weir flow

[wɪr flo][wiə fləu]


  • The influence of six variant on the interface radius including the rotation speed the flow ratio ( O / A ) the diameter of heavy phase weir the total flow rate the density and the viscosity were systematically studied .

    系统研究了转速、流比、重相 直径、 流量、两相密度差和粘度6个参数对 离心萃取器界面半径的影响。

  • Experiment and analysis of movable weir for flow measurement indicate that the modular limit of movable weir is relatively high . And the accuracy of theoretical discharge calculated is satisfied .

    通过对活动 进行实验研究和理论分析,认为活动堰过流的淹没度限值高,理论计算流量精度满足测 要求。

  • The problem of complicated Free Surface exists widely in hydraulic structure . Such as the flow of overflow weir 、 the orifice flow 、 the water gate sluice 、 the seepage flow with free surface and the flow in large dam ship lock etc.

    在水利工程中,带有复杂自由表面的流动问题广泛存在着,如溢流 溢流坝流,表孔泄流,水闸泄流,带有自由表面的渗流以及大型水坝船闸内流体流动等。

  • The results show that by the significant effects of the water level difference inside and outside the dike the results of weir flow equation and piping equation are better than the results of the energy equation .

    研究表明,受到堤防内外水位差的显著影响, 方程和管涌方程计算的结果明显优于能量方程计算的结果。

  • Also the molten pool of the tundish was deep which brought much difference in temperature between the both sides of the weir after installing the flow control devices and could not keep the molten steel temperature uniformity .

    同时,该中间包熔池较深,在安装控 装置后, 挡墙两侧温差较大,不利于钢水的温度均匀。

  • Based on the k - ε turbulent model this paper presents the solution to the complete Reynolds equation and successfully models the free weir flow of the broad-crest weir .


  • Finite Element Solution of Function Y for Weir Flow Problem


  • This paper introduces the application of principle and structure of Open-top type proportion weir flow sensor and the features flow of this sensor .

    文中介绍了无顶式比例 流量传感器的基本原理和结构,研究了无顶比例堰的流量特性。

  • If a gate is to be installed on the crest orifice flow can be trans - formed into broad-crested weir flow at any water heads provided that the suggested limitations are taken into consideration in hydraulic design .

    顶设有闸门,如果在水力设计中考虑了上述极限控制条件,则在任意 水头情况下,都可以完成从孔 到宽顶 溢流 过渡

  • Improvement methods of the flow pattern were proposed including optimizing the wastewater weir layout and adding flow diversion baffle in wastewater distribution zone at the bottom of the reactor .

    本研究提出优化 集水 布置方式、在反应室底部配水区增设 分流挡板等改造措施,改善反应区上升流态。

  • In this experiment the free flow of weir flow was analyzed by mathematics regressive method and discharge computation formula could be obtained through the analysis which provides a simple mathematical model for the compound weir under the same width .

    用数学回归的方法针对 自由出 情况进行研究分析,通过分析得到流量计算公式。为复合堰在单宽比相同的情况下提供了一个简单的数学模型。

  • Compared to the free flow in the presence of the same weir over water head the discharge of the wall pressing weir flow is higher by 20.8 % ~ 22.4 % than that of the free flow ;

    与自由流相比, 上水头相同的情况下,贴壁流的流量比自由流的 流量大20.8%~22.4%;

  • In practical application it is found that when the discharge of beginning is small and increased steadily the weir flow let out sticking to the weir wall within a certain range of water head this is the wall pressing weir flow .

    在实际应用中发现,当初始流量为小 流量,流量平稳增加时,在一定的水头范围内过 水流是附贴堰壁下泄的,即贴壁流。

  • Compared with beeline weir labyrinth weir can provide larger flow capacity with the same water head above the weir .

    迷宫 与直线堰相比,在相同堰上水头条件下,可大幅度提高过 能力。

  • The relation between the weir flow coefficient and the variation of the relative submergence degree is obtained through the observation and analysis made on the characteristics of the flow regimes under the various operation conditions of both the generation and the pumping of the surge tank .

    对调压室在发电和抽水各工况下的过流特性进行了观测和分析,得到了 系数与相对淹没度的变化关系。

  • To the three-tank water a typically non-linear and delayed plant the general mathematic model of three-tank water is established by means of mechanism modeling method and the characteristics of both linear and non-linear weir flow meters are analyzed .

    针对三容 水箱是较为典型的非线性、时延对象,具有很强的代表性这一特点,通过机理建模方法建立了三容水箱的一般数学模型。

  • Among them the weir flow equation adapts to damage caused by overflow ; the piping equation adapts to infiltration and sabotage .

    其中, 方程适于堤防发生漫溢破坏引起溃堤:管涌方程适于堤防是发生渗透破坏引起溃堤。

  • The flow coefficients of weir flow meters are determined by experiment and the linearization model of three-tank water is obtained .

    分析了线性和非线性阻力板的流量特性,并通过实验测定了 阻力 流量系数。最后给出了三容水箱的线性化模型。

  • The general rectangle sharp-crested weir when the water head of weir over comes to a certain height the weir flow is the free weir flow .

    一般的矩形薄壁堰,当堰上水头为一定高度时, 水流是正常的自由堰流。

  • Freedom The Modular Limit of Broad-crested Weir Flow

    论宽顶 的自由 溢流条件

  • Principles of hydraulic computation and experimental investigation of movable weir for flow measurement

    活动 水力计算原理及实验研究

  • The Study on Open-Top Type Proportion Weir Flow Sensor

    无顶式比例 流量传感器的研究

  • Discussion on weir flow coefficient for broad-crest ridge-free weirs

    无坎宽顶 流量系数的探讨

  • As for the straight-labyrinth weir the flow pattern character the discharge capacity and its effecting fac .

    迷宫 作为一种实用高效的特殊 型,它在不改变泄水宽度的情况下,可大幅度提高过 能力。

  • Experimental research on the weir flow pressing the wall for the rectangle thin-wall weir

    矩形薄壁堰贴壁 试验研究

  • In the situation of the same discharge the weir over water head of the wall pressing weir flow is lower by 14 % ~ 16 % on average than that of the free flow .

    流量相同的情况下,贴壁 上水头比自由流的堰上水头平均低14%~16%。

  • This subject has probed into the inherent relation between the Froude Numbers ( Fr )、 Reynolds Numbers ( Re )、 Weber Numbers ( We )、 Euler Numbers ( Eu ) and the wall pressing weir flow .

    本课题探讨了佛汝德数Fr、雷诺数Re、韦伯数 We、欧拉数Eu与贴壁 之间的内在关系。

  • The influence of Fo factor weir height and liquid flow on liquid-phase concentration of both internal and external cover were discussed .

    讨论了 动能因子、 高和液体 流量对帽罩内外液相浓度的影响,指出 动能因子对液相浓度的影响 最小,堰高的影响最大。

  • Mobile Parabolic Thin-Plate Weir for U-Shape Channel Flow Measurement

    U形渠道抛物线形移动 研究