



  • He 's a weird guy .

    他是个 古怪的家伙。

  • Can I ask you kind of a weird question ?

    我能不能问你一个 奇怪的问题?

  • What weird funny offensive or elegant sign-offs have I missed ?

    我错过了什么 奇怪的,有趣的,冒犯的或者优雅的签名吗?

  • The time I spent with him had had a weird effect on me .

    我和他在一起度过的那段时光,曾对我产生过一种 奇特的影响。

  • Weird things have happened to me today .


  • The altered landscape looks unnatural and weird .

    改造后的景观看起来很不自然,极其 怪异

  • I can tell you this : it 's weird . I 've been very lucky .

    我可以告诉你的是: 不可思议,我非常幸运。

  • ' She was weird . ' — ' How so ? '

    “她有些 古怪。”——“为什么这么说呢?”

  • His weird behaviour had cooled her passion .


  • Weird . I think I just got to calibrate mine so I can adjust the scans properly .


  • You 're too weird and sad .

    你太 怪异和多愁善感了。

  • It 's a bit weird .

    这事有点儿 邪魔

  • I thought you were finished with doing weird stuff .

    本以为用了这种 不可思议的东西你就完了。

  • I don 't know why but this is so weird to me .

    我真的不知道为什么会这样。这一切对我来说都 诡异 荒唐了。

  • I hear things and see weird stuff .

    我听到和看到 一些 奇怪的东西。

  • You don 't think it 's weird and kind of fascist ?

    你不认为这有 怪异 种法西斯的味道吗?

  • Look I know it 's weird I slept here .

    哦,我知道我睡在这里 不可思议

  • Possibly I am a weird person .

    也许我是一个 古怪的人。

  • So why is it not weird now ? Why have you told me ?

    那为什么现在又不 奇怪了?为什么你告诉了我?

  • Drugs can make you do all kinds of weird things

    毒品可以让你做出各种各样 奇怪的事情。

  • It was a weird old house full of creaks and groans .

    这是所 神秘而可怕的旧宅,到处嘎吱嘎吱作响。

  • I had a weird night .

    我这一晚上过得 各种 诡异

  • It felt weird going back to Liverpool .

    回到利物浦后,感觉很 奇怪

  • That first day was weird

    第一天有些 怪异

  • She has some weird ideas .

    她有一些 念头。

  • It must be really weird to be rich

    成为有钱人感觉一定 不同寻常

  • You know I just It 's so weird .

    你知道,我只是,太 怪异了。

  • He 's different . He 's weird


  • She said : ' People that don 't actually know me say it 's weird .

    她说:那些不怎么了解我的人会说,这太 不可思议了。

  • It 's weird but I have good news from one of my vision to share with someone .
