  • You 'll get more wear out of a hat if you choose one in a neutral colour

    如果你选个中性颜色的帽子, 的时间会更多一些

  • Better to wear out than to rust out .

    宁可 用坏,不可锈坏。

  • The creases in the jacket will wear out .

    上衣上的折痕穿着后会 消失

  • Machines soon wear out under rough usage .

    机器如果使用 仔细,很快就会 磨损

  • People are like machines : they wear out .

    人和机器一样,他们都会 磨损

  • Better wear out shoes than sheets .

    宁愿 鞋子 穿 ,不愿 床单磨破。

  • When your clothes wear out you get new ones right ?

    当你的衣服 穿破时,你会去买新衣服,对吧?

  • The effect of the continuous attacks has been to wear out his troops .

    接连不断的攻击就是要 拖垮他的军队。

  • After about an hour his patience began to wear out .

    大约一个小时之后,他开始 忍耐 了。

  • No matter how often they turn up their welcome never wears out .

    不管他们多久 露面一次,都永远那么受欢迎。

  • Parts of an engine which move can wear out .

    引擎中运动的部件会 磨损

  • If you climb a lot your shoes will wear out easily .

    如果你经常爬,鞋就会很容易 穿

  • Cheap shoes soon wear out .

    便宜鞋子不 耐穿

  • Wheel chairs wear out and are expensive and require maintenance .

    轮椅 磨损和本身的价格以及维护费用。