weighted signal

[ˈwetɪd ˈsɪɡnəl][ˈweitid ˈsiɡnəl]

[计] 加权信号

  • Adaptive weighted median filter is used for diagnosing the fault signal of the rolling element bearing .

    将自适应 加权中值滤波器应用于滚动轴承故障 信号的故障诊断中。

  • Rake receives a set sum of multipath signals each signal is multiplied by a weighted factor and merge to form the final signal .

    Rake接收的信号是一组多径信号的总和,即每一径接收信号乘以一个因子进行 加权 和来形成最终的判决 信号

  • There were various signal intensities on T1 - weighted images and high signal on T2 - weighted images .

    MRI显示囊肿为T1WI上信号强度不一, T2WI信号

  • MRI : Inhomogeneous low signal and inhomogeneous intensification were showed on T1 weighted images and inhomogeneous high signal was seen on T2 weighted images in 4.Operative pathological diagnosis : 6 cases were diagnosed as chondromas 1 case as chondrosarcoma .

    MRI:MRI T1WI像不均匀低信号及不均匀增强,T2WI像不均匀高 信号4例,手术病理诊断:软骨瘤6例,软骨肉瘤1例。

  • The surface painting of rotor and the place of optoelectronic sensors were analyzed the commuting strategy can be attained and therefore the spherical stepper can be controlled to achieve the expected trajectory according to the algorithm of the weighted graph and the signal feedback from optoelectronic sensors .

    根据转子表面的编码原理, 采用图中路径搜索算法,最终通过光电传感器反馈的 信号确定永磁球形步进电动机的通电 线圈对,实现闭环控制球形步进电动机。

  • The proposed filter achieves its effect through a weighted summation of the input signal and the output of median filter and the weights are set based on regularized possibilistic linear models concerning the states of the input signal sequence .

    这种滤波器的输出是原始输入 信号和经典中值滤波器的 加权和,而权值则根据输入的信号序列由预先建好的可能性线性模型来决定。

  • weighted signal modulation technique in signal distortion techniques are analyzed . With simulation the effect on PAPR reduction of this technique is testified .

    然后,对信号畸变技术中的 加权 信号调制技术进行深入的研究和分析,通过仿真证明该技术可以有效地降低PAPR。

  • An improved weighted average algorithm ( IWAA ) is presented to compute signal probability in a combinational networks . Concepts of MRFS is introduced and used to achieve much better result of signal probability compared with weighted average algorithm '

    本文提出了一种改进的 加权平均算法IWAA,针对加权平均算法WAA,IWAA引入了最小重汇聚扇出源MRFS的概念,用于 信号概率的计算,并取得了较为理想的结果。

  • By DESA method it is rigorously proved that the proposed self-tuning weighted measurement fusion Wiener signal filters converge to the corresponding steady-state globally optimal filters in a realization so they have the asymptotical global optimality .

    应用动态误差系统分析(DESA)方法,严格证明了提出的自校正 加权观测融合Wiener 信号滤波器按实现收敛于相应的稳态全局最优滤波器,因而具有渐近全局最优性。

  • By substituting the information fusion estimators of model parameters and noise statistics into the steady-state optimal weighted measurement fusion Wiener signal filters the self-tuning weighted measurement fusion Wiener signal filters are presented respectively .

    将模型参数和噪声统计的信息融合估值器代入稳态最优 加权观测融合Wiener 信号滤波器中,分别提出了自校正加权观测融合Wiener信号滤波器。

  • The main MRI features of the cystic hydatid revealed as a round or oval shape with smooth margin and low signal intensity on T1 weighted sequence and high signal intensity on T2 weight sequence .

    包虫囊肿表现为圆形、卵圆形边缘光滑的影像,T1 加权像呈低信号,T2加权像呈高 信号

  • Optimal Parameters of MR Diffusion Weighted Imaging with Background Body Signal Suppression on Pulmonary Diseases

    肺部疾病背景抑制 共振扩散 成像的参数优化

  • Through cluster members report data the cluster head makes data aggregation and uses the weighted centroid algorithm based on received signal strength indication to localization then wakes up neighbor nodes and asks the nodes to participate in tracking through the cluster head forecasts the next position .

    通过簇成员节点的汇报数据,簇首节点进行数据聚合,采用基于接收 信号强度指示的 加权质心定位算法进行目标定位,并预测下一时刻位置,以唤醒邻居信标节点参与跟踪。

  • Multisensor Globally Optimal Weighted Measurement Fusion Wiener Signal Filter

    多传感器全局最优 加权观测融合Wiener 信号滤波器

  • The unknown time-varying parameters of a simplified mathematic model of autopilot are identified by using an exponentially weighted recursive least-squares algorithm and the feedback control signal is calculated by the principle of pole-assignment self-tuning control thus the closed loop control of the system is obtained .

    文中以简化的导弹自动驾驶仪的差分方程为控制对象,采用衰减记忆 最小二乘法直接识别弹体的时变参数,再应用极点配置控制方法计算出反馈控制 ,实现系统的闭环自适应控制。

  • A weighted algorithm of sparse decomposition is developed for recovery of signal in strong background noise . Iterative Methods for Computing Weighted Moore-Penrose Inverses of Matrices

    为了在强噪声背景下提取 信号,本文发展了一种 加权迭代稀疏分解方法.加权广义逆矩阵的迭代算法

  • Through analyzing broadband comb-spectrum interference features in time-frequency domain adaptive wavelet packet decomposition is employed to target interference first then interference suppression complete through weighted wavelet packet coefficient and reconstructing the signal without interference .

    通过分析宽带梳状谱干扰的时频域特征,使用自适应小波包分解对干扰信号进行定位,然后对小波包系数进行 加权处理,重构出干扰抑制后的 信号,实现干扰抑制。

  • In addition MION increased the T ( 1 ) - weighted signal intensity in all tissues .

    另外,单晶氧化铁纳米颗粒导致了所有组织T(1) 加权 信号强度的加强。

  • Principle and application of Diffusion Weighted Whole Body Imaging with Background Body Signal Suppression

    背景 信号抑制全身扩散 加权成像技术的原理及应用

  • Performance analysis of weighted non-coherent receiver for UWB-PPM signal in multipath channels

    针对UWB-PPM多径 信号 加权非相干接收机性能分析

  • In the traditional deadbeat control method the sinusoidal signal serves as the voltage reference while in the novel control method the weighted average of the sinusoidal reference signal and the current output voltage signal is chosen as the target value of the next sampling instant .

    该方案与传统无差拍控制的区别是,不是将正弦信号作为参考电压,而是采用当前的输出电压和 正弦 信号 加权平均作为下一控制周期的目标量。

  • The results of a rate of 3.2 bit / pel and a weighted signal to quantizing noise ratio of 52.52 dB have been obtained by computer simulation .

    计算机模拟结果,在压缩到3.2bit/pel码率时,在质量上达到 加权 噪比为52.52dB。

  • A Probabilistic Weighted Summation Projection Technique for Multidimensional Signal Detection

    基于概率 加权求和投影的多维 信号检测技术研究

  • The weighted method is an important method of enhancing resolution in digital Signal spectrum analyses .

    在数字 信号谱分析中, 加权处理是提高谱分辨率的重要方法。

  • A weighted algorithm of sparse decomposition is developed for recovery of signal in strong noisy circumstances .

    论文的主要内容如下:1、为了在强噪声背景下提取 信号,根据白噪声在多分辨分析下的性质,提出了一种 加权迭代的稀疏分解法。

  • Purpose : To study the optimal technique of MR diffusion weighted imaging with background body signal suppression ( DWIBS ) on pulmonary diseases according to the comparison of image quality with different parameters .

    目的:通过比较不同扫描参数的图像质量,探讨肺部疾病背景抑制磁共振扩散成像( DWIBS)的最佳扫描技术。

  • Value of MR Diffusion Weighted Imaging with Background Body Signal Suppression in Evaluation of Local Tumor Recurrence after Radical Mastectomy


  • Diffusion - weighted imaging with background signal suppression in brachial plexus

    背景 信号抑制弥散 加权成像在臂丛神经的应用

  • Central value graph method is offered for solving local weighted average of undulated signal of transient process . The method can be either applied to computer data processing or solving local weighted average of undulated signal by graphic method rapidly .

    本文提出了求瞬变过程波动 信号局部 加权平均值的中心值图解法,该法既可用于计算机数据处理,也可用图解方式尽快找出波动信号的局部加权平均值。

  • The short-time Fourier transform of the original audio signal is used to estimate a weighted IMF of the signal .

    本文算法对原始的音频信号进行短时傅立叶变换,从而估计出 信号 加权瞬时平均频率(IMF)。